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Crack technique?


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glassgowkiss said:

cracked said:

glassgowkiss said:

glass-pipe and hold your breath as long as you can the_finger.gif


Um, yeah, I'll try that next time. Thanks. moon.gif

wtf? are you so stupid to belive you can learn climbing on internet formum? go climb some cracks and figure it out you dolt moon.gif


Actually, I was referring to a particular, popular, pitch. I was hoping I could learn how other people climb that pitch. moon.gif


Besides, your reccommendation is what I've been doing. I learned that where most people fist jam, I'm using cupped hands. wave.gif

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Yeah! What is this world coming to? But then given the spelling I thought it might be something legit I could take back to the wide crack I love so much.


Did my first stacked hands yesterday and that shit worked great. Just looking for more tools to put in the kit. No worries Iain. bigdrink.gif

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since DFA has temporarily forgotten his login password perhaps iain can answer at the moment.


Leavittation is a way to run up offwidth crack where you hop like a frog by stacking hands and feet alternately. Supposedly used often by Mr. Randy Leavitt.

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google is your friend. dru is not correct. no chicken wings.


climb those nasty cracks


"For overhanging offwidths, Randy Leavitt and Tony Yaniro

developed a brilliant technique called Leavittation

-- prerequisites for using it are washboard abdominals and

aerobic fitness. First stack the hands -- you can place

them back-to-palm (the back of one and the palm of the

other press against the sides of the crack) or with your

wrists crossed (hands placed back-to-back with palms pressed

against opposite sides of the crack; see figure 12). Jam

either arrangement, the place one foot waist-high or

higher by setting a heel-toe jam deep inside the crack.

As an alternative, jam your knee inside the crack, then

draw your heel toward your crotch; that action expands the

knee against the walls of the crack (figure 13). The other

foot pushes off the edge of the crack or face holds below

you. Using your abs to pull your torso in and up, reach

higher and restack your hands. If the crack is too wide

forstacked hands, either make a fist and place it against

the palm of the other hand (figure 13), or jam both fists

side by side (figure 11). "




ponytail and diaper are advanced technique blush.gif

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fern said:

google is your friend. dru is not correct. no chicken wings.


climb those nasty cracks


"or with your wrists crossed (hands placed back-to-back with palms pressed against opposite sides of the crack; see figure 12). Jam either arrangement, the place one foot waist-high or

higher by setting a heel-toe jam deep inside the crack. As an alternative, jam your knee inside the crack, then draw your heel toward your crotch; that action expands the knee against the walls of the crack (figure 13). The other foot pushes off the edge of the crack or face holds below you. Using your abs to pull your torso in and up, reach higher and restack your hands."


ponytail and diaper are advanced technique blush.gif


Cool! This is what I was doing on sunday. Crossed my wrists and it actually worked to let me get that knee jam higher. But I guess I could've just lyebacked that crack and used Dru's favorite technique of no technique. wink.gif

Edited by ehmmic
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fern said:

google is your friend. dru is not correct. no chicken wings.


climb those nasty cracks


"For overhanging offwidths, Randy Leavitt and Tony Yaniro

developed a brilliant technique called Leavittation

-- prerequisites for using it are washboard abdominals and

aerobic fitness. First stack the hands -- you can place

them back-to-palm (the back of one and the palm of the

other press against the sides of the crack) or with your

wrists crossed (hands placed back-to-back with palms pressed

against opposite sides of the crack; see figure 12). Jam

either arrangement, the place one foot waist-high or

higher by setting a heel-toe jam deep inside the crack.

As an alternative, jam your knee inside the crack, then

draw your heel toward your crotch; that action expands the

knee against the walls of the crack (figure 13). The other

foot pushes off the edge of the crack or face holds below

you. Using your abs to pull your torso in and up, reach

higher and restack your hands. If the crack is too wide

forstacked hands, either make a fist and place it against

the palm of the other hand (figure 13), or jam both fists

side by side (figure 11). "





now look at that knee, and tell me its not kneebarring!!!!! DRU IS ALWAYS CORRECT! tongue.gif

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