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Da White House


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I heard on the news this morning that some reporter did a piece on the troops in Iraq, and how their morale is taking a hit. One GI was filmed saying that he thinks Donald Rumsfeld should resign.


Apparently the White House was furious, and later someone from the White House called up Matt Drudge from the Drudge Report to inform him that the reporter who did this piece was Canadian AND gay. WTF? Is that the best they can come up with these days? The Whitehouse denies this.

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I think you're giving our prez a little too much credit for critical thinking. I'm sure a taskforce/thinktank was assigned to take care of that for him so that he could finish watching the espn timber carnival coverage on tv.

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"One called for the resignation of Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.



Criticism of superior officers is a breach of military rules.



Too bad that assfuck Rumsfield isn't in the chain of command. Last time I checked nobody in the armed forces reported to the secretary of defense. rolleyes.gif

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JoshK said:

"One called for the resignation of Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld.



Criticism of superior officers is a breach of military rules.



Too bad that assfuck Rumsfield isn't in the chain of command. Last time I checked nobody in the armed forces reported to the secretary of defense. rolleyes.gif


Yeah, it would be hard to argue Rumsfield is superior to anyone.

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Fejas said:

either that or he has a staff member paint a wall in his office so he can watch the paint dry... or maybe he sits on the pourch to watch the grass grow...


Or he has a staff member paint a wall in his office, and has another staff member watch it, and then fill him in on the relevant parts.

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bunglehead said:

Fejas said:

either that or he has a staff member paint a wall in his office so he can watch the paint dry... or maybe he sits on the pourch to watch the grass grow...


Or he has a staff member paint a wall in his office, and has another staff member watch it, and then fill him in on the relevant parts.


yelrotflmao.gif thats rich...

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