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But what does it mean?


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And give a pink slip to the dark side of her toothpick.Now and then, cloud formation near sell to bonbon inside.Sometimes minivan around wedding dress goes to sleep, but haunch from prime minister always a change of heart about roller coaster around!toward crank case is miserly.corporation living with cloud formation a big fan of submarine toward espadrille, or eggplant toward make love to looking glass related to bartender.

hematite cavilling sunrise agenda invalidate




What is the future of spam? What was this message trying to convery? I feel ready to purchase something, but I need to know what that something is.

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Art is going to sleep for a new world to be born

"ART"-parrot word-replaced by DADA,

PLESIOSAURUS, or handkerchief


The talent THAT CAN BE LEARNED makes the

poet a druggist TODAY the criticism

of balances no longer challenges with resemblances


Hypertrophic painters hyperaes-

theticized and hypnotized by the hyacinths

of the hypocritical-looking muezzins





Hypodrome of immortal guarantees: there is

no such thing as importance there is no transparence

or appearance



BLIND MEN take the stage


THE SYRINGE is only for my understanding. I write because it is

natural exactly the way I piss the way I'm sick




Art is a PRETENSION warmed by the

TIMIDITY of the urinary basin, the hysteria born



We are in search of

the force that is direct pure sober

UNIQUE we are in search of NOTHING

we affirm the VITALITY of every IN-



the anti-philosophy of spontaneous acrobatics


At this moment I hate the man who whispers

before the intermission-eau de cologne-

sour theatre. THE JOYOUS WIND


If each man says the opposite it is because he is



Get ready for the action of the geyser of our blood

-submarine formation of transchromatic aero-

planes, cellular metals numbered in

the flight of images


above the rules of the

and its control




It is not for the sawed-off imps

who still worship their navel

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i've noticed that having random words or scentences in spam emails is a new technique used by spammers to slip by spam protection software. most filters use keywors, or heuristics to 'score' emails on a spam scale so to speak. with random big words and scentences imbedded in spam, those fahkin tools get their warez by the filtering software.


if you are a user of m$ outlook, i've found that spambayes is a great plug in for fighting the spam problem.

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We're in the midst of a knock down drag out arms race between the spammers and those who write antispam code. It is interesting to watch.


Meanwhile, antispam legislation could put an end to it, but spammers are well represented by their Republican congressmen, so don't get your hopes up.

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  • 2 months later...

and today's tasty spambot catchphrase is:



homeomorphic,the general agitation,homeomorphic,the general agitation,homeomorphic,the general agitation.homeomorphic,the general agitation,homeomorphic,the general agitation.





This one is kinda like those magnetic letters you put on the refrigerator to make strange phrases:


migrant cameramen police tape addendum. descriptive dirichlet huzzah corcoran miriam mach rep.

osmium ta baffin fledgling, clement borderline commonweal contradistinguish agenda absolution.

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