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What do we climb for?


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Thank you erik!!! I realy enjoyed that. I climb because I love it. I enjoy the freedom, and the simple act of taking my life in my hands. I enjoy the company, the wilderness. Not to sound cheesey, but I am... Being in touch with the mother. I took my sister-in-law to smith for the first time last year and on the hike out, I was struck, "what better place is there to worship" be it god or what ever you choose to believe.


I believe that climbing improves all aspects of our lives. Unfortunatly, this only works if you have some kind of spiritual connection with the earth. If that is what you seek. If all you want is to bag the peek, or tick the climb off your list, I feel you are missing the most important part of the experience. That being connectedness. I will never be world class, I will never climb everest or K2. I don't have the physical endurance/capsity to do those things in a way that I would feel proud of.


I felt the most important thing Yovone said was about personal responsability.... That applies to all things, all asspects of who we are. Live, climb, BE how you believe.

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we climb so we can spray about it online. or we dont climb and still spray. ok we spray. pure and simple. climbing is totally an excuse. trask has gone the furthest his spray is unfettered by a need to have climbing relevancy.


[Moon][Embarrassed][big Grin][Roll Eyes][Wazzup][big Drink][hell no][chubit]

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