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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo


    Nope, not at all. Oh heavens, no. No, never...
  2. Very true. It goes along with TTK's post above.
  3. I'm with TTK on this one. We already have term limits, Kev. They're called elections. When a sufficient percentage of the electorate becomes dissatisfied with an incumbent's performance, the incumbent is peacefully removed through the election process. Ergo, their term is limited. Pretty good system actually, especially when you take a look at regimes in South America (Chavez, Pinochet, etc.), Southeast Asia (Pol Pot, etc.), Africa (Idi Amin), etc. in modern times...
  4. I seem to recall very clearly back in 1990/1991, as a dues-paying member of the Access Fund, that my money was going towards the purchase of Peshastin Pinnacles. I joined and contributed to the AF specifically for that reason, since I felt that this resource was worth acquiring/preserving, and I always enjoyed climbing there immensely, despite the rep the place has for crumbly, run-out routes. I just like climbs like that... You make some excellent points here. All very valid.
  5. sobo


    Old woman! Man! Old Man, sorry. What knight lives in that castle over there? I'm 37. What? I'm 37 - I'm not old! Well, I can't just call you 'Man'. Well, you could say 'Dennis'. Well, I didn't know you were called 'Dennis'. Well, you didn't bother to find out, didja!!?? Look, I did say sorry about the 'old woman', but from the behind you looked - What I object to is you automatically treat me like an inferior! Well, I AM king... Oh, king, eh, very nice... An' how'd you get that, eh? By exploitin' the workers! By 'angin' on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic an' social differences in our society! And on, and on...
  6. multnomah falls?Nope. Multnomah comes up short by about 60 meters. Wiki linkie
  7. I’ve been at this game for nigh on about 26 years now, and it has only been within the last 7 years (once I got my first kid) that I started to religiously wear a helmet. Now I wear one at all climbing venues (crag, alpine, ice, volcano slogs, trad, sport, single or multi-pitch) except in the gym, as well as while biking and WW kayaking. I skip it for sea kayaking, cuz the water’s deeper. For some reason, I still don’t wear a helmet while resort skiing, but do in other ski venues (trees, BC, etc.). Don’t ask me why I don’t, cuz I don’t know. I have taken many bad leader falls and been hit by shit many more times than anyone in this game should have been without getting seriously injured. Some of you here may remember my “Superman” jump off a falling column at Frenchman’s Coulee many years ago. That’s right - I wasn’t wearing a helmet, and somehow managed to escape serious injury after a 30-foot or so swan dive to the talus. I’ve laid down my road bike several times and my old motorcycle a couple of times. I was clocked by the boom once while sailboat racing, saw nothing but stars, and nearly went overboard as a result. I've watched other folks take headers and come away as near-vegetables, or at the very least a blithering idiot for months/years. I have a good friend and former regular climbing partner who lives in a wheelchair, and another climber friend who can't remember names anymore (phasia) after taking a shot to the head. And since I've been involved in mountain rescue since 2003, I've seen some pretty f'ed up people who got dinged in the head while not wearing a helmet. Through all of this, I’ve never broken a bone in my body (knocking on wood). My worst injuries have been torn knee ligaments (skiing), sprained ankles (that was the gentlemanly game of tennis), and a dislocated pinkie (rope got wrapped around my finger in a crevasse fall). Call it “just lucky, I guess.” But I finally determined that I can’t live on luck forever. So now I always wear a helmet. It’s just like Sherri said, it’s cheap insurance. Climb on, and climb safely!
  8. Now that's funny, I don't care who y'are. Gonna have to remember that one.
  9. So when can I expect my own personal pod to show up, eh?
  10. sobo


    Yes, Happy Birthday to Ivan the Terrible! :brew:
  11. I'm curious about something... As I understand the series of events, Peshastin was purchased by the Access Fund back in the 90s and reopened. The AF then gifted the park to the WS Parks & Recreation Dept., with the proviso that Parks was to operate the park for the benefit of the citizens (to include climbers) "in perpetuity." So fast-forward ~20 years and now the State says it can't afford to keep the park open anymore. What is the AF's position/obligation/suggestion on what happens now? I mean, if the State can just sit there and acquire resources (as in donated to it by the AF), then "decide" to close that resource whenever they want to for whatever reason (or for no reason), what purpose does it serve for the AF to win these resources for us, just to have them taken away after their mission is complete? That doesn't seem to make very much sense to me. Isn't there a clause in the AF gifting agreements that should prevent the loss of a resource once it's won, bought, and paid for? Like if a resource is in danger of being closed/lost, the resource reverts back to the AF for them to figure out who takes care of it next? That would seem to make much more sense to me...
  12. Heinrich, Perhaps a posting of this info in the Events Forum would be appropriate. Never had the honor of meeting Dallas, but he was known to me through his fame in the mountains and his helping hand to others, as described by the posts in this thread. R.I.P. Dallas.
  13. $10! I'm gonna shut you down quick!
  14. America... for sale to the highest bidder.
  15. sobo

    Ten Years

    Thanks again, jon and timmay, for doing this for all of us without much appreciation from many of us. It's a noble cause, and a thankless "job".
  16. sobo

    Which 3?

    3-wood (you can putt with this one, too) 8-iron (gotta have a decent approach club) pitching wedge (will get you out of the beach, too)
  17. HTF did THIS get past this group (except wfinley)???
  18. Pffft! That's nothing now that I'm back in the saddle again.
  19. It's just a jump to the left, And then a step to the right. With your hands on your hips, You bring your knees in tight. But it's the pelvic thrust, That really drives you insane. LET'S DO THE TIME WARP AGAIN!!!1
  20. Can we start with Dru's original avatar??
  21. check your PMsWell, you asked...
  22. Thanks, Joe. This is a start.
  23. Someone who would know something about IP addresses...
  24. It's funny how the other dogs stopped to observe the jailbreak... "WTF??? How the hell did he do that??"
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