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new NYC school to have suck football team


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"But the head of the New York State Conservative Party said the school was a waste of tax dollars."


Ah compassionate conservatism at it's finest. Always about the taxpayer bottom line. Never about the quality of education in our country.



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AlpineK said:

How many of you folks know what the Twinkie defense was.


OW and MattP are disqualified. wave.gif

Dan White, who was an SF councilmember, who murdered Councilman Harvey Milk and Mayor Moscone used the Twinkie defense. He claimed diminished capacity due to his years of eating junk food.


I thought we were trying to celebrate diversity in this country and having everyone accept everyone else and get along. Now gays want their own school to separate themselves from the rest the school system. Wasn't separate but equal outlawed with Brown v. Board of Education?

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It did sound like a rather curious case of segregation to this Doctor. You'd think the gay folks might have taken a moment to study our nation's history, and may thus have discovered that African Americans caused quite a ruckus in order to avoid this very scenario. What next? They want their own pink buses, drinking fountains, and diners?

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