RobBob Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 I am acarnivore to the core. I'll kill what I eat, too, and can field dress about any animal.moderate meat eater. Beef, pork, chicken...the occasional venison meal's okay tooguilty meat eater. I enjoy chicken and beef but really don't like to think about where it comes from...vegetarian. I don't like the idea of killing animals and I do like to check out the braless hippy chicks at whole foods (or, I am a hippy chick who likes to check out the wierd guys with tats at whole foods)a PETA member. I think it's outrageous that we are teaching children to abuse fish with a hook and line...or the meanness perpetrated on trees, come to think of it.For you carnivores, what is the most exotic meal you've eaten? Rabbit is wonderful IMO, dove breasts sauteed in wine and butter are delectible. Horse is very good too...I wouldn't have chosen to eat it the first time, but once I tried it I found it delicious. Worst meat I've eaten was muskrat (fairly hungry situation...will starve next time). Quote
EWolfe Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 Buffalo meat is excellent, IMO Ostrich, Snake. Pit roasted pig with game hens stuffed in the stomach cavity was way delish. I had some meats from a market in Japan that I didn't know WTF they were, but I was in an experimenting mood... Bear's a bit gamey... I eat Pu..., nah, I'll let Trask say it. Quote
lummox Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 i like pussy. i dont like fools who fail to complete the poll form properly. Quote
sk Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 Given the option I would rather eat hunted meat. rather than grown meat. Quote
lummox Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 Quote Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said: Given the option I would rather eat hunted meat. why didnt you say that you wanted me to play hard to get? Quote
Fejas Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 carnivore to the core. I'll kill what I eat, too, and can field dress about any animal. Quote
sk Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 Quote lummox said: Quote Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said: Given the option I would rather eat hunted meat. why didnt you say that you wanted me to play hard to get? I like my food to run and my men to chase it Quote
lummox Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 Quote Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said: I like my food to run and my men to chase it this is some kind of code right? if i could just figure out what you mean . . . Quote
sk Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 Quote lummox said: Quote Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said: I like my food to run and my men to chase it this is some kind of code right? if i could just figure out what you mean . . . no code... it is so plain spoken you are missing it. although it maybe miss spelled Quote
Terminal_Gravity Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 Bear Yak Peacock (Yum) A plate full of Grasshoppers (double yum) Infant grey whale washed ashore dead with prop wounds Any sushi made A small live lizard ( I was really really hungry) I even tried a can of Miller once. BTW I was a vegetarian for 10 years, I'm making up for lost time ... I still like hippy chicks Quote
chelle Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 Yak is the most exotic I've eaten. Behind that it's elk or road kill deer. For people who like exotics, you'll have to get out next time we have a pub club at the Kort House. They have many exotic burgers on the menu, aligator, yak, black bear, elk, buffalo, venison, and more... So TG, I'm curious about this lizard story. Care to elaborate? Quote
sk Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 Quote Terminal_Gravity said: Bear Yak Peacock (Yum) A plate full of Grasshoppers (double yum) Infant grey whale washed ashore dead with prop wounds Any sushi made A small live lizard ( I was really really hungry) I even tried a can of Miller once. BTW I was a vegetarian for 10 years, I'm making up for lost time ... I still like hippy chicks I have recently discoverd or rather been introduced to sushi OMG paradise on earth Quote
catbirdseat Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 I sure hope you bear lovers cook your meat well. Quote
RobBob Posted November 25, 2003 Author Posted November 25, 2003 whoops, I just realized that I didn't put in the "poll stop" to complete the poll...and unfortunately you cannot edit a poll. Maybe a mod can help. gator way too chewy froglegs but gig'em yrself (otherwise they probably were raised in Bangledesh) in Japan I once ate small sashimi mackerels. the heads and bones were arranged on the plate with the sashimi...and began to twitch. Quote
willstrickland Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 Don't eat too much these days, mainly fish. But I've had: Hunted and butchered myself: venison, elk, rabbit, dove, turtle, frog, squirrel, quail Exotic (for supermarket shoppers anyway): rattlesnake, black bear, alligator, moose, bison, dog (didn't know it at the time or no way would I have eaten it, fuckin' Koreans are crazy man) Sushi is the godsend though...barely seared albacore, yellowfin, mmm mmm. Quote
minx Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 Quote Terminal_Gravity said: Bear Yak Peacock (Yum) A plate full of Grasshoppers (double yum) Infant grey whale washed ashore dead with prop wounds Any sushi made A small live lizard ( I was really really hungry) I even tried a can of Miller once. BTW I was a vegetarian for 10 years, I'm making up for lost time ... I still like hippy chicks how come you gave up the veggie diet? Quote
allthumbs Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 Quote minx said: how come you gave up the veggie diet? because it SUCKS!!!!! ????? Quote
Terminal_Gravity Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 Quote ehmmic said: So TG, I'm curious about this lizard story. Care to elaborate? After a day of drinking, swimming and rope swinging in the absolute middle of no where Feather river canyon outside of Chico, CA we lit a bonfire and cooked cheap sandy steaks. Most of the 40 or 50 revelers had planned to spend the night and there were plenty of provisions for the next day but as is so often the case the beer ran out before the desire to drink expired. About midnight 2/3 of the people left to make it into town before the bars closed. Bleary eyed dawn, bright sun, and partched cotton mouth got us up early. Breakfast had stayed in the trucks and left the night before. All but my friend Jimmy Jazz and I decided to split for town...wimps. We figured that no mere lack of food would keep us from fun in the sun, swimming, cliff diving and hiking around old mines. We rumaged through the trash and found enough beer left in cans strewn about to asuage our thirst. The big bonus was the 3 Thompson seedless grapes that we found in the sand, yum. As the afternoon wore on we started the " I'm so hungy I could eat a 'blank'" game. Lizard was on the list. Well, damn it, wouldn't you know, this little guy ran out right in front of us a little while later. He was maybe 4 inches long including tail. I managed to catch him. Realizing that my solomn word, even my man hood was on the line I raised him to my mouth. Jimmy stared in horror thinking that I was about to bite off the front half and hand him the wiggiling hind quarters. I never really got the chance to decide to eat him or not. As soon as the poor doomed creature saw the little cave in front of him, he lept free of my hand. I'm not sure if I swallowed voluntarily, but I still remember the feel of his tail wipping past the roof of my mouth. My throut and stomach felt a bit funny for a while. No shit, true story. Quote
Terminal_Gravity Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 Quote minx said: Quote Terminal_Gravity said: Bear Yak Peacock (Yum) A plate full of Grasshoppers (double yum) Infant grey whale washed ashore dead with prop wounds Any sushi made A small live lizard ( I was really really hungry) I even tried a can of Miller once. BTW I was a vegetarian for 10 years, I'm making up for lost time ... I still like hippy chicks how come you gave up the veggie diet? I started craving meat, thinking about meat, dreaming of meat, salivating when I saw others eating meat. After a year of thick headed denial I finnally admited that my body was trying to tell me something. I was in the valley and made reservations at the Mountain Room Broiler. I choked down a whole slab of rare prime rib. Back at camp 4 I think I managed to keep most of the people up all night with my pitiful moans and sounds of wretching. I have never felt so much pain as that given me by my insensed and tortured stomach as it tried to cope. By dawn the pain had subsided and I was able to uncurl out the fetal position. I made it down to camp curry for BACON and eggs just before they closed breakfast. Quote
scrambler Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 Yeah, I've had the typical game: quail, pheasant, deer, rabbit, frog legs, wild turkey. The weirdest animal I ate was raccoon. I didn't know what it was and someone said try this roast beef. It tasted greasy and was stringy. I was told after I ate a piece. I think the worst animal I ever ate was a sea urchin. Tastes like seawater and has the consistency of sand. Quote
lummox Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 Quote scrambler said: I think the worst animal I ever ate was a sea urchin. Tastes like seawater and has the consistency of sand. uni is good with a little lemon Quote
minx Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 Quote Terminal_Gravity said: Quote minx said: Quote Terminal_Gravity said: Bear Yak Peacock (Yum) A plate full of Grasshoppers (double yum) Infant grey whale washed ashore dead with prop wounds Any sushi made A small live lizard ( I was really really hungry) I even tried a can of Miller once. BTW I was a vegetarian for 10 years, I'm making up for lost time ... I still like hippy chicks how come you gave up the veggie diet? I started craving meat, thinking about meat, dreaming of meat, salivating when I saw others eating meat. After a year of thick headed denial I finnally admited that my body was trying to tell me something. I was in the valley and made reservations at the Mountain Room Broiler. I choked down a whole slab of rare prime rib. Back at camp 4 I think I managed to keep most of the people up all night with my pitiful moans and sounds of wretching. I have never felt so much pain as that given me by my insensed and tortured stomach as it tried to cope. By dawn the pain had subsided and I was able to uncurl out the fetal position. I made it down to camp curry for BACON and eggs just before they closed breakfast. guess i haven't reached that point yet. the smell of bacon is always enticing but the second i see it on my plate Quote
Dan_Harris Posted November 25, 2003 Posted November 25, 2003 Buffalo, deer meat in tamales , alligator (a couple of different ways), ceviche made with squid , frog legs (tastes like chicken ), goat, and crawdads. I've tried various insects, but not on pupose. Most any critter I've tried from the ocean has been quite tasty. In fact I love most animals, especially BBQd. Quote
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