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Mr. Eric say: "why should i car about your belief systems? with no evidence that god, jesus, allah, bhudda or any other deity exists or is a factor in my life it seems quite pointless. and for you to think that i am a lessor person for not beliving in your "religon" is against jesus's principles. cause i dont think any of you are god and so passing judgement on my belief or lack there of, is a sin."


Hey Erick....I REALLY don't care what you personally believe...and I don't require that you agree with or adhere to whatever my personal beliefs might be. I am, however, pointing out two things:


a) you don't know what you're talking about in terms of "baby Jesus", history, theology, etc.


b) while you seem to demand toleration for your "I don't believe or care" attitude, you seem quite intolerant and disrespectful of other's beliefs.


Interesting,though, that you invoke what you perceive are "Jesus' principles" and seem to have a definition of sin...thus a kind of Eric-proto-theology. Refer again to a) and b) above.







dont think i said you could not go off about your little dealy-bobs, go for it! i celebrate diversity!!! but i did say i would laugh at them and think them silly. i dont see how that stops you from expressing yourself, unless you feel that intimidate by my jackass behavior??? tisk tisk tisk


also i have a base in the bible and shite, but since i cared for it about as much as "atlus shurugged" i really could care less. also it seems that no matter how much i think of the jesus and his churches, i see no where that he instructed people to celebrate him. that seems like a ploy by the man to manipulate people.





Sounds like people are just expressing their views, Erik, not trying to push their beliefs on you as you implied. You seem to take a pretty defensive posture regarding your own beliefs, even though no one is really trying to cut them down. What did you expect by starting a religous discussion thread? confused.gif


Dwayner's right. Historically speaking, a man named Jesus preached in the area we now know as Israel about 2000 years ago.


Is the bible a work of fiction? Yep. It's also a book of stories, a book of mythology, a book of poetry, and a book of history. It's hundred's of books bound under one cover.


also i have a base in the bible and shite, but since i cared for it about as much as "atlus shurugged" i really could care less. also it seems that no matter how much i think of the jesus and his churches, i see no where that he instructed people to celebrate him. that seems like a ploy by the man to manipulate people.


your first statment is negatedby your last... if you can find one verse where this is stated by Christ i will give you a nice shiny carabiner... bigdrink.gifyellaf.gif

erik said:



dont think i said you could not go off about your little dealy-bobs, go for it! i celebrate diversity!!! but i did say i would laugh at them and think them silly. i dont see how that stops you from expressing yourself, unless you feel that intimidate by my jackass behavior??? tisk tisk tisk


also i have a base in the bible and shite, but since i cared for it about as much as "atlus shurugged" i really could care less. also it seems that no matter how much i think of the jesus and his churches, i see no where that he instructed people to celebrate him. that seems like a ploy by the man to manipulate people.




neither the bible nor atlas shrugged are anything other than mediocre works of fiction imo. having read them both and having found both philosophies lacking in application to the natural world, i've wondered if a solid life philosophy could be captured on paper. so my question is...are there any books (besides the bible) that have captured your view of the world and/or spirtuality or at very least deeply affected your outlook?


btw-i've wondered about that blonde hair/blue eyed thing myself. what j&m were from N. Europe eh? no about that seat in hell? will it be labeled with my name or do i have to kick someone's ass and take there's or do i have to actually believe in hell for any of that to really matter? wink.gif


have a nice w/e y'all wave.gifwave.gif


richard bach, one of my faves says you can open any book to any page and find a lesson that you need to learn. I subscribe to that philosophy wink.gif


Our concept of what's going on in the super-macro is about equiv. to how a paramecium can comprend the high school kid looking at it on a slide. Most religion seems too simplistic and anthropocentric to believe.


We keep finding more and more microscopic patterns that have their counterparts in the environment we experience, so it only stands to reason that we're also a bunch of germs to someone out there. You can call that "god" or whatever, but I don't like how we are the center of it all in most, but not all religions.


exactly it is too selfish for us(humans) to think we are the end all greatest species. with nothing above us except for some fictional/untouchable deity.


seems like a ploy of control?




erik and iain, what you are saying is exactly why I don't take a lot of rabid enviromentalism seriously. Mankind egotistically overestimates its effect on things, good and bad. And uses bad measures---like this summer's heat equates to global warming.



I'm a blonde haired, blue eyed jew for what's it worth. Or at least my parents raised me that way.


Why is jesus always painted as a light skinned pasty white dude with long light brown or blonde hair? Because people tend to paint history how it best suits them. Jesus was undoubtadly a darker skinned middle eastern man who probably looked a lot like the "ragheads" that all the christian right wing fuckers insult these days. It is historically inaccurate to believe he looked like the scandanavian or western european dude he is always painted as, but since western euros wrote much of our modern history and the religious writings to back up their beliefs, that is how it came to be. I'm not sure why it matters what he looks like, tho. If you choose to believe in Jesus, or any other higher power, fine, do it, but keep it the fuck out of other people's lives. Also, I find it extremely ironic that so much strife is caused over religion considering judism, islan, christianity are all basically the same beliefs bent in different ways.

RobBob said:

erik and iain, what you are saying is exactly why I don't take a lot of rabid enviromentalism seriously. Mankind egotistically overestimates its effect on things, good and bad. And uses bad measures---like this summer's heat equates to global warming.


"The environment" or "earth" to us usually refers to the thin film covering the planet. Cells thick if the earth were a bowling ball, to use an old analogy.

If this film varies by a ridiculously small amount (in relation to cosmic specs) in temperature, chemistry, pressure, etc. we all die. We definitely have an effect on that "environment". And after all, isn't that the only one that matters? Do you really care about your kids' kids' kids' x 10^10th? Very little chance we will be around that long.


In the "meantime", I think we should figure out how to launch pollutants at a velocity to get them deep in the solar system. The hardest part is getting them into orbit. After that it's cake. Geek_em8.gif

Dwayner said:



a) you don't know what you're talking about in terms of "baby Jesus", history, theology, etc.



so just out of curiosity, and since this seems to be a broken record with dwayner, when can i consider myself knowledgable enough to comment on religeon, theology, baby jesus etc?


how about a dwayner certification test? the test would have to be a.) standardized and b.) topical and representative of the knowledge base of individuals who are "ok" to discuss "god" on the internet. presumbably some portion of the cc.com community (besides dwayner) would have to be able to pass it (although i will leave it to dwayner decide what percentage of the cc.com population we are talking about).


so how about it dwayner? come up with a test and those people here who pass get to say what they think and the rest can stfu. let's have it!



erik said:

how can a blonde blue eyed white person be born in eygpt? i thought eypgt was part of the african continent. and i dont see too many white people born as indiginous group!


Lil' Baby Jesus wasn't blonde and blue eyed. It is a phenomenon known as the Systematic Bleaching of Christ, to make him more marketable to us Anglo folk. I always thought that would be a cool name for a band, SBC. evils3d.gif

ken4ord said:

erik said:

how can a blonde blue eyed white person be born in eygpt? i thought eypgt was part of the african continent. and i dont see too many white people born as indiginous group!


Lil' Baby Jesus wasn't blonde and blue eyed. It is a phenomenon known as the Systematic Bleaching of Christ, to make him more marketable to us Anglo folk. I always thought that would be a cool name for a band, SBC. evils3d.gif


Posted (edited)

Hey smart-guy requiring certification...


Lucky for you! No exam is required. I only ask that if you insist on spouting off offensive comments about other people's beliefs, that you at least get the facts straight (e.g. Jesus was NOT born in Egypt) and at least have a basic knowledge of history and philosophy that can allow you to actually contribute to the discussion without talking out of your rear.


Now is that so unreasonable?





Edited by Dwayner
Dwayner said:

Lucky for you! No exam is required. I only ask that if you insist on spouting off offensive comments about other people's beliefs, that you at least get the facts straight (e.g. Jesus was NOT born in Egypt) and at least have a basic knowledge of history and philosophy that can allow you to actually contribute to the discussion without talking out of your rear.


Now is that so unreasonable?




no, I realy like to talk out my ass cry.gifcry.gifcry.gifcry.gif
Dwayner said:

Hey smart-guy requiring certification...


Lucky for you! No exam is required. I only ask that if you insist on spouting off offensive comments about other people's beliefs, that you at least get the facts straight (e.g. Jesus was NOT born in Egypt) and at least have a basic knowledge of history and philosophy that can allow you to actually contribute to the discussion without talking out of your rear.


Now is that so unreasonable?




Crowbar, my brain is too small and my attention span is too short to waste my time obtaining Dwayner certification. History and religion is boring, esp the latter. Shalom! wave.gif

Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

Dwayner said:

Lucky for you! No exam is required. I only ask that if you insist on spouting off offensive comments about other people's beliefs, that you at least get the facts straight (e.g. Jesus was NOT born in Egypt) and at least have a basic knowledge of history and philosophy that can allow you to actually contribute to the discussion without talking out of your rear.


Now is that so unreasonable?




no, I realy like to talk out my ass cry.gifcry.gifcry.gifcry.gif


So Muffy when you talk out your ass is it Jim Carey style where you grab your cheeks or Pink Flamingo talking ass style? yelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif

ken4ord said:

Muffy_The_Wanker_Sprayer said:

Dwayner said:

Lucky for you! No exam is required. I only ask that if you insist on spouting off offensive comments about other people's beliefs, that you at least get the facts straight (e.g. Jesus was NOT born in Egypt) and at least have a basic knowledge of history and philosophy that can allow you to actually contribute to the discussion without talking out of your rear.


Now is that so unreasonable?




no, I realy like to talk out my ass cry.gifcry.gifcry.gifcry.gif


So Muffy when you talk out your ass is it Jim Carey style where you grab your cheeks or Pink Flamingo talking ass style? yelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif

no, but that would be realy funny wink.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif
Dwayner said:

Hey smart-guy requiring certification...


Lucky for you! No exam is required. I only ask that if you insist on spouting off offensive comments about other people's beliefs, that you at least get the facts straight (e.g. Jesus was NOT born in Egypt) and at least have a basic knowledge of history and philosophy that can allow you to actually contribute to the discussion without talking out of your rear.


Now is that so unreasonable?





actually it sounds like a bunch of psuedointellectual bullshit.


if it doesn't matter what color baby jesus's skin was why does it matter where he was born? how much does an assessment of one's knowledge of history and philosphy depend on how much you agree with dwayner? how is erik unfit to comment on the role of religion in society when he is a rational (except after a few micky's widewouths) member of society?


inquiring minds want to know.


is mel brooks really a rabbi? SACRILIDGE! I'M OFFENDED!

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