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The Patriot Act Whistlestop Tour


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It strikes me as odd that Jonny Ashcroft is out stumping up support and trying to make us all feel good about the Patriot Act.


Many of you may feel the same, but my thought is: "If it is such good legislation, why do they feel the need to make all this effort to convince us that it IS good legislation? Should it be able to stand on its own merit? And if it can't, doesn't that tell you something?"


Discuss, stir the pot, feed the fear and hate...as always we must follow the dictum of Warell Dane and "...feed the truth into the engines of hate."



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cj001f said:

Greg_W said:

Necronomicon said:

I've got my brown shirt and my jackboots, so I'll be fine.

Yeah, but you weren't a part of the original Putsch, so you'll be passed over.

Better than ending it on a night of long knives.....


Actually, members of the original putsch (most members of the original Brownshirts organization, or SA) WERE slain in the night of the long knives.

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Greg_W said:

cj001f said:

Greg_W said:

Necronomicon said:

I've got my brown shirt and my jackboots, so I'll be fine.

Yeah, but you weren't a part of the original Putsch, so you'll be passed over.

Better than ending it on a night of long knives.....


Actually, members of the original putsch (most members of the original Brownshirts organization, or SA) WERE slain in the night of the long knives.


does that mean jon asscraft is gonna ride bushes arse to the high heavens on coke and escasty? and then donkey punch him into a coma?



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Greg_W said:

cj001f said:

Greg_W said:

Necronomicon said:

I've got my brown shirt and my jackboots, so I'll be fine.

Yeah, but you weren't a part of the original Putsch, so you'll be passed over.

Better than ending it on a night of long knives.....


Actually, members of the original putsch (most members of the original Brownshirts organization, or SA) WERE slain in the night of the long knives.


Gee, it's really cool how much you know about Nazi history!

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Necronomicon said:

Greg_W said:

cj001f said:

Greg_W said:

Necronomicon said:

I've got my brown shirt and my jackboots, so I'll be fine.

Yeah, but you weren't a part of the original Putsch, so you'll be passed over.

Better than ending it on a night of long knives.....


Actually, members of the original putsch (most members of the original Brownshirts organization, or SA) WERE slain in the night of the long knives.


Gee, it's really cool how much you know about Nazi history!


I think so, too. thumbs_up.gif

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Since the act was rushed into law within 1 month after 9/11, with absolutely minimal debate, perhaps he feels that support has waned. Personally I don't want the FBI to be able to walk around wiretap regulations because of a hunch, which seems to be a component of the act. I also am pretty concerned about their Carnivore system on the internet. They're using it as a way to preserve "freedom" whatever that is, but it seems like that's exactly what we're giving up. I can see serious opposition to these changes, both from republicans and democrats. I think people might consider it pretty knee-jerk, now that they look back at it, when back in 2001 people were pretty terrified.


Greg_W said:

It strikes me as odd that Jonny Ashcroft is out stumping up support and trying to make us all feel good about the Patriot Act.


Many of you may feel the same, but my thought is: "If it is such good legislation, why do they feel the need to make all this effort to convince us that it IS good legislation? Should it be able to stand on its own merit? And if it can't, doesn't that tell you something?"


Discuss, stir the pot, feed the fear and hate...as always we must follow the dictum of Warell Dane and "...feed the truth into the engines of hate."



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This sort of reminds me of that airport security nonsense that Al "Woodenhead" Gore drove through Congress after TWA 800 before the NTSB could even get all the parts in one place. Then we find out it was an electrical problem and the legislation is still in place. thumbs_down.gif

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i hope there is strong opposition to this from both parties.it seems to me that the Patriot Act does nothing but diminish our personal freedoms


i'm surprised to find that this is one of the biggest issues that i'll be consider in the next presidential election. it may be the reason i don't vote for Dean.

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iain said:

Wasn't that even considered a missile strike at one point?



T800? Yes, but that was debunked by NTSB engineers after all the data was available. The whole missile strike thing was based on thin information and a lot of emotional fear-mongering.

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The City Council on Bainbridge has elected to veto the Patriot Act as have many other cities across the nation. Reps Jay Inslee and Norm Dicks have also voted to remove the section about searching homes without a warrant or prior notification. The PA played right into the hands of the terroists. They want us running scared and congress cow-towed to them. What a bunch of wussies.

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T800? Yes, but that was debunked by NTSB engineers after all the data was available.


More-importantly, I want to know about the risks of having every fucker on the plane using his/her laptop at once...and the assholes who leave their cellphones on...or the dipshit kid who leaves his CD player on during landing...

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Thread drift...


A wire bundle that actually ran inside the center fuel tank shorted/sparked and ignited the fuel vapors inside the half empty tank. The explosion that resulted severed the foreward section off of the 747, and the back 2/3 of the decapitated aircraft continued to fly for several minutes. I think the missile theory has been debunked, but over 1000 eye witnesses, including pilots in the airspace at the time, swear they saw something streaking into the sky toward the plane.


I watched this horror unfold on the TV monitors as I waited to board my plane in Juneau.


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Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

Necronomicon said:


The Nader of the People!! Can he swing a sack of door knobs, though?


Fuck are you on about, oh Evil One? confused.gif


We need a strongman to run this country, not some puss. Look at Bush: flies airplanes, drinks hard, and smacks his women around like Clark Gable. Fuck Yeah!! Kucinich, the Nader of '04, on the other hand, couldn't strangle a wino to get an erection if he had to.

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RobBob said:

T800? Yes, but that was debunked by NTSB engineers after all the data was available.


More-importantly, I want to know about the risks of having every fucker on the plane using his/her laptop at once...and the assholes who leave their cellphones on...or the dipshit kid who leaves his CD player on during landing...


Small electronics don't do shit to planes. This is more fear-mongering. I think the cell phone crap came to be from the desire of airlines to get people to use the on-board pay phones. I think this crap is about as dumb as the no cell phones at gas station BS. Might as well just say no metal objects at all are allowed, esp. cars themselves. hellno3d.gifrolleyes.gif

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JoshK said:

... I think the cell phone crap came to be from the desire of airlines to get people to use the on-board pay phones.


On a recent flight I found that my cell wouldn't work even if I tried - "No Service". Once you're at cruising altitude, I think you're out of range of the transmitters.


During take-off and landing it's probably better to not take the chance - too much stuff going on already, and a tiny little bit of interference on the wrong circuit at the wrong time could have disastrous consequences.

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