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Post for gun lovers- Something to chew on.


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the thing is CBS i doubt that many of these people ahve gone through the proper gun ownership courses or have been taught proper handling by their fathers. if there were no guns in the hands of theives, murderers and other criminals, i would not own one. the fact remains. criminals WILL have guns. i would like to see a survey on how many of those guns were used by the actual owner.

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catbirdseat: You're throwing criminals into your statistics? We're talking about responsible gun owners, not outlaws. Thats why there are so few people getting charged with a crime when they defend themselves with a firearm, they are resposible.

I bet most of the criminals already had felony convictions and weren't supposed to have a gun anyway.

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I would agree with you that few persons forced to use a gun for defense in their own home are charged. Outside of the home the statistics are different.


I should point out that the article I cited has many statistics friendly to your point if view, if you should happen to read it. There is the one for example that in England more burglaries occur in occupied homes because people aren't allowed to have guns there.

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trask said:

mr.radon said:

We'd have a whole lot less gun crime if a law was passed that put any criminal behind bars for life if they used a gun in the commision of a crime.




you mean just like the deterrent effect all your other laws have produced, namely a violent crime rate much higher than anywhere else in the Western world? confused.gifconfused.gif

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It makes me sick to hear someone argue that if the law-abiding public had zero access to firearms we would be safer and better off. Who's worried about being shot by law-abiding armed home-owners? Answer: Burglars and other morons who are willing to gamble with their own lives and the lives of those behind a closed locked door. Every home intruder armed or not assumes a huge risk by entering anothers living space univited and places his/her potential victim in a position where it would probably be stupid (unless the burglar fled immediately after being warned) not to shoot the intruder.


There's a lot of home invasions happening in the Seattle area as of recently. I'm dissapointed that the papers havn't covered it a little better.


armed morons... thumbs_down.gif

legal guns in legal hands... thumbs_up.gif



What a retarded coment man. Come on. Violence is a huge subject, and we live in a huge country, far more populated than Canada. Blaming the whole issue on one factor is ridiculous.

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mr.radon said:

We'd have a whole lot less gun crime if a law was passed that put any criminal behind bars for life if they used a gun in the commision of a crime.

Good idea about increased penalty for gun use in a crime thumbs_up.gif , but

wouldn't that just further gum up our already overcrowded jails confused.gif


Maybe we could ship 'em to Canada hahaha.gif

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A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Article [iI.] Amendments to the US Constitution


What are you gonna do, when the the highest court of the land with the blessing of a future Republican administration interprets Article II of the Constitution to refer to the possession of guns as a right granted to state militas (National Guard) only? All this in the name of homeland security after a terrorist guns down people in a public place. Can't happen? Too many law-abiding gun owners for this to occur?

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Led_Hed said:


What a retarded comment man. Come on. Violence is a huge subject, and we live in a huge country, far more populated than Canada. Blaming the whole issue on one factor is ridiculous.

This is a typical response from Dru. We humor him, but never give his ideas any credence. Nice post Led Hed thumbs_up.gif

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Here's a question for those of us who enjoy guns: What's the best gun you've owned?


I'll go first: My pet shotgun is a Browning 2-shot auto that loads from the left, which is nice since I'm lefthanded/eyed. My pet rifle is a Browning 243 varmit gun, perfect for picking off snaffles at medium distances.

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