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Everything posted by Scott_J

  1. I went to an authentic Mexican restaurant. The waiter poured the water and then warned me not to drink it."
  2. Last Rites I overheard April talking to one of her girlfriends: "When he dies, I inherit everything. It's in his last will and testicles." "Don't you meant 'testament'?" "No," April said, "I've got him by the balls."
  3. Trask, if you go ahead and research this instead of doing the John Q. Public reaction you'll find that its cheaper for private schools to educate kids because of Special Education mandates with the public education programs, English as a Second Language programs, to go with these programs remember there are administrators hired, secretaries hired, program directors, support staff, teachers, physiologists, etc., etc. And by the way Trask, if my kids were little again and I was living here in the Lower 48 they would be enrolled in a private Catholic School. I am in total agreement as far as quality programs, but when you start comparing money that is a TOTAL DIFFERENT ANIMAL. Sisu
  4. JoshK it was snowing but it quit about an hour and a half ago. BUUUUMMMMMMEEEER I was wishing the temps would drop and the Greater Seattle-Tacoma-Bellingham area would get a foot or more. Could you imagine the GRID LOCK. hahaha If only it could happen before I leave. I'd have to get out the lawn chairs, and a pot of coffee so I could sit on a safe hill and watch the mess.
  5. You know, I thought of not working today, but the tele rang at 4:54AM with a job, so I took it. Now I am bummed, but I at least am making some $$$.
  6. as for the "posers" you'll find ripping up the great terrain crystal has to offer, they probably can't stand the likes of you either. geez; i'm going skiing ... God I hope so. I would hate myself if the likes of the crystal clientele liked me.
  7. Beck, did you do the Heikki Lunta dance??? If you did, good for you!!!1
  8. Baker, Alyeska, Valdez, Alta, Lake Louise crystal and snoqualmie Infact I will take nearly any place over crystal...can't stand the posers that go there.
  9. http://stevenspass.harborproperties.com/ResApps/Conditions.aspx
  10. that is 4 plants so you clone and have a set ready to go as you harvest. 4 ozs is a fair amount of herb for "personal" use unless you are turning on all your buds and buddetts. Then you will need more and that will lead you into trouble. Keep it in the letter of the law, don't sell, give away and you will be fine.
  11. E-rock your solution sounds the best. I have some old school skis that I put the Ascension glue on after I removed the hardward that skins used to sue to keep them on. they work like a charm. The G3s suck. I'll package them up and send them into the company and ask for the replacement gray ones. thanks sisu
  12. I love Alaska! PLUS, on the first of the year I believe the right to carry takes place for all residents of Alaska as long as you are not a felon.
  13. I have some "new" skins from last season. They are G3s. Here is the problem. The glue seems to be coming off irregularly in places. Is there a way to remove the old glue or do I just smear some new glue on them??? I am at a loss, so any and all help will be appreciated...
  14. Fu is a VERY alpha neutered declawed (front feet only) male cat. He does not like dogs unless they are small and he tolerates other cats but does not like them. He is a one family guy and he likes it that way. If you like a real He-man cat he is the guy for you. Please PM Sisu and he will return any and all inquiries
  15. hell just score the neck and tap it off. now drink to heart's content
  16. Really, well I think it is so nice. Erik needs direction and I'll just bet that Muffy could direct Erik in just the right manner. Go for it girl, be the boss and take over and meet the challenge. Erik has declared his undying love for Muffy in his own special way, and we're all just cheering him on.
  17. What the heck is going on? Did I miss something?
  18. TRask, I did a simlar thing in Alaska. I was real sick and was trying to get out of the store real quick. I was in the 10 items or less line. The lady in front had a full cart. I lost it and told the lady that she was in the wrong line. She mouthed that I was an ass hole. I shouted as loud as I could, " Yes I am an ass hole, but at least I know how to count." She left in a hurry after being checked out and the store was very happy to see me leave.I guess this type of behavior makes the workers and manager nervous.
  19. Scott_J

    egg nog

    Yip, I used to do a lot of 'em for the holidays. I remember spewing nog and rum in my Grandfather's yard one night. Grandma was pissed as Grandpa and I were both a wee bit under the weather. He did not spew though. I guess a 70ish guy just does not do that sort of thing. Great people they were.
  20. Scott_J


    Mechanical One Judi stopped at the gas station, got out of the car, opened the hood, and checked the engine oil. After a few seconds of what appeared to be intelligent thinking she took the dipstick in her hand and walked over to the attendant. "Excuse me," she said, "but can I buy a longer dipstick?" "Sure, ma'am, of course. Why do you need a longer one?" "Because this one isn't long enough to reach the oil."
  21. Lummox, that is why I said, OK, here is the rest of the story: If you can help & and at this point in time I have no idea what kind of help we are talking about but taking the kid out to hike, fish, ski, intro to climbing, hell I don't know, tutoring, Christmas and Thanksgiving is coming up etc. PM me and I'll send you the high school counselor telephone numbers etc. This lad is 16 so a lot of legal issues arise here. But nonetheless he needs some type of help, and I am sure the school direct that asistance." Foster home, legal issues etc all part of the things to come for this lad. He has a job Telemarketing after school to earn money. Anyway I need to go as I have class and he is in it, so off I go to do my duty... I believe there are enough brains out there to help with this situation. I'll be that CC.comers can come up with a plan and a proposal to help or lead to help that the school district can use. My concern is that he is not a loser and he needs direction to keep him on the path.
  22. Necro you know me and I know you, so it’s not like we are anonymous, but yes you are correct. There are a lot of kids in need. I have helped a few over the years, I have cried over a few, I have seen terrible things done to kids and moms by men...BUT here is a chance to help again and I hope that the lad can get some type of help. I don't know much at this point but my scheming Finn Lander brain is working. Legal issues are coming to head...he could probably use some legal help so he can get his SS from his mother that is being siphoned, he probably could use advice on a ton of things to prepare him for going on and becoming an educated person with a vision in life. But for now it’s a matter of survival. If there are spelling errors I don't care at this point just go with the flow sisu
  23. Scott_J

    Life sucks!

    No don't feel bad you are intitled to feel bad as everyone is. But you have done something special for me and possibly for this boy. So thanks sisu
  24. You think life sucks, eh. I work at one of the local northend schools. There is a real nice black kid here that I met a few years back. His dad does not take any part in his life, his mom just died and his sister, who was to be kinda watching after him, burned the family dwelling down during one of her runs...You think you have it bad? Fuck, this kid is a nice guy about 16 or so and on his own. Some friends are lookin' after him, but how far does that shit go...I only wish I was independently wealthy. This is a kid worth doing stuff for to save his ass. Ya, we are powerless, but I will try doing something...giving out information to the school and see what they can do. But I am afraid I know the answer... JUST SO NO ONE THINKS THIS IS MY USUAL SPRAY...ITS NOT THIS IS A REAL KID AND ITS A REAL SITUATION. I AM EDITING THIS BECAUSE OF MY REP AS A SPRAYER. OK, here is the rest of the story: If you can help & and at this point in time I have no idea what kind of help we are talking about but taking the kid out to hike, fish, ski, intro to climbing, hell I don't know, tutoring, Christmas and Thanksgiving is coming up etc. PM me and I'll send you the high school counselor telephone numbers etc. This lad is 16 so a lot of legal issues arise here. But nonetheless he needs some type of help, and I am sure the school direct that asistance. Scott
  25. Lets see...you only wear wool and cotton hemp etc. You only use muscle driven transportation or wind or solar etc. You never seek out modern medicine and its wonders from the petrochemical indusrty I could go on and on and on but why bother this arugment is like gun control: WE ALL HAVE OUR MIND SET AND THAT IS THAT
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