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For what it's worth, I own guns and personally I've made a decision not to keep them at home while my kids are small.


When I was 3 or 4, I was playing with my older sibs, and one of them jokingly said something about a gun...I went inside and came marching out with one of my dad's shotguns. While it wasn't loaded, and my older brother grabbed it from me, the memory of having done something stupid like that proves to me that having guns in my home, with little kids, isn't the right thing to do.

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One last reason to carry, by Chuck Taylor:


With the ever-increasing number of states instituting concealed carry statutes these days, interest in the subject has burgeoned to perhaps its highest point in recent history. And, due to escalating concerns about home, vehicle and self-defense in our troubled times, record numbers of citizens are availing themselves of the concealed carry option.

Why? Easy. They do it because they realize that regardless of how hard the police try, they can't really protect anyone; only pursue and, hopefully, eventually apprehend the perpetrator.


Sheer numbers show this conclusively. There are just too many crimes being committed for the police to be able to effectively intervene at the time. And the best solution to the problem is the concealed weapon. With it, the element of surprise is on the side of the intended victim. Study after study shows that the perpetrators of violent felonies like murder, rape, armed robbery, et al, do not expect their victims to be armed. Instead, they expect their projection of force, often deadly force, to do the trick, to paralyze their intended victim into submission.


Are you paying attention MaryLou?


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I'm not trying to frighten you. Just pointing out some of the good reasons to be trained and armed. It's still a personal choice of course, but because many of us chose to carry, doesn't necessarily mean we're paranoid or gung-ho Rambo wannabes. I prefer to think of it as "being prepared". The world is a more dangerous place now, of that I'm sure you'll agree. Why not give yourself a bit of an edge?

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