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Posted by climber21. Sounds like Johnny Destiny...


posted 2003-03-29 17:52:48


I am sorry i have come to this thread. I did so only thinking that Diego here was trying to say that this war was over sex, and i couldn't imagine how anyone would come up with that. That said, i am proud to say that, not being married, i have not had sex. In fact, i've not even kissed yet. Many of you are probably thinking, "Man, climber21 must be horribly ugly or something..." Actually, i have had opportunities, but i realized how cheap it would be, because i have not honestly been in love yet, and i believe that everything physical like kissing and sex should be with one you truly love, and i just haven't found her yet. And when i do find her, i won't have sex until we're married. I'm also proud to say that i'm not so unique as many may think in this stance that i have on this subject. All my close friends who are still unmarried are also virgins (girls and guys), and many of them (some even a little older than me) have also not kissed and are also saving the first experiences for when it is right. And i can tell you quite confidently that we are happier, more joyful, more content, and lead much better lives than all i know who have had sex outside of marriage, drink heavily, and smoke.


Edited by catbirdseat
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catbirdseat said:

Posted by climber21. Sounds like Johnny Destiny...


posted 2003-03-29 17:52:48


And i can tell you quite confidently that we are happier, more joyful, more content, and lead much better lives than all i know who have had sex outside of marriage, drink heavily, and smoke.


How would he know? He's never tried it! yellaf.gifsmileysex5.gifthumbs_up.gifsmileysex5.gifthumbs_up.gifsmileysex5.gifthumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gifthumbs_up.gifyellaf.gif

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Sphinx said:

Actually, what happens when people try to suppress masturbation and wet dreams, not to mention sex. Do they go mad? (I'm not asking you Trask, you wouldn't know.)


Seems to me your balls would explode. I can't tell ya first hand, never gone a day without.

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erik said:

Winter said:

Think he'll give me the names and numbers of his wholesome female friends?





Erik do you mean NYMPHOMANIAC!?


Nevermind I'll be nice, that was stupid anyway

Edited by E-rock
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catbirdseat said:

Posted by climber21. Sounds like Johnny Destiny...


posted 2003-03-29 17:52:48


I am sorry i have come to this thread. I did so only thinking that Diego here was trying to say that this war was over sex, and i couldn't imagine how anyone would come up with that. That said, i am proud to say that, not being married, i have not had sex. In fact, i've not even kissed yet. Many of you are probably thinking, "Man, climber21 must be horribly ugly or something..." Actually, i have had opportunities, but i realized how cheap it would be, because i have not honestly been in love yet, and i believe that everything physical like kissing and sex should be with one you truly love, and i just haven't found her yet. And when i do find her, i won't have sex until we're married. I'm also proud to say that i'm not so unique as many may think in this stance that i have on this subject. All my close friends who are still unmarried are also virgins (girls and guys), and many of them (some even a little older than me) have also not kissed and are also saving the first experiences for when it is right. And i can tell you quite confidently that we are happier, more joyful, more content, and lead much better lives than all i know who have had sex outside of marriage, drink heavily, and smoke.


UGH!! Jesus, save me from your followers!! Please!!


I think Mom may have left the rubber band on this limpdick's nutsack a bit too long after she caught him touching his meat while he took a piss. This is a great example of the moral decay that is sweeping across the nation. Don't let GG's life and death have been in vain. He died at the foot of the Rock & Roll altar for YOU!!!

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I used to drink and fornicate and smoke marijuana when I was young and in the service and didn't know any better.


It gave me bad breath, the clap, and a nasty cough.


Then I found Jesus, and now my life is better. I'm married, clean, sober and level headed.


You are all laughing at this good young Christian boy (or maybe he is a Mormon). Now he may be clueless, granted, or perhaps he is just a geek who can't get any, and is rationalizing - I don't rightly know. But you'd do well to listen to his words of wisdom. I will pray for you catbirdseat. If you die this weekend on Tripple Couloirs in an avalanche, I hope the good Lord will not be angry with you for mocking a good christian boy.

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johnny_destiny said:

I will pray for you catbirdseat. If you die this weekend on Tripple Couloirs in an avalanche, I hope the good Lord will not be angry with you for mocking a good christian boy.


BWAAHAHAH yelrotflmao.gifyelrotflmao.gif


Haha, you fucking jackass, listen to you.


I'll pray that mohammed doesn't rain down rocks on your head for believeing in Jesus then, you fecal felcher. wazzup.gifrolleyes.gifrolleyes.gif

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johnny_destiny said:

I used to drink and fornicate and smoke marijuana when I was young and in the service and didn't know any better.


It gave me bad breath, the clap, and a nasty cough.


Then I found Jesus, and now my life is better. I'm married, clean, sober and level headed.


You are all laughing at this good young Christian boy (or maybe he is a Mormon). Now he may be clueless, granted, or perhaps he is just a geek who can't get any, and is rationalizing - I don't rightly know. But you'd do well to listen to his words of wisdom. I will pray for you catbirdseat. If you die this weekend on Tripple Couloirs in an avalanche, I hope the good Lord will not be angry with you for mocking a good christian boy.


I don't think johnny_douchestaineat has a grip on reality after that Thai transexual prostitute gave him syphilis.

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So hear's a good story. I dated a catholic girl in college. I met her mom and she grilled me about religion and baptism.


"Are you Catholic?"




"Well you were baptized right?"


"Oh my God, you're a HEATHEN?!"

"Uhh ... sure lady."


Later that night my girlfriend had to clue me in on what a heathen was. Guess I got the best of the Catholic religion with her.


bigdrink.gifHCL.gifmushsmile.gif and fruit.gif

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