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I miss the mountains!


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cj001f said:

To_The_Top said:

Well the forecast for tomorrow is for a snow level of 4500' - 5000'......

Maybe the first snow of the year fruit.gif

fruit.gif freshiez fruit.gif FRESHIEZ fruit.gif


AHHHH YEAH!!!!! Bringz dat shit on can't wait. This rain sucks but I can deal with it if I know there is snow out there. Wayne totally agree best decision I ever made was to move out here.

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i've tried to move away several times and keep ending up right back here at home in the pacific northwet grin.giffruit.gifcool.gif


i'm sure to leave again and i'm certain to return


it's been in the mid-low 30s at my house the last few mornings and the rain was pretty chunky when i left this morning laugh.gif


puddles are fun fruit.gif

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minx said:

i've tried to move away several times and keep ending up right back here at home in the pacific northwet grin.giffruit.gifcool.gif


i'm sure to leave again and i'm certain to return


it's been in the mid-low 30s at my house the last few mornings and the rain was pretty chunky when i left this morning laugh.gif


puddles are fun fruit.gif

I have lived here my whole life... why move when you live in heaven? I think the only place I would move far to is Alaska, and that is west of west baby wink.gif
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Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

minx said:

i've tried to move away several times and keep ending up right back here at home in the pacific northwet grin.giffruit.gifcool.gif


i'm sure to leave again and i'm certain to return


it's been in the mid-low 30s at my house the last few mornings and the rain was pretty chunky when i left this morning laugh.gif


puddles are fun fruit.gif

I have lived here my whole life... why move when you live in heaven? I think the only place I would move far to is Alaska, and that is west of west baby wink.gif


i think that you're largely correct. the PNW is one of the best places to live imo. h/e there are so many really great places out there to experience, i can't pass those up. i'm looking for something overseas at the moment. i think it would be very good perspective for my son to spend a year or two living someplace other than here.

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lummox said:

Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

lummox said:

the fukin short daylight hours of winter get me down sometimes. this taste of autumn feels like a warning.

get a light box

how bout i get a plane ticket or two? thats what im sayin.

cool.gif I am free in november wink.gif
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You people are pathetic. Like the jackasses who have been born in one state and never cross the state line in their LIFE! Get your ass out of the PNW, see the world, decide if it's really the best there is. Talk about arrogant stupidity! thumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gif


PNW might be better than ol' Minnesota, but that doesn't mean it's perfect. You gapers sound like you're trying to delude yourself into thinking that you're lucky that you can't move, because where you are is perfect. The opposite of "the grass is greener.....". Sour grapes. thumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gifthumbs_down.gif

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adventure gal, head back to where you took that picture,

with a wetsuit, and a surfboard or a kayak-


big wave season starts up on superior for the next two months, adventure gal...

head over to marquette, you can try to get yourself killed playing in waves often bigger than atlantic coast breaks... i've been out on days people died just down the beach (3 times) and superior swallows a few people every year, unfortunately...


we'd surf in 6mm and full hoodies, till we got so numb we couldn't talk! One session on a GREAT fall day, breaking 46 inside, 8-12 outside

the water was freaking 38 degrees! 2 degrees celcius!

nippy! insane! and a helluva lot of fun!


if you need to borrow any equipment, a buddy of mine reps boards up there, i can give you his number if you want....


what fun! I miss lake superior, 3 buck pasty stands and solid short glacially polished granite- Marquette has a 70 foot detached sea stack with a couple bolts right inside the city limits, and a two mile bouldering traverse, again, right in town.....


have fun where you are at, adventure gal, there's some great stuff up there- head up to copper country and find that seven mile long 100 foot tall wall, for some first ascents ready for the poaching....

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