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Nominations for the Snaffies


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Best Political Thread: "Congressional Debates" That was a good one; nice and measured debates. Necro only got out of line once or twice. MtnGoat didn't post too many long-ass diatribes.


Hey, thanks for the compliment, Greg. I believe I started that thread. cool.gif


I have to agree with the others, Snug, great thread idea. Got to put my thinkin' cap on and come up with a few nominees.


Then hopefully we gedda vote!

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The only nomination for Lifetime Achievement is Dru. Certainly he wins for post count, but is that all there is to aspire to? When I think about it I realize it is really hard. I mean it's like trying to ask a kid to choose his favorite rubber bathtub toy. I would have to nominate trask, because he is also deserving. On the other hand, trask is also a good candidate for Most Annoying.

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My nominations for The Snaffies:


snaf.gifBest Avatar: DFA

snaf.gifBest Thread: Muir On Saturday

snaf.gifMost Annoying thread: Nodder

snaf.gifBest Trip Report: Teddy Ruxpin

snaf.gifBest Mountie thread: All Of 'Em

snaf.gifBest WTF thread: Nodder

snaf.gifBest Political thread

snaf.gifBest Bolting thread

snaf.gifBest Troll: Renton Granite

snaf.gifBest Photoshopped Image: Distel HC

snaf.gifBest Comeback (from the banned): GK/Bob

snaf.gifLifetime Achievement Award: (In Absentia) Trask

snaf.gifBest Picture: Gollum On Lead hahaha.gif

snaf.gifBest Mountie Picture: "The Coach" Mountie Picture that was staged. yellaf.gifthumbs_up.gif

Edited by MisterE
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Best thread : Dan - Speed thread (original 30 page one)

Best avatar: sktechfest

Best picture: Snowpatch Spire (either of the two)

Most Annoying: Nodder

Lifetime achievments: Jon+Timmy

Best TR: The recent winter ascent and ski of Mt. Buckner rockband.gif

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Best Avatar image



Best Photoshop job (and former avatar image) has got to be Thinker's mug before he got plastic surgery:



I'm with you, snugtop, on the most annoying thread nomination. Although, if it is so annoying, how come I see you post into it? Hmmm?


i'm with you, klenke, on all three, thumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gifand also on that last point you made. if people dislike that thread so much, they should shut up about it already and mebbe it'll stop already. yellowsleep.gif

kinda like people who call into radio shock jocks or write in to columnists saying how much they dislike or even hate them... all that does is increase their ratings! rolleyes.gif

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