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Effect of War on Moustaches


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All the Iraqi have them. Do you think its gonna wreck the moustache fashion trend that was taking off in North America? Paco, you gonna shave yours off or what?


A moustache looks so right with a mullet. Its like a shotgun and a pickup. pitty.gif

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Back in the seventies, my Dad had a contract in Saudi Arabia. He went to visit for a couple weeks and came back with a moustache (note the spelling). I was a teenager at the time and had never before seen him with a moustache. He said he felt wierd in Saudi being the only clean shaven guy around. After while he shaved it off.

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Do I have to call you out on every one of your posts Catturd?


That hairy ornament you can grow above your stiff upper lip can be spelled moustache or mustache. Although, I think the former is the French version, whose language use, as we know, is currently faux pas (oops, faux pas is also faux pas). Damn! grin.gif


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Moustaches can be a big thing in the Middle East. I once met a guy named "Abu Shanab"....father of moustache...and he had a big one too (moustache). In the Old City section of Jerusalem, there used to be (still is?) a popular restaurant called "Uncle Moustache".


An American friend of mine with whom I worked with in Egypt had a funny command of the Arabic language. One of his contrived "ice-breakers" with the locals was to ask the question, "Eh loonoo shanabak?", which means, "what color is your moustache?" During the many times that I witnessed him asking the question, no one ever seemed to care if it was an odd thing to ask. They usually answered directly with a color, such as "brown", etc. or sometimes they would discuss it a bit before choosing the color they thought was most accurate.

I was warned, though, that the question had to be pronounced properly because the change of a certain vowel makes it feminine (i.e. what color is the moustache of YOU (man) or YOU (female).....the latter which neither a man wants to hear NOR does a woman.


Myself, the moustache I currently sport was obtained during my first scientific expedition to a remote desert area of Egypt in the summer of '81. I had a baby face and it was something I did to try to look older. It's coming off soon, though.


- Dwayner bigdrink.gifbigdrink.gifbigdrink.gif

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Dwayner said:

I was warned, though, that the question had to be pronounced properly because the change of a certain vowel makes it feminine (i.e. what color is the moustache of YOU (man) or YOU (female).....the latter which neither a man wants to hear NOR does a woman.


Moustaches on women are a whole other story... hellno3d.gif

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