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The Troops got the bastard


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It certainly is surprising at first glance. Maybe in that part of the world it's the norm to act like a blowhard publicly but humble pesonally (lots round here fit that description). Maybe he was living like the poorest of the poor only to rise like a phoenix to his former glory with some popular support.


Whatevah. The can stick him on a balcony yelling "Stella!!!" if it'll diminish the morale of the fuckers attacking our troops, and bring our folks home.

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Guys,guys!!!!!Mary Lou has a right to her opinions and a right to express them,regardless of what they may be.That right is an absolutely essential part of what our nation is all about,and I heard it said by a recently retired general on the news this morning ,that he thought there was not a single soldier on duty right now in Iraq or Afghanistan who doesn't consider the right to freedom of speech,and the other freedoms granted in the Bill of Rights, to be a basic reason that they're over there doing what they're doing, for many of them a very important reason as to why they are even IN the military.

And likewise,you guys,Griz,Trask,etc.,have that same right-to say what you want to say,however you want to say it.But it's worth considering that when that verges on just trying bash someone down in anger,intolerance,invective, and hatred,we begin to lose sight of the fact that the country works best when we honor each other as fellow citizens and fellow countrymen,and that the idea and vision of what America is,is still a work in progress,and that work and vision will keep us vital and strong and free only so long as it continues to grow in respect and tolerance for the freedom to dissent and to think critically.Dissent is critical to the maintenance of freedom;without it,tyrants such as Saddam have free reign.People like Saddam come to power when no has the guts to say,"Wait a minute,I don't know if I like what I see going on here",or even just "WHAT'S going on here?".Dissent is,if anything,MORE patriotic than continual and uncritical,unthinking acceptance and parroting of the majority line of thought,because it is an effort on the part of true patriots to help the ship of state correct its course and avoid the rocks and shoals of blind obedience or uncaring laziness and cynicism,greed for power,and corruption that all governments,nations and people are subject to.The next time you feel your anger rise in your chest and feel like smashing someone you disagree with,try(try) to remember Edmund Burke,one of the framers of the Constitution,who said,"I may disagree with what you say; but I will defend to the death your right to say it." We are all in this together,living in the midst of a huge,messy,imperfect,corrupt,hopelessly fucked up and yet at the same time,wonderful,amazing,beautiful and immensely successful and miraculous social experiment which has given and created more freedom ,diversity,and outrageous opportunity to more people than any other country in the history of the world.It's a great and roaring river,man; carrying us all along on a deep and thundering tide of energy and thought and spirit for one hell of a ride.Try to tie that down with the fear and rigidity of anger and hatred and you just muddy the flow; even the rocks eventually get worn away, because the river knows how to use the very stones to grind them down.

In India,the common greeting is "Shanti",which simply means,"I salute the light within you." It's a recognition of the fact that,regardless of belief or language or race,we're all of the same dust,that we're all here by the grace of a Power or powers beyond us,and that to live and survive takes will,strength and spirit,and that that effort and love and committment is worthy of respect,no matter how poorly or imperfectly it may be accomplished.

Quite a few years ago,I was a working cowboy on a sizeable cow outfit near Jordan,Montana.We all had about 10 horses in our personal string,and I had one big old ex-rodeo bucking horse named Hippo.They called him that because he was big(1400 lbs.plus),gray,and a yawner.He also was known to bawl like a grizzly bear when he bucked;when I arrived on the outfit and he was turned into my string,all the other guys told me me to watch him like a hawk or he'd be sure to buck my ass clear to Calgary and paw the moon down doing it.In the eight months I worked there,I never had so much as a crow hop out of Hippo;we got along fine.My last day on the outfit dawned clear,bright and very crisp and cold,the first hard frost of the season.We saddled up in the dawn light,with the steam pouring out of the horses' nostrils and the frost glinting on the ground.Weather like this will make cowhorses frisky,and we had a few little bucking horse shows as everyone got the kinks busted out;my mount for the day just happened to be Hippo.As I cinched him up,I thought for sure he'd be humping up and ready to do some cloudwalking,but he never gave a rustle.Until I hit the saddle,that is.No sooner had I gathered the reins and gained the off stirrup,when Hippo bogged his head with a savage jerk to one side,let out a bellow like a grizzly and cougar combined and launched us into the sky.I took a deep seat,held on to my hat and got ready for all hell on the hurricane deck as Hippo reached the crest of his giant arc,swept his massive front hooves along the sides of his head trying to paw off the entire headstall,and played a tune on my spurs with his hind feet,trying to kick my feet out of the stirrups.And now the ground,frozen hard as iron,was coming up fast,and I got set for the jarring,driving shock that would crunch my spine double and chip my teeth as I cracked my chin on the saddlehorn when Hippo came down with all four feet in a spot about the size of a dinner plate and launched off again....except that he didn't.Because Hippo,damn his sarcastic soul,landed like a ballerina's creampuff dream,threw his head up at just the right angle to watch a cow,and lit into a high reaching mile-eating trot that brought me up right beside the cowboss and the segundo.We were all laughing like hell and you could see old Hippo was mighty pleased with himself;and the cowboss looked over at me with a big grin on his face and said,"It's a great life,ain't it,cowboy?".

It takes all kinds,boys; relax; enjoy the ride; don't forget to laugh---and let 'er buck!





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Mtguide said:

Guys,guys!!!!!Mary Lou has a right to her opinions and a right to express them,regardless of what they may be.That right is an absolutely essential part of what our nation is all about,and I heard it said by a recently retired general on the news this morning ,that he thought there was not a single soldier on duty right now in Iraq or Afghanistan who doesn't consider the right to freedom of speech,and the other freedoms granted in the Bill of Rights, to be a basic reason that they're over there doing what they're doing, for many of them a very important reason as to why they are even IN the military.

And likewise,you guys,Griz,Trask,etc.,have that same right-to say what you want to say,however you want to say it.But it's worth considering that when that verges on just trying bash someone down in anger,intolerance,invective, and hatred,we begin to lose sight of the fact that the country works best when we honor each other as fellow citizens and fellow countrymen,and that the idea and vision of what America is,is still a work in progress,and that work and vision will keep us vital and strong and free only so long as it continues to grow in respect and tolerance for the freedom to dissent and to think critically.Dissent is critical to the maintenance of freedom;without it,tyrants such as Saddam have free reign.People like Saddam come to power when no has the guts to say,"Wait a minute,I don't know if I like what I see going on here",or even just "WHAT'S going on here?".Dissent is,if anything,MORE patriotic than continual and uncritical,unthinking acceptance and parroting of the majority line of thought,because it is an effort on the part of true patriots to help the ship of state correct its course and avoid the rocks and shoals of blind obedience or uncaring laziness and cynicism,greed for power,and corruption that all governments,nations and people are subject to.The next time you feel your anger rise in your chest and feel like smashing someone you disagree with,try(try) to remember Edmund Burke,one of the framers of the Constitution,who said,"I may disagree with what you say; but I will defend to the death your right to say it." We are all in this together,living in the midst of a huge,messy,imperfect,corrupt,hopelessly fucked up and yet at the same time,wonderful,amazing,beautiful and immensely successful and miraculous social experiment which has given and created more freedom ,diversity,and outrageous opportunity to more people than any other country in the history of the world.It's a great and roaring river,man; carrying us all along on a deep and thundering tide of energy and thought and spirit for one hell of a ride.Try to tie that down with the fear and rigidity of anger and hatred and you just muddy the flow; even the rocks eventually get worn away, because the river knows how to use the very stones to grind them down.

In India,the common greeting is "Shanti",which simply means,"I salute the light within you." It's a recognition of the fact that,regardless of belief or language or race,we're all of the same dust,that we're all here by the grace of a Power or powers beyond us,and that to live and survive takes will,strength and spirit,and that that effort and love and committment is worthy of respect,no matter how poorly or imperfectly it may be accomplished.

Quite a few years ago,I was a working cowboy on a sizeable cow outfit near Jordan,Montana.We all had about 10 horses in our personal string,and I had one big old ex-rodeo bucking horse named Hippo.They called him that because he was big(1400 lbs.plus),gray,and a yawner.He also was known to bawl like a grizzly bear when he bucked;when I arrived on the outfit and he was turned into my string,all the other guys told me me to watch him like a hawk or he'd be sure to buck my ass clear to Calgary and paw the moon down doing it.In the eight months I worked there,I never had so much as a crow hop out of Hippo;we got along fine.My last day on the outfit dawned clear,bright and very crisp and cold,the first hard frost of the season.We saddled up in the dawn light,with the steam pouring out of the horses' nostrils and the frost glinting on the ground.Weather like this will make cowhorses frisky,and we had a few little bucking horse shows as everyone got the kinks busted out;my mount for the day just happened to be Hippo.As I cinched him up,I thought for sure he'd be humping up and ready to do some cloudwalking,but he never gave a rustle.Until I hit the saddle,that is.No sooner had I gathered the reins and gained the off stirrup,when Hippo bogged his head with a savage jerk to one side,let out a bellow like a grizzly and cougar combined and launched us into the sky.I took a deep seat,held on to my hat and got ready for all hell on the hurricane deck as Hippo reached the crest of his giant arc,swept his massive front hooves along the sides of his head trying to paw off the entire headstall,and played a tune on my spurs with his hind feet,trying to kick my feet out of the stirrups.And now the ground,frozen hard as iron,was coming up fast,and I got set for the jarring,driving shock that would crunch my spine double and chip my teeth as I cracked my chin on the saddlehorn when Hippo came down with all four feet in a spot about the size of a dinner plate and launched off again....except that he didn't.Because Hippo,damn his sarcastic soul,landed like a ballerina's creampuff dream,threw his head up at just the right angle to watch a cow,and lit into a high reaching mile-eating trot that brought me up right beside the cowboss and the segundo.We were all laughing like hell and you could see old Hippo was mighty pleased with himself;and the cowboss looked over at me with a big grin on his face and said,"It's a great life,ain't it,cowboy?".

It takes all kinds,boys; relax; enjoy the ride; don't forget to laugh---and let 'er buck!




Mtn Guide, could you send me the cliff note version of that post. A pm is fine. Thanks. What's with the hippo...?i was skimming by that point... wave.gif

Also, I cut this from the general discussion page:


If it's not climbing related this is where you post it. Here you'll find topics on just about anything and once in a while some good intelligent conversation. Be warned this forum is not for the thin skinned. "


MTN Guide and Maryloo...Please read the LAST SENTENCE...


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Thanks for that post MtnGuide.


We are on a slippery slope these days with regard to tolerance of ideas other than the ones we want to hear. It started all the way at the top with the Patriot Act, and it trickles down to an individual level with people getting all over my shit for being skeptical about something that is as made-for-tv as SH's alleged capture.


You may not agree with my point of view, but here in the good old U S of A, I have every right to it. thumbs_up.gif Dissent IS patriotic.


PS. Calm the fuck down, boys. My skepticism is not personal.

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Well that may be true MaryLou, but it is also our right to bitch about your bitching about our bitching about your bitching about our bitching about your bitching about our bitching about your bitching about our bitching...ad nauseum ad infinitum ad extremum.


The truth, the future; who's right, who's wrong: nous verrons ce que nous verrons.

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If you think this through and look at it this way perhaps you will see why everyone else thinks your views on this are out there...


If this proves to be a hoax and a lie to the world straight from the president's mouth to the world then he'll be up in front of congress looking at getting impeached and he sure as hell won't be getting re-elected. It would end him and his administration in a heart beat. This isn't something they could lie about and get away with over the long haul.


Don't think he would cower in bunker? If you had a burgular or someone hunting you in your house and had a hiding place wouldn't you go there? It strikes me as the most likely place for a person to be found... not the least likely, as you say.



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trask said:

frickin snake

fuck you


Blow me, trask, if that was directed at me. I don't believe everything the goverment tells me either but this is a case where I do. Did you buy that crap they dished out about Jessica Lynch fighting to the last bullet? I didn't...sounded like ww II propaganda bs to me from the get go.

Or what... you are going take on the us marines with a six shooter while in a hole?

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