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Breaking news tonight that Hans Blix will report Friday that Iraq is in "Material Breach" of UN resolution 1441 and is in posession of banned missiles. He will demand that these weapons be turned over to the UN.


You peace protesters might want to bring some hankies to wipe the egg off of your faces on Saturday. Looks like GW was right all along.

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Breaking news tonight that Hans Blix will report Friday that Iraq is in "Material Breach" of UN resolution 1441 and is in posession of banned missiles. He will demand that these weapons be turned over to the UN.


You peace protesters might want to bring some hankies to wipe the egg off of your faces on Saturday. Looks like GW was right all along.




"Mr. Blix has already told the Council that the missiles, with a range of about 180 kilometers, or 114 miles, appeared to be a "prima facie" case of a violation by Iraq of the range limit of 150 kilometers, or about 90 miles, established by the Council. The missiles have already been given to the Iraqi armed forces, he said. The panel did not reach a conclusion about a second missile, Al Fatah, but said it required further study."


"An exceeding of the range was declared," said Yuri V. Fedotov, a Russian disarmament specialist who attended a meeting here today with Mr. Blix. It should be taken "precisely as an example of cooperation" by Iraq, he said. "

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When is that pussy going to go after Korea! They have the means to deliver one right on top of the PNW wazzup.gif


As far as North Korea striking us with a pre-emptive strike. I find that laughable. * As soon as they launched a missile toward this country ten more would be in the air going the other way. That ought to be enough to end that problem. Kim Jung II may be a nutcase, but he is not suicidal. If Korea strikes the U.S., Korea will cease to exist as a country.


* Suppose anyone in California is still opposed to a ballistic missile defense system? hehehe

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This was reported late tonight. According to KING 5 News, the story will break in tomorrows newspapers nationwide.


You seem to be in a BIG hurry to help make Iraq's case.


How typical.


huh, huh! King 5 heh? and they actually had time to discuss this in between the squashed cat on 33rd and another irrelevant happening?


the only one in a hurry here, is you. You are in such a hurry to take irreversible actions (like killing people, oh wait, you won't do the killing yourself) when other options exist that it is sickening.

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When is that pussy going to go after Korea! They have the means to deliver one right on top of the PNW wazzup.gif


As far as North Korea striking us with a pre-emptive strike. I find that laughable. * As soon as they launched a missile toward this country ten more would be in the air going the other way. That ought to be enough to end that problem. Kim Jung II may be a nutcase, but he is not suicidal. If Korea strikes the U.S., Korea will cease to exist as a country.


* Suppose anyone in California is still opposed to a ballistic missile defense system? hehehe


Substitute "Iraq" for "North Korea" above.


Any questions?

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If you ask me, Iraq is just a place to start from. Countries that support terrorists, whether Al-fucking-Quaida or not, need a wake up call. I know that I happen to enjoy living in a place where I'm not counting the days between war in the streets. Did Sept 11th teach you fucks anything? Terrorist groups DO exist, they DO hate us, and we DO need to take action. Why are you people so against taking Saddam out of commission? Have you read anything about the fucker? When his son was in his preteen years, he got his first lesson in executing suspected traitors. That man is EVIL. Fuck all you pansies who just want to sit back and let things play themselves out. madgo_ron.gif Go fill your rice bags and let us get back to work.

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If you ask me, Iraq is just a place to start from. Countries that support terrorists, whether Al-fucking-Quaida or not, need a wake up call. I know that I happen to enjoy living in a place where I'm not counting the days between war in the streets. Did Sept 11th teach you fucks anything? Terrorist groups DO exist, they DO hate us, and we DO need to take action. Why are you people so against taking Saddam out of commission? Have you read anything about the fucker? When his son was in his preteen years, he got his first lesson in executing suspected traitors. That man is EVIL. Fuck all you pansies who just want to sit back and let things play themselves out. madgo_ron.gif Go fill your rice bags and let us get back to work.


Hey, you're learning US foreign policy just fine! Saddam would appreciate your sensibilities....

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That's amazingly naive Glacierdog.


Read the German history of the 20's and 30's for an example of a reasonable reaction with entirely undesirable effects.


If you're hungry for more after you're done with that you might browse through middle-eastern history, say the last 5000 years or so. Don't bother with the details, just focus on the big picture... Then, considering that the region has been fucked up the entire five millennia (yup, that's the big picture), ask yourself how one little war now could fix things?

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Maybe I'm something of an idealist, but I see a serious problem in middle east. Will one little war fix things? Nope. Should we just ignore the situation because there is no immediate solution? Definitely not. You, sir, should examine yourself and decide what is important to you. I value justice and basic human rights. I value freedom. Call me naive if you must, but I see a chance to start doing something GOOD, and I'll be damned if I think we should let it pass us by. Regardless of your faith, race, color or creed, I'm sure you can agree with me when I say that basic human rights are denied to many people of the middle east. Women most of all. I don't understand how anyone could ignore that and still consider themselves a human fucking being. We have the power to do something. Let's do it. This war will not be about oil, it's not Bush on a power trip. This is about improving the future for everyone. It will be hard. It will tax our minds, our lives, our spirits. But Goddamn it, it's worth it. I believe in it. I will not lay down while terrorism grows unchecked. Naive. You asshole. Take a look at that big picture again and tell me you'd like to wonder if your childrens school bus was going to explode to further the cause of some radical. That is real. That is the future. I'm done with you.

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