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being a student was the coolest job I ever had... I got to drink, smoke when ever I wanted, I got to chase hot women around campus... I got take a day off to go climbing, biking, skiing, or just to go shagging... plus I kept up on all the lastest issues, learnd thing I didn't know before, and do labratory experiments and shit, I got to have all that fun and the gov payed for most of it, well everything except the hookers in vegas, but thats a different stroy all to gether... Oh fuck why did I ever quite that job...

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I like what I'm doing now. Get to spend a lot of time outside getting paid for what I used to do as a kid - but now I have to collect "data". Going cross-country doing landscape level vegetation surveys, paddling kayaks to do otter and western pond turtle surveys, winching the truck up the road you got down but can't get back up, using little 4 runners to get around 500 sq mile of terrain to conduct bird surveys. In a couple weeks I'll be back down near Shasta checking for winter snake dens, setting up bait stations for cougar, ringtail, and bobcat, conducting yellow-legged frog surveys, and kayaking for pond turtles. There is however lots of statistics and writing once field season is complete. And you're not starting out like a software engineer (or these days maybe you are). Beats the cubicle and shirt and tie deal. bigdrink.gif

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Jim said:

I like what I'm doing now. Get to spend a lot of time outside getting paid for what I used to do as a kid - but now I have to collect "data". Going cross-country doing landscape level vegetation surveys, paddling kayaks to do otter and western pond turtle surveys, winching the truck up the road you got down but can't get back up, using little 4 runners to get around 500 sq mile of terrain to conduct bird surveys. In a couple weeks I'll be back down near Shasta checking for winter snake dens, setting up bait stations for cougar, ringtail, and bobcat, conducting yellow-legged frog surveys, and kayaking for pond turtles. There is however lots of statistics and writing once field season is complete. And you're not starting out like a software engineer (or these days maybe you are). Beats the cubicle and shirt and tie deal. bigdrink.gif


That actually does sound pretty cool. Sounds like you just have to be able to kayak and count further than your 10 fingers. I think I'm capable of that...:)

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JG, crazy idea I know---but I gotta ask---given any thought to picking a career rather than a job? Career, you know---the sort of thing where you spend years building experience and rising through higher & higher responsibilities? Silly notion, I suppose. I sure feel stupid for having done it!

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A7U said:

JG, crazy idea I know---but I gotta ask---given any thought to picking a career rather than a job? Career, you know---the sort of thing where you spend years building experience and rising through higher & higher responsibilities? Silly notion, I suppose. I sure feel stupid for having done it!


Holy crap...divine intervention! Yes, I have considered a career, but having spent my young adult life reading Dilbert, I think I'd prefer to leave a "career" to those that truly desire one.

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