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Goddamn Indian commercial crabbers again


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Look, your command of the facts is betrayed by your shitty spelling.


If you want others to read and consider the, "well thought out," stuff you write then show you care enough to get the details (spelling) right... or at least mostly right.


I bet you can't spell snaf.gif

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i can spell just fine, but flammage because of my spelling is just lame. If you want to be treated with respect, treat others with respect. That is sumpin' ma daddy taught me. I dont give a rats ass if I get flammed here. It is a fucking website! I dont need to build up online friends by spelling correctly and being nice to the people everyone else likes. People who take the time who get to know me (by the way the only ones I care to get to know) know that I am an allright guy. Flame me all you want. If you do, I will write you off with all the other shit stains who take this board a little too seriously. Peace man. Have a good night bigdrink.gif

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Scott, Your an alright guy in person, but on the web your command of spelling and the facts are poor. wave.gifbigdrink.gif


Let me tell you a little story:


A long time ago one of our presidents was trying to figure out how to settle the PNW as rapidly as possible. He was afraid a bunch of Brits were going to get here first and turn this place into Canada.


He decided that sending the army in, like they did in the great plains, would take too long, so the president and his advisers decided to treat the PNW Indian tribes as sovereign nations and negotiate treaties with them.


The result is our government signed an agreement with local tribes saying that in exchange for land the local tribes could fish their hearts out.


Sorry pal, an agreement is an agreement no matter how inconvenient it is for you.


PS right now, and most times I post I have the program Word open so I can check my shitty spelling. bigdrink.gifbigdrink.gif

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AlpineK said:PS right now, and most times I post I have the program Word open so I can check my shitty spelling. bigdrink.gifbigdrink.gif


My 11 year old has struggled with spelling. She used to say she didn't care about it, but when I pointed out that at a certain point, all other people see is the misspellings, and her ideas are discounted, then she decided it mattered and has been steadily improving.


One small defense of Fence Sitter's cavalier approach to letter arrangement: teh is not usually a misspelling, its one of those very common typos for people who touch type.

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Off_White said:

AlpineK said:PS right now, and most times I post I have the program Word open so I can check my shitty spelling. bigdrink.gifbigdrink.gif


My 11 year old has struggled with spelling. She used to say she didn't care about it, but when I pointed out that at a certain point, all other people see is the misspellings, and her ideas are discounted, then she decided it mattered and has been steadily improving.


One small defense of Fence Sitter's cavalier approach to letter arrangement: teh is not usually a misspelling, its one of those very common typos for people who touch type.


teh edn wave.gif

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Off_White said:

My 11 year old has struggled with spelling. She used to say she didn't care about it, but when I pointed out that at a certain point, all other people see is the misspellings, and her ideas are discounted, then she decided it mattered and has been steadily improving.

fuk u izhol.

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Fence_Sitter said:

i just type too fast to give a rats ass about spelling. I am doing other things than just surfing here and i am hiting 60+ WPM. I am sloppy as fuck at that speed. I'm sorry if it offends you that much. rolleyes.gif


Dude, typing 60+ WPM isn't worth shit if all the words come out like this:


Dude typegn 60= wpM isn't worht shit fi allt htw workds come out liekd htis?


You dig? Just think, you could slow down to, say, 45+ WPM and get some accuracy in there, too. But all of this ignores the real issue of what the fuck you're doing with some jive-ass job that doesn't allow you to spray unfettered. You're getting the hose, mate!

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AlpineK said:

So you were in the army? You were in ROTC? I bet you call your little vacations, "Army experience."


I was thinking the same thing. Only guys I knew in the Army who got out that early got kicked out for drugs, failure to adjust or medical reasons. I never heard of anyone getting out for a scholarship. I guess that contract you signed was not fulfilled on your end of things. Is this why you think the US should not honor its treaty with native americans?


AlpineK--were you in the military? bigdrink.gif

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