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The disease of Liberalism


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So, I heard that "The Governator" Arnold was asked recently about how he and Maria worked out their political differences, since he is ultra-conservative, and she, being a Kennedy, is very Liberal.

His response?

He said that Liberalism is a disease, and he married her "for better or for worse, in sickness and in health", and he had promised to stay with her through her liberal "sickness"yellaf.gifrolleyes.gif

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Liberalism is great. David Hume, Adam Smith, Jeremy Bentham, Ludvig Von Mises, F. A Von Hayek, etc, etc, etc, etc rule. They were true liberals, and devoted the better part of their lives to advancing the inextricably intertwined causes of free markets and free people. We have a lot to thank them for.


They still use the term correctly in Europe, but here in the states the term Liberalism is a misnomer, as it refers to the tepid, lukewarm Socialism that the left in this country clings to despite its multiple staggering failures over the course of this century.

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liberalism- a broad body of political theory based on the significance of the individual-


Liberal socities protect the rights of the individual to enjoy liberty, including the liberty to own and produce wealth, and to publish and assemble with others in public as freely as is consistent with the avoidance of harm to others. governments principal responsibilities in a liberal political system is to safeguard the rights of the individual, and government is suppossed to be relegated to a secondary activity, but neccessary.



theres not much liberalism left in congress on EITHER side of the aisle.

I would doubt Maria Schriver fits the definition of "liberal"

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unfortunately, the reassignment of the words intended meaning is part of the reshaping of political language unfortunately being fed by the news media and the conservatives.


thus the proud history of a valid model of political system has been reshaped to equate to "anyone that is unpatriotic" or "anyone who is critical of the government's war on terror" and "against economic recovery"



and we are the unwitting, unwilling participants in a republic that has only the illusion of a democratic society-


noblesse oblige, it is not. democratic model, no. But "Liberal is a disease" is an idiotic joke by an extremely wealthy guy probably going to be california's NEXT movie star governor-


I bet he would favor a liberal approach to his finances and liberal notions about HIS empire building.


republicans are suprisingly liberal when it comes to big business-


deregulation is a liberal action, not a conservative one.


my two bits

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I hope he gets elected. He truly represents the hopes and aspirations, as well as the image, of our nation at large: The poor, dumb black rye cutter immigrant made good by coming to the land of opportunity and pumping himself up to rise above the crowds of inflated egos, making a lot of money by not saying much, just standing there and looking pretty.... smirk.gif

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Billygoat said:

If it wasn't for liberals you would all be slaving 80 hours a week for three dollars an hour, no benefits, renting company housing at exorbitant rates, shopping in the company store, living segregated lives and there would be no porn on the internet (Trask) rolleyes.gif


If it weren't for conservatives, we'd be spending all our hard-earned money on taxes to pay for welfare, housing for drunks, needles for heroin addicts, studies on how butterfly piss affects squirrels' habitats, and incentives for unemployed single mothers to have their 5th and 6th kids. Like in the former Soviet Union, no one would bust their ass to build a legitimate business; organized crime would control everything.

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gohawks said:

Billygoat said:

If it wasn't for liberals you would all be slaving 80 hours a week for three dollars an hour, no benefits, renting company housing at exorbitant rates, shopping in the company store, living segregated lives and there would be no porn on the internet (Trask) rolleyes.gif


If it weren't for conservatives, we'd be spending all our hard-earned money on taxes to pay for welfare, housing for drunks, needles for heroin addicts, studies on how butterfly piss affects squirrels' habitats, and incentives for unemployed single mothers to have their 5th and 6th kids. Like in the former Soviet Union, no one would bust their ass to build a legitimate business; organized crime would control everything.


I think when you consider how much we pay in taxes for corporate welfare in this country, and the back-stabbing, health-and-environment-be-damned-for-the-sake-of-a-few-dollars-more business ethics of those same corporations, the results are quite similar to what you just described.

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E-rock said:

gohawks said:

Billygoat said:

If it wasn't for liberals you would all be slaving 80 hours a week for three dollars an hour, no benefits, renting company housing at exorbitant rates, shopping in the company store, living segregated lives and there would be no porn on the internet (Trask) rolleyes.gif


If it weren't for conservatives, we'd be spending all our hard-earned money on taxes to pay for welfare, housing for drunks, needles for heroin addicts, studies on how butterfly piss affects squirrels' habitats, and incentives for unemployed single mothers to have their 5th and 6th kids. Like in the former Soviet Union, no one would bust their ass to build a legitimate business; organized crime would control everything.


I think when you consider how much we pay in taxes for corporate welfare in this country, and the back-stabbing, health-and-environment-be-damned-for-the-sake-of-a-few-dollars-more business ethics of those same corporations, the results are quite similar to what you just described.


That ain' t got nothin' to with what I was talking about. Yeah, the environment is getting trashed and it sucks. But that has nothing to do with bull shit social services. It's called taking responsibility for yourself and being self-sufficient. If you don't understand that, then you sure as hell ain't a real climber.


Maybe one day California will get that, and stop blowing money away on welfare for illegal aliens. How else did the highest taxed state in the country with the largest GDP have a deficit?

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