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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, don't even get me STARTED!!! Just spent an hour on the phone with Travelocity, and then 15 minutes more with Alaska Airlines, making changes to my flights back East with my kids for Christmas because the BAT SHIT CRAZY BITCH went BAT SHIT CRAZY on me again. Long story short, I (believed I) had an agreement with her to switch visitations this Christmas in order to help her out. I was gonna leave from SEATAC tomorrow morning for Virgina with my kids to go see their grandparents in Virginia, and be back on the 22nd, 3 days before Christmas. All so the kids could be back by Christmas and she could have them all to herself. Then she went BAT SHIT CRAZY on me, and "doesn't recall ever agreeing to anything" in this regard. So after meeting with my attorney yesterday, I am now reverting back to the exact provisions of the Parenting Plan and picking the kids up from her on Christmas morning (supported by LEO if necessary), driving all the way back to the Dry-Shitties, and leaving from here on the 27th. We'll be flying back on the 1st, and there's not a goddamned thing the BAT SHIT CRAZY BITCH can legally do about it. My inital cost for three round-trip plane tickets from SEA to Dulles Int'l was $2,500. Now, after adding three RT tickets from PSC to SEA, plus cost changes in the fares, plus change fees for the tix I had already paid for, my cost went up another $2,500. So the cost of the airfare for this trip has just doubled, to 5,000 fuq'n dollars for a 6-day trip for three to DC. Something tells me that this BAT SHIT CRAZY BITCH was planning this tactic all along. She is without a doubt the singular most dishonest, untrustworthy, cheating, manipulative, histrionic, and sociopathically BAT SHIT CRAZY "person" (and I use the term verrrrry loosely) that could ever exist. No matter, it's just money, and it's just that much LESS money that the BAT SHIT CRAZY BITCH is ever going to get from me. And from this time forward, I will be adhering to the Parenting Plan strenuously. No more driving all the way to Poulsbo to help her out cuz she's "too tired to drive to Ellensburg to meet" or "got too much work to do to spend that much time driving halfway across the state" or any number of other BAT SHIT CRAZYexcuses. So you ask me what time it is?? Do I even need to reply... I'm headed home for some serious Planet Killin' tonight. Better put your planetary shields on double-front, and hold on to your ass!
  2. Hell man, been there, done that, standing on my head! I think I'll form a presidential exploratory committee... SOBO for President!!!1
  3. Welcome back, Count. As you can see, nothing's changed here...
  4. Aw shit, Tyson, I'll buy you the first round, seein's how you ended up the LOOOO-ZERRRR on this deal. I have so many beers out there that I gotta buy for people that I'm gonna die a broke but drunk man.
  5. sickie I always knew that lurking on here at all hours of the day and night would one day pay Big Dividends... Big Dividends. BD, get it? BD quickdraws, get it??
  6. WOW! I don't have words. Velcome to Amerika, Comrades...
  7. How about the No Pay To Not Climb Cho Oye Expedition 2005 thread? That one was a doozie... Never did hear how it turned out for ol' 007 and crew. Ya think they got stymied at the burkshard...??
  8. fucking bullshit!!!! everyone know aristole onasis did it. so he could marry jackie. seriously, google that shit. How could I be so blind?? And here all these years I thought it was the CIA and the MIC...
  9. OMFG! I just suffered through the ~1-minute trailer to that. I am simply at a complete loss for words to describe how utterly shitty that movie must be.
  10. GAWD, I saw this POS when it first came out. I didn't start climbing until 3 or 4 years later, so none of the shit they were pulling in the film made any sense to me at the time I first saw it. After I was climbing for a while, it showed up on cable in re-runs, so me and some climbin' buddies grabbed some brews and laughed our asses off.
  11. sobo

    Man Yoga

    Both men were climbing leashless. The dude in red was using umbilicals. The dude in green was totally leashless. Maybe Dude in Green feels more comfortable without all that cordage nonsense flapping about in his face, so he can concentrate more on the climbing. I did not see a spare tool on Dude in Green, so I suspect that he climbs by a variation of the old mantra from the 19th Century, "The leader must not fall." In Dude in Green's case, "The leader must not drop his tool." He probably figures that if he were to drop a tool, then he would just lower off to retrieve it and start up again. If he loses it entirely, then he'll just come back another day. What else are ya gonna do?
  12. Except the part where the single tent peg holds the tent, with Michael Bien and the other dude inside, against being swept down the mountain in an avalanche...
  13. Well, he came back just for you!
  14. Send them to me and I'll test them for you.
  15. IIRC, Cool Hand won that bet, but just barely.
  16. ...and Houston. Just sayin'...
  17. Investigation is ongoing. No speculations as of yet. Call the MRNP at 360-569-2211, then select "9" for the SAR Hotline, then select "2" for media inquiries. There's about a 2-minute-long, cryptic message that basically repeats much of what KING5 reported.
  18. You have to admit, it'd be kinda cool to have a president named Rocky...
  19. Then I think you may have just been downgraded to Purgatory...
  20. Tyson, if you're going up to shovel out yet another lookout, then there is a place being made for you in heaven. I'll lay odds on it.
  21. I'm the biggest poseur having the most fun, but here is the full and beautifully written TR from which bwwakaranai pulled the above excerpt. But since I haven't climbed the 3rd gendarme, I won't make this post.
  22. sobo

    Where's Prole?

    There is no way I'm gonna click that!
  23. sobo

    Where's Prole?

    Sobo will. Sobo will click anything. I'm still in therapy for the poo links a few days ago. Damn you SOBO, damn you! Man, I keep tellin' yous guys, it's not like I didn't warn you about that aforehand. Jeez, the hand-holdin' ya gotta do around here...
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