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Since you lefties keep bringing up Clinton...


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Peter_Puget said:

I am crying about politicians making million for nothing except their contacts after they leave office! By the same goes for the military too! It is simply buying a ploitician with an IOU!


Fight the power!


righto pete!!!


but why label this as a liberal only issue. when we all know that both sides of the fence are equally fucked.


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erik said:

Peter_Puget said:

I am crying about politicians making million for nothing except their contacts after they leave office! By the same goes for the military too! It is simply buying a ploitician with an IOU!


Fight the power!


righto pete!!!


but why label this as a liberal only issue. when we all know that both sides of the fence are equally fucked.


dittoe! thumbs_up.gif

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No doubt here - the revolving door of pols/consultants is bad - but the republicans are better at the big money games, meaning defense contractors. Look at the string of connections among the defense department - American Enterprise Institute - and the current admin.


That said, the repubs are not alone. There is a lot of back-slapping across the aisle.

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Every time one of us evil liberals talks about what crooks we have in the White House, we are told "the dems are just as bad." You may be right about that, and I'd have to agree that the Democratic politicos are a cynnical and self-serving bunch as well - though I think Bush and Co. have taken it to a whole new height of unabashed looting. However, the title of your thread "since you lefties keep bringing up Clinton?????" Isn't it the right wing commentators and right-of-center politicians who keep harping on how all of our current problems are Clinton's fault and isn't Hillary a bitch and so on? I don't think it is the "lefties" who keep bringing up Clinton.

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Oops and to pick a nit or two, wouldn't Harry Truman be pretty much all time body-count prez in terms of all human beings, and probably Abraham Lincoln for most American lives?


But this is all moot since these facts are tangential to the topic of justifying the Bush administration evils via comparison to Slick Willy. Unless of course tangential was the goal, which it perhaps appears to be with the ref to Johnson.

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Al_Pine said:

Oops and to pick a nit or two, wouldn't Harry Truman be pretty much all time body-count prez in terms of all human beings, and probably Abraham Lincoln for most American lives?


But this is all moot since these facts are tangential to the topic of justifying the Bush administration evils via comparison to Slick Willy. Unless of course tangential was the goal, which it perhaps appears to be with the ref to Johnson.


Whoa Nelly! You should be on TV. WHo was justifying the evils of GWB not me. Free your mind there Al See facts not conspiracies. Although it is comforting to believe that the world is in the the control of the iron fist of some hidden oligarchy. It is not. Beside such beliefs are one step away from "the Jews control the world." See the head of Malaysia recent comments regarding this.


PP bigdrink.gif

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Serious Nelly! It is NUTS to think that the defense contractors or the energy industry or anybody from Halliburton had anything to do with all of this, either. Only a true conspiracy theory freak would think our government officials would make decisions and award lucrative contracts that would benefit their friends and former employers.

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