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Mt. Erie?


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Well let's try this again. I posted a question about Mt. Erie and now it is gone, sort of sucks.


Well can anybody give me a suggestion of what routes to do up there? I want to cruise up there and check it out since I ahve never been up there. Sounds like a nice place from the descriptions I have read so far. Thanks for any info.

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Seriously, the best info to be had for this area is in the Washington Rock book. I did some online searching a couple weeks ago and you should be able to round up some stuff - but I would take up Alpinfoxxy on his offer.


One thing though, it gets SUPER busy up there and there is very little parking if you drive to the top and hike down to some of the climbing areas. The wall at the very top of the mountain, where the look outs are is probably a little on the easy side for you. That wall is used a lot for classes. You will drive I-5 north to Hwy 20 and take a left going to Anacortes, just before you get to Anacortes, you take a left going towards Coupeville and Deception Pass. There has got to be good directions out there.

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From Burlington take Highway 20 west for about 15 minutes. At a light go left, still on Highway 20, towards Deception Pass. After a couple miles go right on Campbell Lake Road. Mt Erie will be to your right. When the road splits at a beat up convience store go right on Heart Lake Road. About 200 yards later park on the right at a small pullout and trail, just past a house.


Follow the trail, looking for signs to the Main Wall. They've fugged this approach up in the last couple years with trail closures and such but eventually you should figure it out.


Your looking for a route called Zig-Zag on Snag Buttress. The obvious silver snag halfway up the cliff should help you find it.


Start in a right facing corner (5.6)then over a bulge to chain anchors. Easy slab leads up right to the snag. Head straight up towards a short right facing corner/roof thing to a big ledge.


Walk right on the "tree limb of death" then follow a very nice, very exposed crack system to the top. Can be done in 2-4 pitches. Preferrably top out just before sunset.

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DOOD! are you ignoring me or sumfin?






***You are ignoring this guidebook offer***


***I am not ignoring your guide book offer***


Oh my Gawd settle down....my timer went off and I had to run back to the lab. Y'know sum of us here have to werk for a livin'. That would be great if you could leave your copy of Washington Climbing with your roomies or the mailbox, I'll swing by after work today.

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DOOD! are you ignoring me or sumfin?






***You are ignoring this guidebook offer***


***I am not ignoring your guide book offer***


Oh my Gawd settle down....my timer went off and I had to run back to the lab. Y'know sum of us here have to werk for a livin'. That would be great if you could leave your copy of Washington Climbing with your roomies or the mailbox, I'll swing by after work today.



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What do you want to climb? It's all gonna be sporty slab climbing... or super easy trad. My suggestions are:


.9-easy10 sport circuit.. start at Powerline Wall climb the two 9+ sport routes (some say 10a&b). Then take the moderately adventurous trail down (skiers left of Powerline wall/directly beneath the powerlines) to the Cirque. at the cirque climb the short 10a/b sport route on the right side, coincidentally the only sport route in the cirque. then either tr or lead the route that begins trad (9+/10?) and meets up with the upper 3rd of the sport route. after dispatching the two routes in the cirque follow the trail further down hill to the orange wall. there are four routes there between 9+ and 10b as well as one that goes at 11c that is really a v- to a v4 boulder problem...fun nevertheless.


If you're looking for hard 10 to 11+ park at the base and hike to Snag Buttress. There are something like 8 or 10 routes there. If you climb at that level there should be more than enough to give you a good day's workout.

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***I am not ignoring your guide book offer***


Oh my Gawd settle down....my timer went off and I had to run back to the lab. Y'know sum of us here have to werk for a livin'. That would be great if you could leave your copy of Washington Climbing with your roomies or the mailbox, I'll swing by after work today.




OK. Mailbox it is.




You haven't gotten me a job yet! madgo_ron.gif

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ken4ord, I was the guy who removed the thread prematurely, sorry about that. I had read it and thought you had your question answered, but missed where you asked for route recomendations, so just ditched it.



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FYI? It is a federal offense to leave anything besides US Postal Service mail inside your mailbox




Did you hear what MisterTool said Alpinfox, I don't know if I want to be involved in anything illegal.


Hey Thanks Alex, honest mistake made.


Any other favorite routes out there from any of you?


Hey T, thanks for the links.

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Hey Thanks, dberdinka and Eerie, both of your suggestions sound good. I am siked on checking it out, I always love getting out to a new area and I have always heard it is pretty busy there, so hopefully tomorrow we will have the crag all to ourselves.


Still open to hear about other people favorites so I can at least check them out for the future.

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one of my favs is also one that is rarely visited...(and i've climbed at erie alot)... would be orange wall or shady hollow...and by the way there is a new mt erie guide book that came out last summer that you should try to look into getting...the old one sucks and is outdated and the ratings are bunk...but yeah...check out those two spots...there are 9's 10's and 11's there (11's are at orange wall i believe) hope this helps!

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oops...just in case you didn't figure it out...that's two completely different climbing spots...shady hollow can be accessed much easier from the base and walk up and orange wall is usually better approached from the top but can be reached from the bottom!

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...and by the way there is a new mt erie guide book that came out last summer that you should try to look into getting...the old one sucks and is outdated and the ratings are bunk...

Is it actually out? Leejams and I were up there in late Feb, and the lady at the Erie Grocery said it wasn't out yet, and that once it came out, Dallas K. was going to put up a display of antique climbing gear in the store.

So, stop by the Grocery there and if the new one is out, she'll have it there.

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FYI? It is a federal offense to leave anything besides US Postal Service mail inside your mailbox




Did you hear what MisterTool said Alpinfox, I don't know if I want to be involved in anything illegal.


Hell, I don't care - just trying to keep ya from a big ticket from an irate postal worker!



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That Erie guide almost made it out. I talked with Dallas a little bit ago. He had it printed and than at the binding they somehow managed to destroy all copies. He has searched out a new printer and bindery. The new hopefull date is this July. For now he has some stuff about routes on his web page


MT Erie


Hope it gets out this summer

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