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Where's Waldo (or WMD)?


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Seems like a slow spray day so:


Funny. Remember the big show at the UN during the debates and the US position presented by Powell. "We have verified information on the location and extent of Iraq's WMD program". So far:


1) No WMD in sight

2) No nuclear program

3) No Saddam

4) No Bin Laden connection

5) No terrorist connections


Oh well. Hey, let's turn the national attention on the next administration adgenda - tax cuts!! While we run up the deficit. Priceless isn't it? thumbs_down.gif



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Luna said:

Seems like a slow spray day so:


Funny. Remember the big show at the UN during the debates and the US position presented by Powell. "We have verified information on the location and extent of Iraq's WMD program". So far:


1) No WMD in sight

2) No nuclear program

3) No Saddam

4) No Bin Laden connection

5) No terrorist connections


Oh well. Hey, let's turn the national attention on the next administration adgenda - tax cuts!! While we run up the deficit. Priceless isn't it? thumbs_down.gif


whata you talking about? im concentrating on handicapping the winston cup series. moon.gif

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