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Col. Von Spanker picks me up at 5 AM Saturday with grand plans to slay Dragontail. We cross the pass and enter the drizzle zone. More drizzle. More drizzle. More drizzle. In Leavenworth, what do we find? You guessed it, drizzle. We abort, and the two of us fight dozing off on the drive home. Geoff's at the wheel, remember, so we get our dose of danger in as he tries to out doze me while driving.


I wake up somewhere after the pass, and glaze over at Spanker. Some weird shit's on the radio, Polish opera or something. Spanker looks pissed, or at the very least, remorseful. I know what's going through his mind, cuz it's goin' through mine. We pussied out, didn't we? I speak up, and Spanker replies rhetorically, "what would a Hardman do?" A glimmer of sunshine peaks through and I think to myself, not pussy out.


The two of us pull off at the Index espresso stand. You know the one, Bigfot lives there in a camping trailer. Well, actually, they have a honey bucket. They also have a pictorial relief map posted of the Central Cascades. It's 10:00 and a light bulb suddenly fizzles above our heads. We can conquer Index. Yeah, that's it, we got no maps, no guidebook, no beta. We're gonna FA this thing like they did in the old days.


We pull into the Lake Serene parking lot and gear up. Spanker's in his plastics, and I'm strapping crampons onto my pack. The two of us have trekking poles. We're cascade climbers, goddammit. Just then, four Japanese tourists giggle and jaunt off ahead of us in jeans and tennis shoes. I'm so embarrassed.


Colin and Mark suddenly pull into the lot. Colin, by the way, is a high school kid who's climbed more knarly peaks solo, car to car, than most on this board would dare to dream. He may still be an adolescent yout, but he's as hard as they come. Anyway, Colin and Mark, had also ventured out to Leavenworth with similar plans for the weekend and had hightailed it back to the Westside. They're here to get some elevation in on a quick trail run so as to make something of the day. The Colonel and I are relieved. We're not such pussies after all.


Colin and Mark pass us. That's not surprising. What is, is that we never pass the Japanese tourists. You know, the one's in jeans, giggling in soft pastels. What the fuck? Spanker and I screamed up that trail at a pretty quick clip. We shoulda passed them easily. We saw no sign of them till we got to the lake. Those fuckers beat us there. I can't believe it. We are such pussies.


It's 11:20 now, and it's apparent there's no chance of taking the peak in daylight. It was a pipe dream, anyway. The two of us sulk back down the hill. The Japanese tourists, jaunt past us. I'm so embarrassed. I guess I'm resigned to be a pussy. frown.gif


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Before you all send out a party of ping-pong ball imprinted Mounties out on a SAR mission for me, I thought I'd let you know I'm back.


It was incredibly difficult- the trail had mud in places, and there were several downed trees. Three times I had to exit the rut to pass parties bivouacking in the trail. The partly sunny weather was also menacing (I burn easily), and visibility near the summit was limited to only several miles.


After 46 arduous minutes I reached the top, and seriously considered spending the night, as I was spent and worried about descending safely.


The call of a half gallon of cookie-dough ice cream in the freezer overruled my better judgement, and after 35 sketchy minutes I was safely back at the car, though quite rattled from the whole experience.


Now to complete my February day in the Cascades day, I'm going out to mow my lawn.

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Friday: Valentine's Day. fruit.gif


Saturday: Drive to the lovely community of Yacolt, WA.

Discover Soobie is blowing oil at rate of 1Q/150 miles. madgo_ron.gif

Read book about granite whilst looking out window at E Fk of Lewis River. smile.gif


Sunday:Drive to PDX for case of motor oil.

Limp Soobie back to Seattle.


Work until 5AM. cry.gif


Monday: Laundry, hot soup, and a visit from my mechanic, who is now trying to figure out wazzup.gif.



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It's ice cream, you dolt! yelrotflmao.gif


And I doubt it's anything life-threatening...it's not totally dialed in yet from getting the new motor....still working out the tuning and whatnot. Anyway, it's only got 175K on it, and I'm bound and determined to wring every last mile out of this car!! hahaha.gif

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