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Looking back at the election


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Just a few notes on REAL election results:


Total Counties won by Bush: 2,434 - Total Counties won by Gore: 677


Population of counties won by Bush: 143 million - Population of counties won by Gore: 127 million


Square miles of country won by Bush: 2,427,000 - Square miles of country won by Gore: 580,000


States won by Bush: 29 - States won by Gore: 19


And an even more remarkable finding...


Average Murder per 100,000 residents in counties won by Bush: 0.1 - Average Murder per 100,000 residents in counties won by Gore: 13.2


Researchers found one more interesting fact that might help explain these disparate murder rates.


Gun ownership in the counties won by Mr. Bush is much higher than in the counties won by Mr. Gore.

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trask said:

Just a few notes on REAL election results:


Total Counties won by Bush: 2,434 - Total Counties won by Gore: 677


Population of counties won by Bush: 143 million - Population of counties won by Gore: 127 million


Square miles of country won by Bush: 2,427,000 - Square miles of country won by Gore: 580,000


States won by Bush: 29 - States won by Gore: 19


And an even more remarkable finding...


Average Murder per 100,000 residents in counties won by Bush: 0.1 - Average Murder per 100,000 residents in counties won by Gore: 13.2


Researchers found one more interesting fact that might help explain these disparate murder rates.


Gun ownership in the counties won by Mr. Bush is much higher than in the counties won by Mr. Gore.


Since crime follows poverty, and Republicans are not known for fighting for the rights of low income workers, could one not deduce instead that the reason crime is high in non-Rep. counties is because the low income people don't vote Rep?


I mean, you stating that more guns mean less murder is kinda silly, since no guns would mean no murders(with a gun), no? By your argument, if everyone had a gun, then there would be no murders, and the WWWest has already proven you wrong.

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Gaston, I believe that if you really dig deep into the "actual" history of the so-called wild west you'll find that a lot of the killin's and gunplay was horseshit. Oh, granted, there were some killin's, but most of those folks were low-life fuckwads that needed killin' anyways. The equivalent of today's gangsters. Hollywood has really skewed the picture too. Anyway, varmints will always have guns, legal or not...plain fact. We've all heard the drill, so I won't go into it any deeper.

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I mean, you stating that more guns mean less murder is kinda silly, since no guns would mean no murders(with a gun), no?


you fuckign dolt! he is sayign people who vote for bush (and consequently are pro guns) are more likely to have responsible ownership with their weapons... they dont view it as a piece to fuck up some other hommies... it is either for protection or for hunting... did he ever say there was a direct correlation NO! hurry up and die so your DNA can serve a purpose instead of doling out stupid shit like this... boxing_smiley.gif


sorry bra russian metal makes me agressive... bigdrink.gif


still think you are a fucknut! the_finger.gifyellaf.gif

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Fence_Sitter said:

I mean, you stating that more guns mean less murder is kinda silly, since no guns would mean no murders(with a gun), no?


you fuckign dolt! he is sayign people who vote for bush (and consequently are pro guns) are more likely to have responsible ownership with their weapons... they dont view it as a piece to fuck up some other hommies... it is either for protection or for hunting... did he ever say there was a direct correlation NO!


Actually, what he said was " Gun ownership in the counties won by Mr. Bush is much higher than in the counties won by Mr. Gore ". You obviously liberally interpreted his words and added several things, whereas I took a more direct reading on them.


Know, I have no statistics handy to support this, but I'm pretty sure I've read that responsible gun owners are not to blame for crime commited with guns. What I was trying to point out is that his statement about gun ownership has very little to do with murder rates.

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Trask--couple of questions:


1. Where did you get that data? Just curious.


2. 29+19=48. What happened with the remaining two states?




Oh, and Bush should be impeached if they find no weapons of mass destruction. Misleading the public with respect to justification to send troops to foreign lands and die is far worse than getting blown by an intern in the oval office--and impeachment proceedings followed that little pecadillo.


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rbw1966 said:

Misleading the public with respect to justification to send troops to foreign lands and die is far worse than getting blown by an intern in the oval office--and impeachment proceedings followed that little pecadillo.


And still dying there every day... confused.gifrolleyes.gifthumbs_down.gif

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b-rock said:

rbw1966 said:

Misleading the public with respect to justification to send troops to foreign lands and die is far worse than getting blown by an intern in the oval office--and impeachment proceedings followed that little pecadillo.


And still dying there every day... confused.gifrolleyes.gifthumbs_down.gif


ahem.... kosovo...

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Yo Fence: why do you keep throwing this "Kosovo" thing at us? Did Clinton lie about what we were doing in Kosovo? I bet he did. But how is that supposed to justify Bush's doing the same? Is there any comparison in the degree of world-wide animosity against the U.S. sparked by the bombing in Kosovo and that sparked by our invasion of Iraq? How does Clinton's lying about how many people were brutally murdered in Kosovo (if he did) compare with Bush's lying that we were threatened by Iraq (if he did)? Last I checked, Clinton was out of office. How does your hatred of Bill Clinton factor in to how I should view today's actions? Are we supposed to blindly accept whatever foreign invasion our government proposes, and jump in line behind the flag, without asking questions? Is that what you call freedom and democracy?

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supposed to justify Bush's doing the same?


didn't say it did..

How does Clinton's lying about how many people were brutally murdered in Kosovo (if he did) compare with Bush's lying that we were threatened by Iraq (if he did)?


because both lied to start a war for their own purposes rolleyes.gif


How does your hatred of Bill Clinton factor in to how I should view today's actions?


because many berrate bsuh fo the same thing they applauded clinton doing just a few years back... rolleyes.gif

Are we supposed to blindly accept whatever foreign invasion our government proposes




jump in line behind the flag



without asking questions?




you see i was jsut bringing to attention the level at which partisan politics has corrupted all of our minds. i think boh fuckers fucked up... you think only one fucker fucked up. why blame one and not the other? i know why... and i think you do to...

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Fence_Sitter said:

supposed to justify Bush's doing the same?


didn't say it did..

How does Clinton's lying about how many people were brutally murdered in Kosovo (if he did) compare with Bush's lying that we were threatened by Iraq (if he did)?


because both lied to start a war for their own purposes rolleyes.gif


How does your hatred of Bill Clinton factor in to how I should view today's actions?


because many berrate bsuh fo the same thing they applauded clinton doing just a few years back... rolleyes.gif

Are we supposed to blindly accept whatever foreign invasion our government proposes




jump in line behind the flag



without asking questions?




you see i was jsut bringing to attention the level at which partisan politics has corrupted all of our minds. i think boh fuckers fucked up... you think only one fucker fucked up. why blame one and not the other? i know why... and i think you do to...


See this is why its so fucking stupid to debate politics in spray with all you. I make a point that US Soldiers are still getting killed in Iraq for a really bad reason IMO and get a response of 'uhh Kosovo'. Who the fuck is talking about Kosovo? What the fuck do you presume to know about my opinions there? Fence Shitter you are dumb. the_finger.gifwave.gifbigdrink.gif

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