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While you were spraying. . . .


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. . . some of us had spring break last week. Contemplating staying home - sleeping in, watching 24hr war coverage, breathing in loads of green smoke and munching on doritos


Going to the Utah desert


I opted for the ladder. -Aide ladder that is. Teamed up with some fellow students and climbed the Titan. Its not as bad as the stories and actually a pretty fun route in a beautiful place.


Contemplating rain I then headed to the "crack-house" where I proceeded to transform my hands into bloody pulps in the never-ending roof crack never more than 6ft from the ground.


After getting my whoopin there I met up with some friends from Ohio (yes there are climbers from the midwest) and we did Jah-Man on the sis superior.


Finally, we headed to Indian Creek where I proceeded to get more whoopins but managed to crank out some harder cracks and even put up a nice new .10-.11 route on an obscure will that no one will ever climb.

Lots of the full-timers were out. I saw Potter and Davis (both with their hands taped) and several other people you read about in the mags. The weather was a little on the cold side and one evening a wind storm blew away at least three tents. Overall it was a great time and I'll be headed there next year for another round of whoopins.

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Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

Pansy-ass climber. While you were out getting sand in your crack and being all chalky and tapey, we've been doing the hard work of freedom and spraying like miscreant fire hydrants on crack.


Go back to your desert and hump a cactus, you non-spraying sand wanker.




you're talkin out yer ass,

blowin smoke


it's gettin deep in here,

that's no joke


there's a bullshitter

in here somewhere

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Yes DFA,

When your a crack-whore like me you loose track of those things in life that are really important like:


-maintaining your top 3 position on the # of posts list

-spraying any new posters into oblivion with ridicule and derogatory remarks

-continuing the epic bolting saga

-keeping all six avatars around


-relationships with non-climbers

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