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No more telemarketers


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Just got a call from a friend that we can now opt out on a new anti-telemarketing program. I knew this was legal and coming in the State of WA. You can go to www.donotcall.gov or call 888-382-1222 to sign up. Evidently starts in Oct. Supposedly this will eliminate a shit-load of unwanted calls. I'm signing up RIGHT NOW. WooHoo, fuck U telemarketers the_finger.gifthe_finger.gif

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I think the whole concept of telemarketing sucks, but if by giving out my number, I can eliminate the bulk of these fuckers calling me, I'm game. Anyway, I called the 888 number cause the website wasn't working and opted out. Hope it works! Now drop and give me twenty!!! grin.gif

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thelawgoddess said:

lol. heard that on the news this morning. does anybody else think it's weird that to keep people from calling you you have to give out your number? cantfocus.gif


yeah it was in teh paper... apparently they will get 1000's of dollars in fines per call... if they use someone on the do not call list... g'night telemarketers! woooohooo! the_finger.gif

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