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CC.com is heading in the wrong direction. The Climber's Board is full of 'pub club' posts, spray has moved from Spray to everywhere, and people (me included) refrain from posting TRs due to worries of put-downs and other spray taking over the thread. Solution:


Keep spray in Spray. It should be common courtesy not to blast someone's TR just because you think their climb is not worthy of being reported. I enjoy hearing what people have done.


Secondly, and this is the biggie. I propose a new PUB CLUB FORUM where everybody who lives for Pub Club, not the mountains, can post.


But seriously, folks, let's encourage TRs, not discourage them. wave.gif

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and also i think you stating that you refuse to post your tr's for fear of spray is a tad bit ludicris as i have seen you play in the mud too.


if people dont want to share their trs for fear of spray then i can only see that as them only feeding the problem. you want more climbing post about it. who's responsibility is it to post about climbing? EVERYONES!



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Hehehe. I was hoping that you would realize I was kidding there. But I don't like the Climber's Board being flooded with Pub Club posts.


We should encourage people to post TRs. And come on, we're all adults here (except me blush.gif ), even if we don't act it. Is it really too much to ask for people to keep flame wars out of TRs? Please?

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erik said:

and also i think you stating that you refuse to post your tr's for fear of spray is a tad bit ludicris as i have seen you play in the mud too.


if people dont want to share their trs for fear of spray then i can only see that as them only feeding the problem. you want more climbing post about it. who's responsibility is it to post about climbing? EVERYONES!


Honestly, I've been posting my TRs on Turns-all-year and mtncommunity.org lately. I'll do my best to reverse the trend. wave.gif

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its not too much to ask. but you need to address it to the indivual mod for each forum.


sometimes a pm to sprayer curbs it, other times incites it. what does one do when their requests are ignored? ban them? because all that does is bring the guns to bear on the mod, whom apprently needs to maintain non-spray, be everyone's friend and deciede what is best or wrong?


you can't win, without heavy moding....and where does one draw the line? one off mark joke? a side note in which a route rekindles?



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If someone cheastbeats in a TR then they deserve to be made fun of. But just cause you get made fun of doesn't mean you should stop writing TRs; just try and improve your writing style. I should add that the difficulty of your route is different from cheastbeating. You can write a good report on da toof but someone else could write a cheastbeater about the North Norwegian Buttress.


As for Pub Club, you're just grumpy cause you ain't 21. tongue.gif

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cracked said:

CC.com is heading in the wrong direction. The Climber's Board is full of 'pub club' posts, spray has moved from Spray to everywhere, and people (me included) refrain from posting TRs due to worries of put-downs and other spray taking over the thread. Solution:


Keep spray in Spray. It should be common courtesy not to blast someone's TR just because you think their climb is not worthy of being reported. I enjoy hearing what people have done.


Secondly, and this is the biggie. I propose a new PUB CLUB FORUM where everybody who lives for Pub Club, not the mountains, can post.


But seriously, folks, let's encourage TRs, not discourage them. wave.gif

I couldn't agree more. I like reading the TR's too. Fuck Caveman and Mike Adam if they don't want to read them. I do. Pub Club Forum is a good idea...Dave Schhudltsz for Mod. Spray to stay in spray. Keep the legit climbing threads sprayfree. WooHoo!!!! Now some sumbitch buy me a beer. bigdrink.gifwave.gif

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Here is what I wrote on this topic in a thread re "what belongs in route reports" last winter:


What are the rules?


Look at the "Main Index" page on cc.com. The introduction for the "Route Reports" sections all say "post your reports and ask questions about routes." This does not suggest the discussions cannot be funny or entertaining and there is no rule that says you cannot be irreverent or that you cannot argue with something that is posted there. There is also no rule against providing or seeking some good information.



"Post your reports and ask questions about routes" is all the direction that is given and it really should be all that is needed. Compare it to the "Climber's Board" introduction which says "connect with fellow NW climbers here to ask questions, or post issues that are important to the NW climbing" or the introduction to "Spray" which says "here you'll find topics on just about anything ... be warned this forum is not for the thin skinned." These aren't detailed guidelines, but it should be clear that "Route Reports" are intended to be narrowly focused discussions about routes or climbing conditions, whereas the "Climber's Board" is intended to be broader in scope and that for full-on flame and irrelevant material you go to "Spray." From where I sit, it's simple: "post your reports and ask questions about routes" is a little narrow, perhaps, because this forum includes discussions of the routes themselves, trail and snow conditions, crowds, gear needed, retreat possibilities, rescue operations, historical information, and things that took place on any given outing. From where I sit, it should be obvious that if you want to dive into personal attacks and calling people dickneck and stuff like that, or if you want to steer the discussion into something completely unrelated to climbing for more than a relatively short digression, you simply move over to the "Spray" section.



As to the insulting and disgusting crap, I personally don't think it belongs in Spray either. I mean, c'mon -- how many times do we need to read that somebody needs to take a dump or that they are going to beat you up and go to bed with your mother? But I did not volunteer to moderate the Spray section because I know that many of you find that stuff entertaining. In the route reports section, I think it is reasonable to say "no pointless insults" and "no vulgarity just for vulgarity's sake." Those are two basic standards that guide any civilized discussion anywhere except on the Internet or in junior high school, and I think they are fair standards for one tiny portion of this board.

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AlpineK said:

As for Pub Club, you're just grumpy cause you ain't 21. tongue.gif

Werd. We should have one at Zeke's on Phinney again.


iain said:

unfortunately we are on the cusp of the primary spray season when it starts to rain/snow heavily. bad weather for climbing, not enough snow for skiing.


a simple equation:

0% tuffy-tuff + 0% jib = 100% insanity.

NO JIBBING??? whatever, dude.



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Mr. K:

I only partly agree with you about the cheastbeating thing. Yes, if somebody carries on like an idiot in their route report, the "deserve" to be made fun of. They would "deserve" ridicule if they unreasonably complained about how bad the weather was when they encountered a windless whiteout on the way to Camp Muir in November, too, or if they were asking what kind of gear to bring for a given climb at Exit 38. But all of this is rather subjective, and what you think is rediculous may in fact not appear so to somebody else. So, in general, I think that we ought to steer away from ridiculing even cheastbeaters in the route reports forum. But you are right: sometimes they deserve it.

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and personally i dont ever really see a tr as cheastbeating. we all have different writing styles and different ideas of what is hard or challenging. so the read needs to discern this. and not neccisarrily through lambasting the person. jokes and off color remarks sometimes add to it. i cannot think of a single climbing outting where my friends and i have not acted like jackasses or the like, sometimes that is hard to convey.



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There are a couple ways to take a nasty comment dirrected at you.


If you get made fun of by a bunch of folks over the same issue then you should try and adapt your style. It's always hard to take negative remarks, but if you can use them for personal growth then that's a good thing.


If one person is attacking you for no good reason then you can either ignore them or fight back.


Being able to deal with all sorts of freaky people is a very good skill, and this site will train you well. wink.gif

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AlpineK said:

There are a couple ways to take a nasty comment dirrected at you.


If you get made fun of by a bunch of folks over the same issue then you should try and adapt your style. It's always hard to take negative remarks, but if you can use them for personal growth then that's a good thing.


If one person is attacking you for no good reason then you can either ignore them or fight back.


Being able to deal with all sorts of freaky people is a very good skill, and this site will train you well. wink.gif

If one person calls you a horses ass, consider the source. If five people call you a horses ass, buy a sadle.

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cracked said:

CC.com is heading in the wrong direction. The Climber's Board is full of 'pub club' posts, spray has moved from Spray to everywhere, and people (me included) refrain from posting TRs due to worries of put-downs and other spray taking over the thread. Solution:


Keep spray in Spray. It should be common courtesy not to blast someone's TR just because you think their climb is not worthy of being reported. I enjoy hearing what people have done.


Secondly, and this is the biggie. I propose a new PUB CLUB FORUM where everybody who lives for Pub Club, not the mountains, can post.


But seriously, folks, let's encourage TRs, not discourage them. wave.gif


The pub club thread has been in the Climber's board since way back when. It's usually pretty clear which thread it is so you can skip it if you don't want to read about it.


I agreed with mattp's suggestions and still do about spraying in the TRs. A little bit is fine, and even adds to the entertainment value, but, I don't know if I've ever seen a Trip Report turn into a total spray fest unless the original poster made it apparant that they wanted it that way.


I don't think things have changed much around here lately, but the spray does wear you down after a while. cantfocus.gif

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