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Lance Armstrong: ROID MONKEY


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who fucking cares? lance dopes, indurain dopes, jan dopes, they all fucking dope. its still a competition. there's no way to figure out whose doing it and who ain't. until he's busted he ain't doping, and the same goes for every other athlete on the tour.

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Lance is constantly accused of this kind of stuff by LOSERS who can't deal with the fact that through talent, discipline and training, someone can be as good as he is without being doped up. Especially after beating cancer which would have killed most others.


And keep this reality check in mind: Lance Armstrong makes most climbers look like really wussies. Observe:


Most climbers and those who bad-mouth Lance:






Any more questions?.....I didn't think so.

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Frankly, I don't believe any of the allegations against Lance. Why in the hell are humans so suspicious and jealous? Armstrong trains like a madman. He is a SUPERB athlete (could he actually be SpiderMan?). Shit, the climbing community doesn't start crying drug abuse when someone does something amazing, do they?


Sick of hearing them accuse him of the drugs. . .

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If you look back at Armstrong career he has been a monster from the beginning, Junior World Champion, USPro Champion, World Champion, TdF stage winner, then he gets cancer and comes back to win 5 TdFs in a row. Is this some sort of suprise? He does it because he is more prepared than guys like Ulrich who are too busy dropping E during the winter, and he has one of the best team there is. They aren't questioning Tyler Hamilton, who in my opinion is almost as good, and who gets tested just as frequently as Lance does. They think it is amazing that Lance can win the tour but don't question Tyler's third place with a broken collar bone? How about Damiano Cunego who blew up the Giro this year, that kid was fucking unstoppable, he's got to be on something, but they aren't questioning him? Or how bout Petacchi, who destroys everyone at the end and won like 8 stages of the Giro and like 20 in the grand tours last year, he's pushing a 54x11 at 110 rpms at 1600 watts or something rediculous like that to go 45 mph but nobody finds that odd.

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Steroids do help endurance athletes, both by building muscle and by accelerating recovery from strenuous workouts. Erythropoietin (EPO) stimulates the production of red blood cells, improving your oxygen carrying capacity and therefore the efficiency of your cardiopulmonary system.


I hope the allegations about Lance are false. From what I have read, there doesn't seem to be too much of a smoking gun. The least believable charge was that Lance asked for makeup to cover up needle marks. He's got to have a million nicks and cuts from riding and other training, so why would a needle mark be particularly noticable and need to be covered up?

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until there is evidence, his record stands although reporters should keep digging. in the meantimes, let's try not to make a scapegoat out of him. we should not have any illusions about pro-cycling (pro-sports in general) but let's put it in the proper context. lance is amazing!

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