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You guys are wiggin out, its politics. Tell me which one of them don't use shit like that. its part of the game, if you don't like it don't play. All the bitching in the world won't change it. Do you think it was his ideal? Some guy sits around and thinks all this shit up, its the game. Move on to something that counts, like trasks thug post. Why waste time on bullshit like this.

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The fact that the Angry Left has dedicated a significant amount of tortured editorial coverage to this story is the closest thing to a literal cry for help that I have seen from a political movement in my lifetime. If people were just chuckling a bit at this as a minor PR gaffe that would be one thing, but that is not the case. It is astonishing to see people who take themselves and their causes seriously who literally believe that they are somehow advancing the credibility of both when screeching "Sure he flew into hostile territory to spend Thanksgiving with the Troops, but - IT WAS A FAKE TURKEY. Can't you SEE!!!! IT............WAS........A......FAKE......TURKEY!!!!!" in a manner roughly akin to Heston denouncing Soylent Green, then attempting to transform it into some kind of a grand political metaphor. Amazing. All of you salivating over the prospect of a TurkeyGate have no doubt made Karl Rove a happy man indeed.

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Paul_detrick said:

You guys are wiggin out, its politics. Tell me which one of them don't use shit like that. its part of the game, if you don't like it don't play. All the bitching in the world won't change it. Do you think it was his ideal? Some guy sits around and thinks all this shit up, its the game. Move on to something that counts, like trasks thug post. Why waste time on bullshit like this.


I does count. "Just politics" and the game as you call it is bullshit. I think this fake turkey inccident has brought light to that game. And it is saying: Stop playing the game you idiots. Try helping out your country instead. You act like it will never change. Why not? It is sickening to see the exploitation of other people for the betterment of oneself or ones own party. There are too many yellow dogs so to speak and the republican equevilant. Break the chains people. Try voting based on a stance to the issues, not wether right or left, sweety pie or asshole. See these stunts for what they are. Games.


Yeah, George W went over there were it was dangerous and all. I give him credit for that. But, the fact remains(in my opinion), there was still another agenda, which cheapens it if you ask me.



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Dru said:

fake turkey = image over substance


serving fake turkey to GIs while cutting veterans benefits etc = choosing empty photo ops over rewarding those dying to serve their country despite world wide condemnation




Yeah Dru, I understood the analogy that they were trying to extend here, but I still think that their choice of topics was poor enough to have entered the realm of inadvertent self parody. I mean seriously "IT WAS FAKE TURKEY!!!! And it's not JUST the turkey that's fake...." Shrill - yes. Puzzling - yes. Effective - not in the least.


The funniest part about this is that all of this hand-wringing is ostensibly being exercised on behalf of the troops. Yeah - they face death every day as part of their job but their pysches are far too fragile to deal with the psychic blow that eating turkey cooked on a steam table instead of a bird served up by the President has dealt them.


I wonder who is more popular with the troops? The President who served them fake turkey, or the folks who have singled out this momentous issue for their reader's consideration?

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Ths Bush visit to Bagdad, fake turkey or real turkey, was a good move. It was more than an empty gesture. I'm sure it helped morale of a probably quite demoralized US force over there. Though the huge coverage about the excessive amount of secrecy necessary might have helped the opposition (fighters in Iraq, not democrats) too since it demonstrated that they are not insignificant, that the big bad American President is quite scared of them.


The oppositions tactic of pointing out the turkey was fake, is totally transparent to most thinking folk, but 1) it still is a nice sound bit/analogy, "yet another lie" and 2) many voters are NOT thinking folk. Thus this jab works on two levels, so I think screaming about the "fake turkey" is also a good move (if they don't go too overboard on it).

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