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Orbit topo????


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Originally posted by Charlie:

Does anyone have a topo for Orbit that they could post on here or email me? Chuck? Of the 3 guidebooks I have covering this climb, the page is missing in all of them. Thanks

In the long run, butt-wipe is cheaper than guidebook pages.

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Orbit is one of those climbs that's pretty cool to figure out yourself.


But just in case you got a schedule to keep, below is the way:











Head over South of Outer Space. Climb up to the big tree with a dead top shaped like an "S". Climb up the big LFC (one move chimney here) until you reach a left trending ramp. Take the left trending ramp left. Go up the cool finger crack then exit left when it gets hard. Climb up to a smooth slab in verylarge RFC. Slab has a big bolt right in the middle (actually two, as some do gooder upgraded an old bolt but did not remove the old.) Climb up the slab, exit right, go up up up the path of least resistance. Pass a few veryold bolts. Get to a ledge to the left of a dihedral with a giant block that wobbles but probably isn't going anywhere unless you're really stupid. Up the dihdral, exit right, then up chickenheads and such to an alcove to the left of a ramp through a roof. Go up the ramp then climb up easy but runout chickenheads. Stick to the left of the crest. Gear to 3".

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Hey Charlie,

I left a braille version of the topo up at the base of Snow Creek Wall for you. You can start reading/feeling the topo right at the base of the big tree with a dead top that is shaped like an "S".

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Originally posted by chucK:

Hey Charlie,

I left a braille version of the topo up at the base of Snow Creek Wall for you. You can start reading/feeling the topo right at the base of the big tree with a dead top that is shaped like an "S".

[big Grin]

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Originally posted by David Parker:


Originally posted by Charlie:

So, no topo???

Topo's are for sport climbs. Don't you want ANY sort of adventure? Find the tree and figure it out yourself. The rest of us did!!

Chill out. I was joking about the "so, no topo" thing because I wasn't expecting such detailed beta from chuck. You don't use a topo when you do a climb for the first time, when you have no idea where it even starts? I wanted a topo because I was doing both routes in a day with a late start and didn't want any complications. No "nice work, man" only blah blah blah...I am better than you because I didn't use a topo...blah blah blah. What were you doing yesterday? I know what I was doing.
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Thanks for the info! Chuck, your beta was very accurate ('cept the wobbley rock is gone- I guess somebody was really stupid)- I found the braille topo you left for me. We climbed outerspace AND orbit yesterday, that descent is so fun I thought I'd do it twice in one day! We ended up having to do outerspace in the rain.

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