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Thanks Pres - Oil Exploration near Canyonlands


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I read an article in the Atlantic (I think) about a year ago about drilling and drilling technology. Most peoples notion of an oil derrick drilling an oil patch straight under it is way outdated. They can drill sideways for miles too. So I believe Cheney and his lacky George W when they talk about how light an impact drilling and exploring might have.

However I think that misses the main point. The main point is that we are fucking outselves (both environmentally and in terms of national security) by basing our economy on burning fossil fuels.

Instead of incouraging more drilling. It would be nice to see the governmet pumping a lot of money into wind/hydrogen/fuel cell technology. But I'm afraid our leaders are owned by Enron and Texaco and the like, so I guess we'll keep drilling.

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oh, but if you don't support Bush on this then you are unpatriotic and must support terrorism. You must be a communist and a Muslim. And you must hate America too. If you aren't for oil and gas exploration you should move to Iraq and see how you like it there! rolleyes.gif" border="0

Can't you see that drilling for oil is vital to winning the war on evil? If we don't drill for this oil, next thing you know five Yemeni students will rape and murder all the women and children in the US. Starting with your own. And your house is going to be bombed in the next five minutes, so can we drill for oil yet? [geek]

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OK here's an idea,Let Texans have their Independence from The US. Heck they're usually threatening to bolt anyway. Let George Bush be their President or CEO or whatever they want to call him. Kenneth Lay and the rest of the Enron Board can be his cabinet. They can have all their oil, all their nasty coastline, and their Barbie Doll showgirls! We'll just pull our border patrol back into Oklahoma, New Mexico and Lousiana. They will need special visas to ski in the Rockies.

They can drill for as much friggin oil as they want within their borders!

I won't miss any one of them!

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Energy Conservation- yeah riiiight!Vote the Demopublicans out-- sure- yeaah!

Those advocating that my position is bankrupt need a clue. Has anyone in this forum ever heard of the "Western Fuels Association" ?- didnt think so! They are a $400 million PAC in Washington composed of the major oil companies (The Gore Family has huge stock holdings in Oxy Petro), The Enrons, The Peabody Coal Companies, Blah-Blah-Blah. The last election cycle(local/state/National) cost approx 3.2 billion dollars. Think about it. The WFA provided nearly 12% of the campaign financing out there in some form. We did not throw the Brits out in 1776 with protests and the ballot. As long as you dumb asses have your Cheetos, WWF "rasslin" , and your SUV's; then we will never rid ourselves of the enemy within. Accept your slavery! Accept and embrace your indoctrination! However, some of us will always know that the bullet is stronger than the ballot.

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Specialed- I hear ya!

However, no one has ever denied that he is commited to his cause of ejecting the oil sucking infidels out of Saudia Arabia. A couple of more 9/11 type of hits on Amerika and the people will awaken to their SUV slavery. Oil is obviously the achilles heel of Amerika. Our dependence on oil will lead us into an economic "NAM" and we will exit the Middle East and expel the Texans from Amerika once and for all.

I just seek a Utopia of aesthetics and free love with the Bush daughters.

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Are you saying we should destroy the ballot box because it is weaker than the bullet?

- That is correct- The south attempted to cede from Amerika and was brought back in line by the bullet. The ballot box was invented for you NFL watchin, Budweiser Drinkin, Starbucks Sippin types. Accept your indoctrination and assume the position!

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Special Ed- or is that Special Olympics?I know that your brain hurts right now. I do not want to sound all "Matrix" on you,however, you do need to accept the fact that we are mainly worker bees and tools of the Great Satan. To dimiss my ideas as "go hang out with Ted" is the intellectual equivalent of you being the Osama Bin Laden of this forum. The Amerikan language is too colorful to use a metaphorical toxic blizzard of an insult like that.

- I wear black wool to show my solidarity with the Taliban.

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i think cleester is my favorite cc.commer....

you work in insurance dude you r brain is no longer yours....your ideas are polluted....come home to the black hole of ignorance brutha and free your soul

and i like starbucks

[ 02-14-2002: Message edited by: erik ]

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Thats right brutha. I sitz here in a cube(window office actually) and destroy from within. The last insurance company I worked for; I provided the info to a local personal injury attorney that started a class action/ bad faith against that company. Do not hide behind your authority as the Nazi death camp guards did ( I was only taking orders from above mentality ). The social conscience begins with the sovereign individual.

If you have never seen the color blue- how do you know what it looks like. Likewise, I have seen the evil of Amerika and reject it's mindset. Enlightenment is a circuitous path that may take the way of John Walker/sitting in a cube for 10 years/ or being a climbing bum.

I really am full of love in a bipolar sort of way.

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CleeshterFeeshter or Unabomber?

"4. We therefore advocate a revolution against the industrial system. This revolution may or may not make use of violence: it may be sudden or it may be a relatively gradual process spanning a few decades. We can't predict any of that. But we do outline in a very general way the measures that those who hate the industrial system should take in order to prepare the way for a revolution against that form of society. This is not to be a POLITICAL revolution. Its object will be to overthrow not governments but the economic and technological basis of the present society."

Free limited edition velvet Che Guevara poster for the first correct guess...

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Originally posted by CleeshterFeeshter:
Erik,Thats right brutha. I sitz here in a cube(window office actually) and destroy from within. The last insurance company I worked for; I provided the info to a local personal injury attorney that started a class action/ bad faith against that company. Do not hide behind your authority as the Nazi death camp guards did ( I was only taking orders from above mentality ). The social conscience begins with the sovereign individual.If you have never seen the color blue- how do you know what it looks like. Likewise, I have seen the evil of Amerika and reject it's mindset. Enlightenment is a circuitous path that may take the way of John Walker/sitting in a cube for 10 years/ or being a climbing bum. I really am full of love in a bipolar sort of way.


you be sooo funny, man you gotta get out of bosie, dont you know about mtn home afb....the fucking aliens are there man, i have seen them....and i can prove it.....a couple winters ago my bro and i were coming home from zion and crusing through that damn blizzard......my chevy was impervious to the death ray but any carhart wearing tacoma driver ended up in the ditch....it was the aleins man i tell you the fawking aleins....

i think instead of trying to bring down the insurace industry which goes deeper into the underworld of politics and big bidness.. you should burn your soul in a triuphet call to arms for all the chained and shackled cubicle slaves of the world....forget food....forget your american way of life and dig ditch and live there....let me know when you want a cheeseburger and a frappacino they will be on me....

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I admit I have been disturbed this winter. Only been out on the ice 2x. Banks apparently has not formed and was planning on that trip to balance the industrial angst. Tired of the Utah Ice. Gotta drive from Boyzee to get anywhere but here. Send me the frapp coupon and I will drink the caffeine laden elixir of productivity. The following a a real and true "no shit" conspiracy story that ties in Bush Sr- me-and this forum.

I attended USMA (West Point 89) and dated this nice looking blond girl in 1986. She lived in Tarryton,NY and worked at the Marriott Hotel in White Plains,NY. White Plains is the home of many large Corps (IBM,Xerox, etc). Anyway, this is a nice Marriott with a very upscale restaurant inside. VP Bush and Haig were staying there for a publican fundraiser.VP Bush is drunk off his ass trying to get my then 21 yr old girlfriend up to his VP suite. He spent 2 hours trying to get her up there and then sent the SS down to work her. She was fortunately smarter, younger, and much better looking than Paula Jones and Monica. The Bushes make JFK look like amatuer night.

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Originally posted by CleeshterFeeshter:
Erik,I admit I have been disturbed this winter. Only been out on the ice 2x. Banks apparently has not formed and was planning on that trip to balance the industrial angst. Tired of the Utah Ice. Gotta drive from Boyzee to get anywhere but here. Send me the frapp coupon and I will drink the caffeine laden elixir of productivity. The following a a real and true "no shit" conspiracy story that ties in Bush Sr- me-and this forum.I attended USMA (West Point 89) and dated this nice looking blond girl in 1986. She lived in Tarryton,NY and worked at the Marriott Hotel in White Plains,NY. White Plains is the home of many large Corps (IBM,Xerox, etc). Anyway, this is a nice Marriott with a very upscale restaurant inside. VP Bush and Haig were staying there for a publican fundraiser.VP Bush is drunk off his ass trying to get my then 21 yr old girlfriend up to his VP suite. He spent 2 hours trying to get her up there and then sent the SS down to work her. She was fortunately smarter, younger, and much better looking than Paula Jones and Monica. The Bushes make JFK look like amatuer night.

Its a good think chokers werren't fashionable in 1986 rolleyes.gif" border="0

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Originally posted by CleeshterFeeshter:
I attended USMA (West Point 89) .

Kazinski went to Harvard....

Just kidding ChesterCheeta. You're entitled to your own opinion. Where would climbing be if not for all the eccentric characters. Jim Beyer, for example, was all "politicized" even went to El Salvador to hang out with the Sandanistas. And he's the sickest aid-soloist EVER. You might be a little out there, but that's cool man. Hey, we both agree the Bush's suck ass though right.

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Originally posted by CleeshterFeeshter:
Erik,I admit I have been disturbed this winter. Only been out on the ice 2x. Banks apparently has not formed and was planning on that trip to balance the industrial angst. Tired of the Utah Ice. Gotta drive from Boyzee to get anywhere but here. Send me the frapp coupon and I will drink the caffeine laden elixir of productivity. The following a a real and true "no shit" conspiracy story that ties in Bush Sr- me-and this forum.I attended USMA (West Point 89) and dated this nice looking blond girl in 1986. She lived in Tarryton,NY and worked at the Marriott Hotel in White Plains,NY. White Plains is the home of many large Corps (IBM,Xerox, etc). Anyway, this is a nice Marriott with a very upscale restaurant inside. VP Bush and Haig were staying there for a publican fundraiser.VP Bush is drunk off his ass trying to get my then 21 yr old girlfriend up to his VP suite. He spent 2 hours trying to get her up there and then sent the SS down to work her. She was fortunately smarter, younger, and much better looking than Paula Jones and Monica. The Bushes make JFK look like amatuer night.

cleestertell us are you that young 21 year old girl???? how great was the trauma???? i hear that michael jackson is starting to expand into reality, check out his website for an application......

so what are you really sayin dude????

selling out the company is not a smart move, they will track you and watch you, i know i watch!>>!!>!>! i think your best bet would to be a compelete indusrial robot, grow in strength and numbers, build stature and power then when the moment is right strike with the passion of a boy whom never got to watch the muppets, strike like a serpent of death, strike like a little bot whom lost his toys to the school yard bully......

that or just relax watch some simpsons and eat some cereal......

[ 02-14-2002: Message edited by: erik ]

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Hey Chleester,

How do you think your Taliban brothers would view climbing? ...Probably the same way they looked upon flying kites! "Not for the glory of Allah", therefore, .....banned.

Your anarchist views are amusing. Aren't you afraid that "they" are monitoring your posts here?Actually,as near as I can tell you sound more Kmher Rouge than anarchist.

By the way Specialized; the Sandanistas ruled Nicaragua, not El Salvador.

Also; to whom it may concern, Enron is a natural gas company, not an "oil giant".

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