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A close call at the record store.


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So I was looking at discs the other day, and I saw this CD of the "Mahavishnu Orchestra Lost Trident Sessions"

But then when I looked at the picture of Jan Hammer and his big ulgy forehead, and I remembered that the last time I listened to the Maha-reallylongpointlesssolo-Orechestra, and how it gave me a facial tic, I thought better of it, and put it back. Any of you kids have a really close call with bad music?

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Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

Try the new Anti-Flag LP "The Terror State". If you get one of the first 15,000 copies, you get the bonus track 'Fuck the Flag', which consists mostly of the line "FUCK THE FLAG AND FUCK YOU!" being hollered repeatedly over headspinningly fast punk rock.


Just in time for the holidays! rockband.gif


hmm... the first ambient recording ever made...to fuck fuck FUCK FUCK FUCK... how would i mix that together i wonder? confused.gifyellaf.gif

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b-rock said:

ahh punk, always so eloquent...


Actually, it's funny you should mention it, because the rest of the album really is pretty eloquent, and there's great liner notes, too, explaining the songs and pointing you to relevant sources of information so you can learn a little about the issues they're singing about, as well as an insert encouraging people to vote, and a little picture of Bush with "ONE TERM PRESIDENT" underneath it that you can photocopy and make little flyers out of. A good, engaging piece of art, the whole package.


'Fuck the Flag' is pretty tongue-in-cheek, although there was something rousing about thousands of middle fingers in the air when they played it at their show last week.







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trask said:

When I see you at the next anti-American rally, I'm going to deliver a nerve strike that will short-circuit your pea brain. I'll destroy your ability to fight with motor dysfunction destruction. I'll disrupt your nerve pathways, and take you out before you can scream. boxing_smiley.gif


SWEET! Just like the Wu-Tang shit! What's that touch of death shit called again? Dim-Mak or something?


And then there's the RZA, who'll "crack ya skull, without penetratin' the skin"!




Oh, and you're a mindless corporate zombie. Be proud you're exchanging your freedom for Halliburton's profit margin, you naive little dupe.

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