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Seattle to Smith


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I am a full route 26 convert; usually shaves about an hour off my time because it is so much straighter than 97 (you can speed like a madman). Getting on to it is a bitch off of 405, it literally starts right off Division St. I once got so tired looking for it at two in the morning that I had to car bivy in Oxbow park.

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A hint from a traffic allergic Portlander: don't take 205 to Powell (Hwy 26). It's much faster to take I205 south to I84 East and exit at Wood Village (I think exit 16) - the sign says Mt Hood. Take a right at the light off the off-ramp and follow the road 4 or 5 mile to Hwy 26 and then take a left. There are signs for the turn onto 26. Much faster as it avoids all of the lights on Hwy 26. Another hint - watch out for cops on 26 near Welches and Wemme (the towns before the climb up to Government Camp) - there have been a lot of accidents along that corridor and the cops hit that stretch hard, especially in the winter and spring. Also watch for cops around Warm Springs. You can usually fly though. I'm originally from Eburg and it's definitely faster to go I-5, I-205, Hwy 26, etc. to Smith than I-90 to Hwy 97 (particularly if there is snow on the roads). Have fun

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I lived in Ellensburg for four years and went to smith a LOT. I have lived in the puget sound area the rest of my life. The choice all comes down to what time of day and what day of the week it is. If it is a time and day with not a lot of traffic, I-5 is definitely quicker even if you speed on the I-90/ goldendale way. If it is a high traffic or volume time, the i-5 way is slower. As for which is a prettier drive, Most likely the I-90 way. Most people doing the weekly smith shuffle for their same 5.whatever project week after week, month after month probably don't get a rise out of getting real close to hood, so they would prefer the grassy plains of the i-90 route.

P.S.: I have to throw this rant in-- read if you wish: Smith is an awesome area and sport climbing is way cool but why do you see some of the same Seattle people "rehearsing" their same project for months, or even year after year? Redpointing is a fine art, and it is cool if you are making progress towards finishing the route but give me a break. I'm not even talking about routes of extreme difficulty. I am a Washingtonian. The Oregon folks seem to be better at moving on or progressing than us.Perhaps I should have put this in the "spray" section.

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Yeah, the Canadians celebrate Veterans day also. In fact, the Canadians have a holiday each month - totally kicks butt! If you need some local Smith beta, swing by Redpoint Climbers Supply on your way in. You can buy the T-shirt which lists the classic best routes.

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Anybody know the best way during the winter?

Normally I go down 97 because I'm always leaving during traffic times (or is it there is just traffic all the time?). This drive doesn't seem like it would be too much fun during the winter. Besides Hood the other way I have tried is going through Sister and past Hoodoo ski area. Wondering which way would consistantly be the best choice.

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Driving over Santiam Pass and through Sisters is the longer way. It's particularly long time-wise if the snow levels are real low (<1,500'). Warning to all: avoid Gov't Camp on Hwy 26 west-bound at 4:30 p.m on a Sunday or a long weekend during ski season, especially if it snows on the pass. You can spend several hours sitting in traffic going over Gov't Camp. A good option, though somewhat longer distance-wise,is to take Hwy 35 north on the east side of Gov't camp and drive to Hood River if you are there during a high traffic time on Hwy 26. Catch a pint in Parkdale at the brewpub or down at Full Sail in Hood River and let things settle down. The Mt Hood Brewery at Gov't Camp also is a good refuge.

The way to get back to I-205 from Hwy 26 west is to stay in the right lane and look for signs for I-84 just when you pull into Gresham and into the mess of strip malls - I think it's the third traffic light when you pull into town. You pass a Safeway and a bunch of other stores - take a right to I-84 where the sign indicates and retrace the path coming from I-84 when headed toward Smith. that'll take you to I-84 - Take I-84 to I-205 (get in the lane one over from the left side before you reach the I-205 interchange -it'll put you on I-205 North).

Once out of the Seattle area, I contend that if you avoid the ski rush times (7:30 to 10:00 AM eastbound and 4:30 - 6:30 PM westbound weekends) I-205 - Hwy 26 is the fastest. The first part of the sentence is the key, and I don't pretend to know the best way out of Seattle. FYI: I still drive to Eburg a lot and Hwy 97 can be interesting from Toppenish to the Columbia River if snow levels are relatively low. Fog on Hwy 97 from the C.R. almost to Madras can be really bad when there is an inversion - I averaged about 30 mph on that stretch once.

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we got lost for a bit coming back from smith last night. where is the turn off of 26 to get back to 205? and did anyone else drive through choking black smoke on 26/97 friday night?

oh, don't forget your credit card for the all-night self-service gas station near warm springs...

the grasslands campsite (skull hollow?) was overrun with canucks this weekend. that's at least a ten-hour drive! just for a weekend! canadians don't even get veterans' day off, do they?

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OH Cavey...that cuts straight to the heart you know!I'll try not to take it too personally.

After all, if you hadn't flailed on Traffic Light or Overly Board (whichever it was) the weekend you met Ron Kauk at Smith, maybe you would like it better.

Can't wait to see you at the pub club tonight so that you can tell me you are sorry for slamming my favorite winter crag.

wink.gif" border="0

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