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This is almost like Sex Ed for Distel and the other pebble wrastlin' young uns on the board.


Have you ever wondered where your favourite boulders come from?


EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM was once part of a cliff or larger rock. Yes, strange but true!


I have been lucky enough to observe the process of boulder birth. I will post some pictures when I get home this afternoon.


It raises the question - do you have to wait until the boulder falls off the cliff to do the FA of a boulder problem, or can you cheat and climb it while it is still attached to the wall confused.giflaugh.gifhahaha.gif

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"At half-past two o'clock of a moonlit morning in March, I was awakened by a tremendous earthquake.... I feared that the sheer-fronted Sentinel Rock, towering above my cabin, would be shaken down.... The Eagle Rock on the south wall, about half a mile up the Valley, gave way and I saw it falling in thousands of the great boulders I had so long been studying.... After the ground began to calm I ran across the meadow to the river to see in what direction it was flowing and was glad to find that down the valley was still down. "


-John Muir, March 22, 1872


This story is included in "The Wild Muir" which is a nice collection of some of Muir's adventure naratives.


It's all angles man...


Someone should take all a big crane up to Leavenworth and flip all the boulders upside down... entirely new lines to be had ... all new FAs!


According to my Josh Guide the boulders were formed in the earth and desert eroded away from them - surely some of those formations small enough to be boulders are the tops of these cliffs, not yet fallen.


mmmmm boulders.........I went bouldering today, went to the Bellingham PPP (private property project), pics to come in a couple of days. contender for best line in Bham, but until those are up........









It raises the question - do you have to wait until the boulder falls off the cliff to do the FA of a boulder problem, or can you cheat and climb it while it is still attached to the wall confused.giflaugh.gifhahaha.gif


That would make the route luck of the draw. If your boulder fell off and stopped inverted, do you need to climb the route head down, from top to bottom to "follow"? tongue.gif




here is mama cliff after having given birth




here is her new baby boulder with fine upstream arete and downstream cave. if trying upstream arete might have to use lead weights to hold the bouldering mat down?

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