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Reasons Why Canada Sucks


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Never in the history of the world have so few people plundered so much of the Earth's natural resources. Canada is hell bent in clear cutting all it's forests, pillaging it's fisheries to the point of extinction, subsidizing the unconscionable slaughter of it's wildlife, has become a toxic waste dump for the U.S., and to top it all off is governed by a group of mindless politicians who pander shamelessly on behalf of the world's most perversely greedy Multinational corporation $$$.


1) Their main exports are ice, maple syrup, and ridiculous accents.

2) L.A. high schoolers are more heavily armed than their army.

3) They have a marijuana leaf on their flag, but don't even have the right climate to grow it!

4) Their pussy army is a bunch of goofy looking "mounties" on horseback.

5) They gained their independence the wussy way: by sucking up to Britain. We did it the right way: through a long, bloody war.

6) Their currency resembles Monopoly money.

7) They say "eh" and "aboot" and claim they're words!

8) It's too far north for Mexicans and Cubans to sneak into.

9) They think they're better than everybody else just because they have Eskimos, glaciers, and polar bears.

10) It's full of leftover draft dodgers from the Vietnam War.

11) Cannucks wear those silly hats with the flaps, you know what we're talking about!

12) They still brag about holding off the American army in the war of 1812.

13) They can't even kick the lousy French off their land.

14) They're "kind and peace loving."

15) Their army prefers horses instead of tanks

16) They think it's a real country!


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trask tell everyone the real reason you hate canada!!


well i am not gonna wait! here is the email i got from trask once when he returned from canada.


dear erik,


i know you are busy and your life means more then mine, but i have a problem. if you find it in your very open and happy heart to help this old slob i would be indebeted to you for the rest of my uninspiring life.


here is my predicament:


i was walking through granville last week looking for those transvetite hookers that i am always raving about! i thought i had found the tranny of my dreams, in a big slightly morbidly obesse purple haired love tub. i dont know if it were her 36 facial piercings or the fact that she even acknowledged me.(no one has done that since necro left for vegas!) but she was the cherry in my pie!!! so i apprached her and we struck up a deal(i love the exchange rate in canada!).


we headed back down to the no-tel motel and she said that a real man beast like myself needs to be tired down. at first i was horrified as illusions of spring break of '81 came back to me(i will tell you that one some later time, but think calf, motor oil and spatula!) but with it's deft work of it's tongue i was convinced that i needed this. necro's departure has left a hole in my heart that no amount of booze, farm animal or beanie baby could patch.


it tied me up poured vermont maple syrup all over me(i knew something was wrong when i saw the syrup was from vermont!!) she then took my wallet. $@$#@ on me and left.


two weeks later i was found. the only thing th at saved me was the dripping toliet from the 2nd floor and the syrup and flies covering my body.


i hate canada now!


and i need my wife's credit cards back, as she returns from barbados with coco the cabanana boy next week!


so i beg for help! please contact drul and let him know his sister has my wallet!! and i also need a good contractor and demo expert to remove the ^$^%#$^#^*&%#%^%$*.


thanks your pal





that there pretty much sums it up!



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3) They have a marijuana leaf on their flag, but don't even have the right climate to grow it!


Duh... thats what houses are for, eh....


Obviously you've never been to Nelson and seen the wild Ganja growing by the railway tracks. mushsmile.gif

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