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GWB is alright with me...


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so you should be all over Kerry, right? Since's he'd wealthy obviously he is most successful,talented and qualified to lead your nation. Especially since Sam Walton aint running rolleyes.gif


That is how the Italians do it. The richest man in the country is their president and he has been arrested 8 times in 8 years (quite the record). Each time he is arrested he changes the law retroactively. Oh yeah and he owns the vast majority of the nation' newspapers. wave.gif

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so you should be all over Kerry, right? Since's he'd wealthy obviously he is most successful,talented and qualified to lead your nation. Especially since Sam Walton aint running rolleyes.gif


That is how the Italians do it. The richest man in the country is their president and he has been arrested 8 times in 8 years (quite the record). Each time he is arrested he changes the law retroactively. Oh yeah and he owns the vast majority of the nation' newspapers. wave.gif



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This is patently incorrect. Having attended Harvard Business School at the same time as the President, graduating from the two-year program a year after he did, and then serving on its faculty after a year’s interval spent writing a PhD thesis, I am intimately familiar with the rigors of the program at the time, and the miniscule degree of slack cut for even the most well-connected students, when their performance did not make the grade.


There is simply no way on earth that the son of the then-Ambassador to China, or anyone else, could have coasted through Harvard Business School with a “gentleman’s C.” I never, ever heard of a case of an incompetent student being allowed to graduate, simply because a certain family was prominent. On the contrary, I did hear stories of well-born students having to leave prior to graduation. The academic standards were a point of considerable pride.


So even if he got in on his family, which you seem to think is a done deal without any back up, this gentelman's statements (as a student there at the time and then later as faculty) make it clear that no one can just coast through the program.


And what do GWB's grades (or anyone's for that matter) have to do with anything? If you graduate, you graduate. When is the last time you asked your doctor what grade he/she got in gross anatomy? Ever hear of anyone asking thier lawyer what grade they got in first year torts?


Remember, Clinton failed to complete the Rhodes Scholarship program he was in. Also, I recall that Colin Powell graduated from undergrad with less than a 3.0. In fact if my memory serves me correctly, his average was something like 2.6. (Admittedly, its been years).


And what's witht he frat boy hatred? I was never in one nor did I want to be. I had friends that were, including one that was the son of a retired cop, hardly blueblood. Further many other presidents and politicians, both left and right, have been in Frats.


Others, both left and right, have taken advantage of thier positions. All Gore was at first able to avoid service in Vietnam becuase his father was still the Senotor from Tennesse. However after lossing an election in which he panned the war in Vietnam and the Pentagon, he lost his seat, the privilege that goes along with it, and off to Nam went Al. However, his last few connections kept Al out of harms way as a reporter for the military press. Can't say I blame dad for doing that.


Are you kidding or just naive?


Yep, I'm naive. blush.gif


I usually stay out of the partisan politcal spray, because I'm not very partisan. Again, I'm not supporting GWB. That said his opponents would be best served by shedding thier belief that he is stupid.



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Uh, his wife is the heiress to the Heinz empire, dude. But I'm sure you knew that being the Portland-living, liberal fucktard that you are. the_finger.gif
damn yoo r smart and bring da smackdown at same time


Yeah, I gots these cassette tapes dat learn me whiles I'm drivin' in my truck.

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