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GO$^%$# TICKS!


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i dunno i see them on me, but they never dig.


all i do is where pants and check peridoically throught the day.


tho stay away from where the goatz hang and you should be releativly tick free. (looks like trask is at odds, no goatz or no ticks???)


plus i just move really fast, they never have time to get me!



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PP- thats funny... the only ticks i have found remotely near me is on the family dog, Cedar.... there was one on my pad once but, in the car and Erik torched its ass... then another time Erik claims he saw one on my pant leg while hiking...me thinks Erik was mushsmile.gifing without me...


Secret: Don't touch the brush...

Leave the goats alone...

Like Erik said: Check alot and move fast.

ALso Shave your head...easier to see ticks if there is not any Rastafarian knatty dreads...WEar a Hat and pants.


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Szyjakowski said:

PP- thats funny... the only ticks i have found remotely near me is on the family dog, Cedar.... there was one on my pad once but, in the car and Erik torched its ass... then another time Erik claims he saw one on my pant leg while hiking...me thinks Erik was mushsmile.gifing without me...


Secret: Don't touch the brush...

Leave the goats alone...

Like Erik said: Check alot and move fast.

ALso Shave your head...easier to see ticks if there is not any Rastafarian knatty dreads...WEar a Hat and pants.



that head shaving thing.....not gonna happen! hellno3d.gif


i don't seem to have a prob w/them but seems like there's always someone griping about it. Guess i gotta quit hangin w/trask and his "friends"


I do know someone who got a nasty ass virus from a tick while trail running...prolly wearing shorts though.

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true story: im out on a three day backpack trip by myslef. im enjoying the sunshine, the trail, and some quality herb. i stop to take a leak, and discover a tick on the end of my dick. embedded. i basically freak out. eventually i get the tick off, but am so paranoid from the xperience that inappropriate self-touching ensues for the rest of the trip.

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Found 16 ticks on me and 12 on the young'en I took for a walk with this weekend. I like picking them off and blowing them up with a lighter! wave.gif


When I was in college (in southern Illinois) I worked at a camp where we collected 'seed' ticks. Often times we would have to go out and do line searches for kids. Usually one or more of us stepped into a nest and got covered. We would pick them off and put them in a jar of water. At the end of the summer we would have a "quess the number of ticks" contest. The first dumbass to open the jar to start counting won! tongue.gif


Toward the end of every summer we started wrapping duct tape inside out around our legs. Funny to watch those suckers stick. yellaf.gif


I would take ticks over mosquitos anyday!

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mosquitoes are nothin' the bites dont even itch on me. i got the right DNA for the immunity protein the_finger.gif


black flies, horseflies noseeums and ticks are evil madgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gifmadgo_ron.gif at least horseflies get big enough that when you hit em the guts come out in a grape sized blob of blood and pus if you do it right, makes good home decor for your trailer.

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carolyn said:

Found 16 ticks on me and 12 on the young'en I took for a walk with this weekend. I like picking them off and blowing them up with a lighter! wave.gif


Carolyn you are funny. yelrotflmao.gif

I can't stand the thought of ticks on me. Watch out because they can stash themselves in your pack and show up later for a surprise visit. evils3d.gif

I recieved my FIRST mosquito bite this year. The back of my hand swelled a bit and you couldn't see my knuckles for awhile. No big deal.

But the damn thing will NOT stop inching.



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