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minx said:

there are lots of cool women who post on this site only occasionally. (probably b/c they have lives) just like there are plenty of male posters. Many people who don't post regularly have plenty to offer in the way of interesting posts.


hi girls! wave.gif




all the girls (women) that I have met from this site are totaly fun to climb with, or just hang out with in general. YAY US!

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Jeeeezus!!! I really did end up ruining this thread. Sorry to take you guys out of the "zone". yellaf.gif


I actually sorta thought that the tampons joke was sorta funny, but not in the mean way it has been interpreted here. Though I do understand how it could be interpreted that way....


So here's how I see it. In this case I think the female stereotype being alluded to is that women seem to in general be more sensitive and caring to how others feel than do men. Tampon joke uses a specifically female trait to allude Scrambler is feminine (because he was being sensitive to Scotty's feelings). So, in a way, I think you could take Rob's joke as a self-deprecating dig on males, not females. Because he was ridiculing Scrambler for not having a negative male trait, he was implying that males are jerks.


What do you think about that? bigdrink.gif


I could be wrong though. Maybe Rob is a misogynistic shithead tongue.gifboxing_smiley.gif.




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I disagree with you there, Al. References to "you better take tampons" or whatever are offered on this board as a put-down of the targettd person, with the insult being that they are some kind of coward or crybaby or whatever. I don't think there has ever been such a reference that was offered in a spirit of the celebration of any positive quality of women or of the (male or female) target of the post.


As to whether his joke was funny or not, that is a different matter. It is certainly true that boys will be boys and one may argue that they thought it was funny or that it really wasn't all that deeply offensive, or "lighten up -- it's only spray."

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