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Message from Polish Bob


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RURP said:

This is RURP:


Unclever and thoughtless fellow "Necro" wrote:


"I think it's the dilution of the purity of the races. That, and our fat, lazy, comfortable American way of life. Maybe a war on our lands, death-camps and all, with massive human suffering and depravation, would make us harder climbers. Even the Brits climb like shit compared to the rest of Europe. The war was on the continent."


RURP writes:



Really funny, eh?


New editing of this post:

I've removed a gruesome picture of death camp victims and have replaced it with a URL for those who think it is amusing to joke about massive human suffering.




RURP has spoken.


A voice of reason amid a sea of choss.

A slap in the face to the incautious.

A breath of history to the short-minded.


Beware the RURP!

Good work.

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in response to alpine k's points above


what PNW alpinist needs to climb 5.13 when there are thousands of unclimbed lines out there (within 1 days' travel distance) in the 5.11- and easier range. in europe you have to climb hard to put up new routes cause all that is left are the blank spaces between the classic lines.


look at the density of routes on most major peaks and faces in Europe, vs. here: a face in Europe that might have 2 dozen climbs jammed in, a few meters apart,here has 2 or 3. the only areas developed to a similar degree here, are popular crags (eg. castle rock) and famous/accessible peaks like rainier and SEWS.


and necro, there's only been like 4 alpine routes climbed in the rockies, this whole winter, and those weren't even in the winter but the fall.

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GregW, you agree that alpine climbing starts with a good sport climbing background? I thought you were in the trad camp, my mistake. I think Bob's got an interesting point there, and I tend to agree that the strength, agility, and focus that sport climbing can develop easily crosses over into other branches of climbing (if you want it to). But then again I'm just a recreational climber who's a total slut: I'm willing to have fun on just about anything. wave.gif


I do think it would be really dull around here if a license to spray was really dependent on ability, rather than an assumed inalienable right. Fact of the matter is that climbing difficulty is relative as well as absolute, and pushing yourself a little farther than you thought you'd go is laudable, whatever the absolute level of difficulty you're working on. I don't really care how "good" anyone is, I care more about how "good" the story is. More people around here toot their horn about what it meant to themselves, not about what it all means on a worldwide stage, and I'm okay with that.

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Jeezus, I just got back and read this shit. Who the fuck cares? Bob, I'm sure you are a great climber. More power to you. Are you having fun? That's what counts.


So what if not all of us climb at the same level. We all enjoy it, and that's why we do it. I agree people shouldn't be talking shit and ranking on others for no reason, but that's not all that goes on here. Lots of people enjoy swapping stoires about climbing, being outdoors and having fun independent of if it's a super difficult climb or a moderate classic. Also, have you stopped to think that some people may *not* want to dedicate vast amounts of their time to putting up "sick new routes?"Some of us will, and others won't.


The fact remains that if I'm outside climbing what I want to climb and having fun doing it, I'll feel free to take pride in that and share it with others, and you can fuck off if you don't like that. moon.gif

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