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Terminator for President


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WASHINGTON -- Sen. Orrin Hatch says Arnold Schwarzenegger should not be judged on past improper advances towards women but as the devoted husband he is today, adding that the foreign-born GOP candidate for California governor also should have the opportunity to run for president under a constitutional amendment Hatch is pushing.


I say, "Hell Yeah!" ...shove that in your pipe and smoke it j-b, you tool.

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Fence_Sitter said:

funny thing is... even though it has laready been pointed out that it is a troll... B_J will still post... such is the nature of fetal alcoholism. pitty.gif


How did he get the bottle past the amniotic sac, to develop his case of "fetal alcoholism"? I'm trying to picture a hard drinking fetus...

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it'd probably be quicker to discuss when trask is not trolling than the opposite. anyhow what difference does it make to respond here or there since we can be certain of trask making stupid 'comments' whatever the thread or context?


no matter what version of reality we want to impress on others, facts always underscore any meaningful interpretation.

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j_b, my bitch with you isn't necessarily your slant on things or your political views. What irritates me most is that you typically post a link, followed by the full article. No real wit or thought of your own, just some far left shit to incite a riot. If you'd come up with some of your own material, even if it's cut'n paste but modified in your own words, I wouldn't jump your shit so much. In a word j_b, you're extremely BORING. Also, if you'd take shit like a man rather than whining about it and pointing fingers, it'd go smoother for you around here.




trask moon.gif

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j_b said:

it'd probably be quicker to discuss when trask is not trolling than the opposite. anyhow what difference does it make to respond here or there since we can be certain of trask making stupid 'comments' whatever the thread or context?


no matter what version of reality we want to impress on others, facts always underscore any meaningful interpretation.


fucking told ya! thumbs_up.gifyellaf.gifyellaf.gif

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Orrin Hatch is the biggest fucking hypocritcal, right-wing loser in the Senate. He cares nothing for the environment of his state (Utah), he governs based on religious ideology that only a small minority of zeolots adhere to (Mormonism), and he continually recieves hard and soft-money contributions from industries that always win out when Hatch sponsers a piece of legislation.


He is as corrupt as a politician gets. But I suppose his opinions on the personal life of a misogynist are highly revered by like-minded individuals.



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