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Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

Shut up, gunslinging John Wayne fetishist, sheepshagging alcoholic dropout, and tree trimming pansy! Go fuck your respective selves, or, for a new twist, your collective selves.


Dr. Flash Amazing will now retire to the den for a fine ale and some literature, leaving you knuckle-dragging, poop-stained troglodytes to your lubricious devices.


Fuck off Dr Flash Fuck. the_finger.gif

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trask said:

...so the other dilemma I'm always faced with when dating a new chica, is the farting issue. when is it cool to let 'er rip? a week, a month, a year? gawd, i'm so confused .... and bound up tighter'n a bull's ass in fly time. blush.gif


One of the ultimate dilemmas in male-female interrelation, for sure. Maybe just surprise her with a "dutch oven" one night in bed and let that be the ice breaker.

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