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Mr. Erik says:


"so instead of whining about all the shit you cant change in the world why dont you work on something you can! YOUR UNDERWEAR for starters!"


Let's see how things are viewed twenty years or so from now. Dwayner predicts that your BIG FUN sport-climbing will be viewed with the kind of disgust that most people hold for the piton-bashing that took place prior to the clean-climbing [and somewhat failed] revolution of the early 1970's. Enjoy your FUN!


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Dwayner said:

Mr. Erik says:


"so instead of whining about all the shit you cant change in the world why dont you work on something you can! YOUR UNDERWEAR for starters!"


Let's see how things are viewed twenty years or so from now. Dwayner predicts that your BIG FUN sport-climbing will be viewed with the kind of disgust that most people hold for the piton-bashing that took place prior to the clean-climbing [and somewhat failed] revolution of the early 1970's. Enjoy your FUN!


Hey, shouldn't this be posted in the new JUMP THE SHARK DUDE FORUM


kawabunga dawg

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E-rock said:

Why do I bother to read this person's incessant drivel.


Jon, can you code in a feature that will block out all of Dwayner's posts if we chose to do so? Thanks, that would be super, and lots more useful than a rock-climbing forum.


Hey dude....no special coding necessary...if you see the name, "Dwayner", just don't read the post! It's easy and a great way to shut out all of those ideas you don't agree with or don't want to deal with! Wouldn't want to spoil all your BIG FUN with those pesky ethics, would we?


"America! What a country!"



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Peter_Puget said:

I am surprised to see RumRs posting -all I can say is doesn't it feel better not being on the dark side.


I agree with Mister E about Dwayner but here is a poll:


Do you view the ascents by the yosemite masters from let's say 1950 to 1965 with disgust?


Petey...You're smarter than that. You understand my point. Take a poll about bashing pins on free climbs in the 21st century and that will more closely match my analogy.


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I propose a DWAYNER FREE FORUM where not only is Dwayner not allowed to post but the mere mention of him gets the post deleted. Although he says we can easily ignore his posts, the redundant images he frequently uses are impossible to miss.

*While we're at it, why don't we ban Dru, Trask and a few other worthless sprayers as well! wave.gif

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slaphappy said:

I propose a DWAYNER FREE FORUM where not only is Dwayner not allowed to post but the mere mention of him gets the post deleted. Although he says we can easily ignore his posts, the redundant images he frequently uses are impossible to miss.

*While we're at it, why don't we ban Dru, Trask and a few other worthless sprayers as well! wave.gif


and you have made such a significant contribution rolleyes.gifwave.gifpitty.gif


new all sheep forum for erik

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Erik thinks he's cute:

erik said:



I'll do it on top-rope.


RUMR thinks he's clever:

"Nor will i smack pins into an established clean/free route!!


Never done that....don't plan on it either.


Slaphappy.....maybe you can find employment with the thought-police. You can ban those whose views you find obnoxious and retain all the goofy non-climbing related banter....whatever you find amusing.





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slaphappy said:

I propose a DWAYNER FREE FORUM where not only is Dwayner not allowed to post but the mere mention of him gets the post deleted. Although he says we can easily ignore his posts, the redundant images he frequently uses are impossible to miss.

*While we're at it, why don't we ban Dru, Trask and a few other worthless sprayers as well! wave.gif

Shut it, before I jack-hammer your head into the concrete pavement and plant pretty plastic flowers in your ass, you brain-fried gimpzoid spazboy.


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