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What's it gonna take?


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Okay, so far:


Better venues

more slide shows

outdoor ropeup type things

Outdoor venues

All age pizza things


So how about we arrange the PC's so we can one of each or something like that each month. i.e. week 1 slideshow, week 2 all ages, etc... with an outdoor BBQ or rope up thrown in randomly.


This way it does not seem so much like we are just doin' the same thing every week.



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More organized events would be great, but I think we only need maybe one slide show a quarter. Attendance at Pub Club's does come and go in waves. Sometimes we have 20 people each week for a month, then only a handful of 5-6 regulars. Nothing really wrong with that. We were regularly having good attendance last year when we decided the venue for the next week before everyone left and then announcing it rather than having a big debate online. It's a waste of time to have to monitor and sift through a couple pages of posts to figure out where to show up, or wonder if the place got changed at the last minute... Maybe we should go back to that and see if it helps people plan.


Unless there's some reason that people don't feel comfortable coming that is behind the low attendance this week, I don't think we need to change much. Dustin, you should show up and have a beer. Fairweather came to one down in T-town a few months back and had a good time.

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I have never been too keen on venue being decided AT the PC the week before. This is an online community, and the community should get a say in where it's gonna be, even if they were not able to make it the week before (like maybe they had a kids soccer game to attend or something)

Perhaps the happy medium would be for the week before group to come up with 3 or 4 ideas for places and then make a poll. that way everyone feels like they have a little bit of a say in the matter. Empower the peeps.


I think that we do scare some people off. And I don't believe that "well, too bad, we don't want them there anyway" is a good answer. I'm not saying it should be a family affair, or a mountaineers sized gathering. I do think it would be fun to have some new faces around, and/or some of the old faces back. Zeeks for the underagers now and then was a nice break from the usual barscene. One slide show a quarter is a nice number to shoot for.

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I think most people don't care that much exactly where it's gonna be, so I don't think we're really taking much away from the "peeps" with the "decide the week before" deal. That way people know where it's gonna be and can plan. If there's a place you really like, you can always post about it in a thread to get people who actually attend to discuss it.

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I think that we do scare some people off. And I don't believe that "well, too bad, we don't want them there anyway" is a good answer. I'm not saying it should be a family affair, or a mountaineers sized gathering. I do think it would be fun to have some new faces around, and/or some of the old faces back. Zeeks for the underagers now and then was a nice break from the usual barscene. One slide show a quarter is a nice number to shoot for.


I wouldn't say I got "scared" off - but the messages and responses I got when I asked about pub club or the venues certainly weren't much of an incentive to put myself in the same "scene" in person.


The real deal is Tuesday nights I am usually climbing - I have made the effort to meet up at PC when it's close to one of the gyms.


If there is ever a PC on a weekend, or after a climbing event - there's a better chance I will show.



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The real deal is Tuesday nights I am usually climbing - I have made the effort to meet up at PC when it's close to one of the gyms.


If there is ever a PC on a weekend, or after a climbing event - there's a better chance I will show.




Hey HEY now, let's not be confusing "climbing" with " going to the gym". Two different things. If you'd rather go to the gym than go to Pub Club, that's fine, but going to any gym is not climbing.


As far as Tuesdays versus the weekend, on the weekend anyone with a regular job is outside. If PC were on a weekend, you could count on a lot of folks being busy being outside. Tuesday works. If you need to go to the gym on another night in order to go to Pub Club, then so be it. The plastic will still be there.


That said, work's really busy right now, and for me, what would work is to have Pub Club's location decided by say, the end of Monday, would work great. I don't much care for having last week's crowd decide, but in any case, let's shoot for deciding on location.


As far as the PMs, before I went to my first PC, I PMed with To The Top and Icegirl, and neither one of them turned out to be major weirdos.


Well maybe minor weirdos, but then who's counting? cool.gif

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Okay, so far:


Better venues

more slide shows

outdoor ropeup type things

Outdoor venues

All age pizza things


So how about we arrange the PC's so we can one of each or something like that each month. i.e. week 1 slideshow, week 2 all ages, etc... with an outdoor BBQ or rope up thrown in randomly.


This way it does not seem so much like we are just doin' the same thing every week.




I like these ideas. I think I'd be more keen to show if slides were going to be shown on occasion, like at Shultzy's a few months back. The BBQ's were a success, I think. The same ol', same ol' gets a little stale; mixing it up would be nice.



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Hey HEY now, let's not be confusing "climbing" with " going to the gym". Two different things. If you'd rather go to the gym than go to Pub Club, that's fine, but going to any gym is not climbing.


As far as Tuesdays versus the weekend, on the weekend anyone with a regular job is outside. If PC were on a weekend, you could count on a lot of folks being busy being outside. Tuesday works. If you need to go to the gym on another night in order to go to Pub Club, then so be it. The plastic will still be there.


That said, work's really busy right now, and for me, what would work is to have Pub Club's location decided by say, the end of Monday, would work great. I don't much care for having last week's crowd decide, but in any case, let's shoot for deciding on location.


As far as the PMs, before I went to my first PC, I PMed with To The Top and Icegirl, and neither one of them turned out to be major weirdos.


Well maybe minor weirdos, but then who's counting? cool.gif


Geesh Marylou - exactly the warm and fuzzy responses that make my incentive to show at pubclub - well, there really isn't much of an incentive.


BUT true - I would MUCH rather be climbing outside, and I look at hitting the gym during the week (because why yes, I do have a job) as training so I can get outside and go on longer trips. Like 8 days in Potrero over New Year's and Red Rocks next month. I don't know anyone who prefers plastic to real rocks . . .


Quite a few people from this site know that I show at climbing events, or when plans are for, ahem, "real" climbing . . . still . . . I stand by my comments, and in a lot of ways your message supported them.


But Minx - I will be at SG tonight - so I will see you there!



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glad you'll be there! i won't be there til late. 7:30ish.


hey when are you going to RR? i'm going either the week of 3/10 or 3/24?


these guys would be a lot warmer and fuzzier if they new they were missing out on a cute red head wave.gif

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