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"I passed a mirror today as I was walking down the street. I felt subhuman, dirty and insane. I think I saw myself as they see me. It made me look twice because I didn't recognize the face at first. What happens when the soul goes insane? The outside features remain the same. Except for the eyes, which take on a whole new sharpness and gleam. Inside, the soul is electrified, writhing with jolts of pain and unrestrained joy. Everything is dark and there are no walls. Just the endless spinning and swinging, like a pillar of diamonds hanging from a charged wire. Alive, alive, alive. When the body goes to sleep, the soul gets up and paces the room waiting around for the body to get up. Sometimes it doesn't. "

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Al_Pine said:

"I passed a mirror today as I was walking down the street. I felt subhuman, dirty and insane. I think I saw myself as they see me. It made me look twice because I didn't recognize the face at first. What happens when the soul goes insane? The outside features remain the same. Except for the eyes, which take on a whole new sharpness and gleam. Inside, the soul is electrified, writhing with jolts of pain and unrestrained joy. Everything is dark and there are no walls. Just the endless spinning and swinging, like a pillar of diamonds hanging from a charged wire. Alive, alive, alive. When the body goes to sleep, the soul gets up and paces the room waiting around for the body to get up. Sometimes it doesn't. "


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"When you laugh at the lightweight, lard-ass armchair warrior, he gets very uptight because the bullshit game is not being played by both parties. The armchair warrior realizes that he is "playing with himself." This suits him just fine. He knows you better than you do anyway. Hey, if you don't go outside then you have to try and convince everybody that inside is cooler. What a prison that is."

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