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Has anyone seen the TGR film "High Life" yet? How was it? Was there any footage from the Cascades in it? Any particular highlites that stood out?



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Has anyone seen the TGR film "High Life" yet? How was it? Was there any footage from the Cascades in it? Any particular highlites that stood out?




Just saw a part of it in the Bannf film fest, looks like it will be a good one. I am not a skier still enjoy watching their films, though.


I enjoyed it. Could have used some more badass big mountain skiing and less of that jibbin' and huckin' stuff IMO; that's what sold me on their films to begin with. Cascade stuff, don't recall other than some T-Line summer park footage.


It was o.k. not some of their best stuff though. Hottie in there skiing some big mountain stuff that was pretty schweet, but too much twin tips snow park b.s. for me. I'd rather see some sick tele skiers instead of some kid who can't ski anything else except a pipe or a rail rolleyes.gif. But, as always, there were still some sick scenes in it.


I think that you guys don't see the progression of skiing, you don't understand that the people that make these movies don't make them for old guys that can still smash at the mountain or go backcountry skiing all the time. They make them for the 13-25 year olds that haul ass, lift accessed backcountry, kill it in the terrain park and enjoy skiing and the experiences it entails. If you guys want more badass lines and shit, you should check out all of the old shit with Plake and Schmidt. But the new stuff is sweet in its own right. Soul Slide is good, a little slow with the music though, could have used something other than G-Love and special sauce. No one can compare to the alpine skiers today on tele boards, the technique just isn't powerful and explosive enough yet. I tele ski a little, but I don't do it in bounds because a) I'm a pussy and b) I don't think that I can ski as quickly and comfortably. but b relates to a directly so go figure.


P.S. I'm in High life getting off the tram at Jackson hole last year, that day was epic, when we woke up at 5 the report called for 14 on the ground, I was visiting, but my friend was acting like the house was on fire and we were out the door by 5:20, in line by 6 and waited till 6:45 till we saw another person get in line, but it was worth it since the snow was SOOOO deep


Fejas said:

Your a boarder, eh? check out 'Lame'...

Yeah Fejas, I'm a boarder. I get sick of watching rail slide after rail slide on movies. I much prefer the drama of steep lines than a "270 to boardslide to 270 off" type crap. Whether its a skier, tele, or boarder ripping a killer line it doesn't matter. Thats what I prefer to watch if I can't be out riding myself. So the movie Lame whats it all about?


climberchris01.....you're dead on with your analysis of what and who to expect current days movies to be made for. Apparently I'm just too old to appreciate the movies of today. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to live out my own dreams and make movies in my mind.

Fejas said:
Your a boarder, eh? check out 'Lame'...

Yeah Fejas, I'm a boarder. I get sick of watching rail slide after rail slide on movies. I much prefer the drama of steep lines than a "270 to boardslide to 270 off" type crap. Whether its a skier, tele, or boarder ripping a killer line it doesn't matter. Thats what I prefer to watch if I can't be out riding myself. So the movie Lame whats it all about?


climberchris01.....you're dead on with your analysis of what and who to expect current days movies to be made for. Apparently I'm just too old to appreciate the movies of today. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to live out my own dreams and make movies in my mind.


Know what you mean.... Uh, there is rails, but most are huge, and some pretty inventive jibs.... not very much big mountain, but there is a lot of backcountry kickers... If you think your to old for the movies of today, you probabley wont like it... I liked it! But I'm into loud music, big air, and inventive tricks...


I don't know. I couldn't find anything. But if you guys havn't seen 'Some thing about McConkey' you gotta chent it out...OMFG it's awsome! I just got it and have watched it like six time already...

No one can compare to the alpine skiers today on tele boards, the technique just isn't powerful and explosive enough yet. I tele ski a little, but I don't do it in bounds because a) I'm a pussy and b) I don't think that I can ski as quickly and comfortably. but b relates to a directly so go figure.


that's a bold statement. i bet there a few teleskiers out there who can give just about any alpine skier a run for their money, but anyway ... you don't ski inbounds because you're a wuss? do you mean you suck so bad you can't fathom having people laughing at you from the chairlifts? tongue.gif


i thought high life was a pretty good flick. better than warren's this year anyway. i like to see a little big mountain jibbing. thumbs_up.gif

No one can compare to the alpine skiers today on tele boards, the technique just isn't powerful and explosive enough yet. I tele ski a little, but I don't do it in bounds because a) I'm a pussy and b) I don't think that I can ski as quickly and comfortably. but b relates to a directly so go figure.


that's a bold statement. i bet there a few teleskiers out there who can give just about any alpine skier a run for their money, but anyway ... you don't ski inbounds because you're a wuss? do you mean you suck so bad you can't fathom having people laughing at you from the chairlifts? tongue.gif


i thought high life was a pretty good flick. better than warren's this year anyway. i like to see a little big mountain jibbing. thumbs_up.gif




Like I said you should check out Unparelleled 3.0 soul slide... Tele riders doing double back flips in the backcountry... throughin down mute 360s off table tops... dropin big lines and cliffs...


Miss TLG, check out the Seth Morrison cronicles... you'll dig!


I'm not embarassed inbounds, just don't want to waste my 45 dollars skiing stuff half ass, when i could put on my alpine skis and smash around and be confident and not suffering falling everywhere. All it takes is time and money and people to push me technically.


Funny thing about the jibbers is that I bet that the folks who rip on them don't have the balls to pull a straight-up 360 off of a decent sized jump, let alone the massive twisting flips with switch landings and whatnot that the skiers in these movies pull-off routinely these days.


The notion that someone with the combination of the heuvos and the altheticism necessary to throw down like that in the park couldn't learn to handle making turns back and forth down lines that the likes of the average recreational skier can handle in 1/2 of a run, if they didn't know how to do so already, is one of the more laughable conceits I've ever come across. It's like some dude that tours on a Gold-Wing watching freestyle motorcross riders do backflips with no-hands landings shrugging his shoulders and saying "Yeah- but let's see them handle passing a semi on I-90 with a cross-wind... that's real ridin' for ya - not this candy-ass business with the backflips and whatnot" yellaf.gifyellaf.gifyellaf.gifyellaf.gif

The notion that someone with the combination of the heuvos and the altheticism necessary to throw down like that in the park ........one of the more laughable conceits I've ever come across.

Ah yes. The standard retort. Park riding does take skill & athleticism. It's even fun on occaison. It just doesn't interest me at all. Watching jibbing movies is alot like shortboard surf movies - after awhile, all the cutbacks & floaters look the same. And a 360 off a jump in park with ski patrol standing next to the jump takes ALOT less huevos than, say, a 45 degree slope in the middle of nowhere, with the possibility of a 3000 foot fall.


There are way more people that would be willing to ski a 45 degree slope - I'd say about 5,000 times more - than are willing to step up and commit to the rotation on a 360 off of a decent sized jump, let alone get inverted.


If you are talking about any icy-sustained 45 degree slope of the sort that Hans Saari died on, then I'd say you are correct - but how many backcountry skiers ski that kind of terrain, and how often? Not very many - but there's never any shortage of people who ski moderate BC lines willing to talk shit about the kids pulling manuevers in the parks.


And if we are talking a 3,000 foot line with a brief section of 45 degree snow in carvable conditions with a self-arrest pole in your hands- something you are much more likely to find a recreational BC skier on - then the 360 is the clear winner in the "Quien Es Mas Macho" contest.


Perhaps I'm biased. I inflicted enough pain on myself in the park to scare me away from doing much of anything but the occaisional straight-ahead air in the parks these days, but actually doing (emphasis here) the odd 360 on the smaller jumps and triple combos of weak old-school manuevers on the big table-tops in Blackcomb's park back in the day made me respect the risk involved in the tricks these kids are doing in a big way. Average Joe tries anything close to what these guys are doing and go anywhere as big and average Joe is airlifted to the ICU, at best. Guaranteed outcome.


you're not understanding that these movies are not marketed to you, they are marketed to people interested in it, if you don't like it don't watch it, go watch warren miller. Or better yet make your own movie since you just want to see ski mountaineering. I agree sometimes I get tired of all the jib flicks and I do get really excited at watching seth morrison ski some narly ass shit in alaska, but the balance of jibbing is very cool and when candide goes 140 feet in the park 40 feet above the table and drops the d-spin 900 you can't help but be amazed. Personally I think urban jibbing is stupid and a waste of time and was invented for people on the east coast where it snows more in town than on the mountain. But I keep my mouth shut because that's what a lot of kids are doing and it's part of the progression of skiing. I thought that MSP's Focused was a much better movie however, check it out for a different pace maybe.

Funny thing about the jibbers is that I bet that the folks who rip on them don't have the balls to pull a straight-up 360 off of a decent sized jump, let alone the massive twisting flips with switch landings and whatnot that the skiers in these movies pull-off routinely these days.


The notion that someone with the combination of the heuvos and the altheticism necessary to throw down like that in the park couldn't learn to handle making turns back and forth down lines that the likes of the average recreational skier can handle in 1/2 of a run, if they didn't know how to do so already, is one of the more laughable conceits I've ever come across. It's like some dude that tours on a Gold-Wing watching freestyle motorcross riders do backflips with no-hands landings shrugging his shoulders and saying "Yeah- but let's see them handle passing a semi on I-90 with a cross-wind... that's real ridin' for ya - not this candy-ass business with the backflips and whatnot" yellaf.gifyellaf.gifyellaf.gifyellaf.gif




I like short passes!


No shit man... I threw down a 3 off a powder covered stump that threw me 10 or so feet in the air and into a 8in deep landing pad three times today before I finally landed it! Hit rails, a cliff, worked on switch landings, and kick the shit out of my own ass today!!!


Try I-84 in the grodge during the same conditions, in construction no dowt! Ok not on a bike, but still hairy!

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