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Bet some of you have some good ones. I've had experiences ranging from an invitation long ago to the mile-high club (a female thank god) to watching people get clapped in irons upon arriving at destination.


Hardest landing: AirIndia 747, heavy t-storm, JFK in midst of Reagan air controller strike.


Best Lightshow: JAL, north of Fairbanks, aurora borealis, 1989. A couple of years ago, I read in Nat'l Geographic that this particular night had the most intense northern lights in something like 50 years.


Pre-Sep 11 Innocence: Swissair pilots let my wife and I tour the 747 cockpit in-flight over the Atlantic. thumbs_up.gif

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i was in a plane bout to land in houston when we were hit by lightning. that was pretty freaky. but what was scary was the captains voice over the intercom: 'ladies and gentlemen . . . ' then fuckin nothing for bout a minute. then he says everthing is okay. it sure was quiet in the cabin while we waited for the captain to start talking again.

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the worst flight I ever had was a 747 converted to 1/2 cargo, so only 1 toilet. It originated in Delhi, 10hrs later I joined the original passengers in London. 4hrs later the toilet overflowed. 6hrs later I could breathe again when the doors opened in Vancouver.

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About 6 years ago I went to some training in Salt Lake City and boarded an evening flight to Seattle to come home. We were taxiing out to the runway when a guy came walking up the aisle with a flight attendant following him shrugging her shoulders and saying, "he wants to get off of the plane!?!?!" She told the pilot and he started to turn around to go back to the terminal. She sat him in a rear facing seat in front of everyone and he was looking around wildly and breathing heavy and pretty much freaking out. We were moving along pretty good toward the terminal and not too far away when he hopped out of his seat and opened up the door and jumped out of the plane. The plane was still a little pressurized and when he opened the door it felt like we were inside of a pop can when it's opened up. The flight attendants were screaming and the plane came to an abrupt stop. The whacko got up off of the pavement and ran down the tarmac with trucks and cars chasing him and they caught him shortly after. He never did tell the cops why he bolted so we had to deplane and all the luggage had to be checked and dogs were brought on board and I ended up being delayed for hours and hours. hellno3d.gif

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something similar to fern's experience happened to me outbound on Air India: 2 hours into the flight, curry is served. Halfway across the Atlantic, johns are clogged and stinking. Also, diapers are being tossed into the aisle. Nasty flight. hellno3d.gif

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i was on a flight when the kid in the seat in front of me shits something terrible stinky. the stewardess came running with this little wipe thing she pulles out of a foil pack. she waves it in the air and the smell was gone. fucking miracle stuff. like nuclear febreze. wish i knew what it was.

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Two weeks ago on a flight to London, I sat down next to some English guy. In front of us was a very drunk American dude. About an hour into the flight, we were watching a movie and the American turned to the English guy and started talking (slurring). The Englishman tried to be all polite and just said sorry, but he was watching the film. Next thing, the American wrote a note and gave it to the Englishman. It said something like, "We are allies now. Let's share a drink." We were kinda laughing and went back to watching the film. The drunk guy kept badgering us though, and next thing, he wrote another note saying "Germany and U.S. are allies. We stopped taking orders from you in 1945. Let's drink." WTF??? So, we got the airline attendant to keep an eye on him. She told him to stop annoying the passengers and go to sleep. Next thing, he's turning around to chat to us again. This time, the attendant pulled his drink out of his hand and ordered him to sleep. He quickly did. When we landed, he acted like nothing had happened (probably couldn't remember a thing).


- Once got horny and rubbed one out in the bathroom smile.gif

- Once had a Belgian guy on a Sabenas flight puke all over himself. The plane absolutely fucking stunk so bad.

- Once saw a guy pleasuring a chick he'd met just as he sat down on a trans-atlantic flight. This was the same guy that 3 hrs previously had boarded a plane with me in Sweden as he kissed his girlfriend goodbye and they were both crying.

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Damn JG, that coulda been me in the bad old days on Sabena! (wrong side of the pond)---hell no, I made a mistake...I meant to imply that I was that playuh-guy...never puked myself on a plane! hellno3d.gif


Your drunken passenger post reminds me of the ultimate story. Google-search Gerard Finneran.

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"Finneran, you'll recall, was the passenger on an international flight in 1995 who, having been told he'd enjoyed enough liquor, responded by lowering his trousers and fecally sullying a nearby food cart. "


The guy was an investment banker in his 50s, in first class on a flight from Buenas Aires.


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My worst flight


From Lagos, Nigeria to Nairobi/Kenya on an Ethipoian Airways flight during the annual pilgramage of muslims to Mecca. Stews refused to leave back of plane for entire flight. Goats and other animals on board, urine in aisle etc. Trippy man.............


Second Worst.

Domestic Pakistan Airways flight from Karachi to Baluchistan provence near Iran border. Armed guards, plane malfuctions, much praying and crying ------------scary.


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My scariest flight, which was also a bit fun now that it is over, was down in Peru. The flight from Lima to Cuzco. It was on an old 737-200, which was missing a few pieces of the interior, with the insulation showing on, and a few wires as well. Cuzco is over 8,000 feet high in the Andes, and boy can those pilots fly. They fly almost like a small plane, tightly banking the corners through the mountains, and all of a sudden dropping down and landing. What a ride...


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Cuzco is closer to 12,000 ft... blush.gif


RobBob's rule for the new century, after reading lots of crash stats over the years: Major airlines and american-owned smaller airlines only. Drove six hours each way across Venezuela to avoid Latin-American smaller planes. hellno3d.gif

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wow, I must not have really flown yet! The worst that happened to me was having the plane abort a landing (we hadn't even touched down when he gunned the engines and started climbing again) to allow another plane with problems to land first. Meanwhile my parents are in the terminal watching all these emergency vehicles driving out to what should have been my plane...

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RobBob said:

Cuzco is closer to 12,000 ft... blush.gif


RobBob's rule for the new century, after reading lots of crash stats over the years: Major airlines and american-owned smaller airlines only. Drove six hours each way across Venezuela to avoid Latin-American smaller planes. hellno3d.gif


That's not a bad rule of thumb. Sometimes you have no choice though...I'm flying Min-Vody Airlines from Moscow to Mineralinye-Vody in a few weeks blush.gif Also going Aeroflot from Berlin to Moscow. There's no hope for us I guess.

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Swissair flight crew used to have a spiel taking off out of Zurich:

"Those of you who have flown with us before know that you will enjoy an invigorating acceleration on this runway, followed by a lively turn to starboard immediately after takeoff..."

And when they still flew 747s, it was a fairly exciting turn so low to the ground hahaha.gif

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