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Everything posted by sobo

  1. I seem to recall that Climb High (UK) makes a 3-section model that packs down to about 60 cm. Go here.
  2. sobo


    Gawd, make it stooooop! Where does she come up with these??
  3. Contact BD directly and send it back to them. There's been lots of posts here about BD being really good about replacing broken stuff. Make up a story about how it broke, if it's something really stupid that you did to break it, like (say) using it to jack up your car or something stupid like that. Tell 'em you fought off a grizzly or something.
  4. Sucks, man. It really blows to lose your own shit, but it's worse to lose someone else's shit, even if it is the Death Star's shit.
  5. sobo


    I live to be a sprayprentice. This wretched peasant bows deeply in the presence of Thy Most Highly Revered and Omnipotent Overlord(s) of Spray.
  6. sobo


    There she goes again, using those off-the-wall sites to get her graemlins. What a SprayQueen!
  7. sobo


    Being second generation Polish myself, I can appreciate the humor of that little gem.
  8. that's disgusting dude keep me out of your perverted fantasies
  9. Szy, He's got a promo gig going on with ExtremoMtDude. Extremo's beaming pics back to iain while he's jibbin' it up down under.
  10. TLG, The boybliss site allows me access to the graemlins. The ponyexpresshorses site doesn't. Maybe I have to be subscribed to the other site's bulletin board to "have access". Hmmmm... Thanks all the same.
  11. Hey TLG, How come the sites that you get all those cool graemlins from are always "forbidden"? How do you get them? Huh? Spill it! ...sobo
  12. "Owwww! SuperGlue really works!"
  13. Yes, thank you. And thanks to you, too, Mr. Natural. I get it now.
  14. OK, googled it, hit a link, and got busted as my boss walked by my office with a bunch of sex shiz on my screen. Didn't even have time to get teh definition of the acronym. So without a lot of job-risking on my part, can someone here just post a definition for me (without links to non-work-safe pictures)? TIA
  15. sobo

    The Liberty Bill

    Fine, I didn't put the post up to initiate a discussion that is already several days old in another thread. It's just info. Thanks for your editorial.
  16. sobo

    The Liberty Bill

    A buddy of mine clued me in on this. There's both a House and a Senate bill to get the back of the $1 bill changed to include the Preamble to the Constitution, the Articles of the Constitution, and the Amendments to the Bill of Rights. Click on the dollar bill to enlarge it. Kinda cool idea, I think, since so few people really know this stuff anyway. I know I couldn't recall all of the Amendments to save my life!
  17. Your dreams have come true, iain. Live it up!
  18. What's a MILF? Very hazy head this a.m., Memory cells not in complete operational mode.
  19. sobo

    It's SO SMOKING POT...

    Sphinx, Taking liberties with my auto sig?
  20. Au contraire, mon frere. Newton didn't "invent" granvity any more than the maker of the first sundial "invented" time. He just "found out about it", as they say. but who invented reading comprehension? Still not getting it. I'm guess I'm just too drunked up at work already. Cheers, time for another one. OK, got it then. I didn't get to page 3 before smartypants got the edit in. When I went back to read it, it musta already been edited. And he had the gall to uncheck the "edit" box, too!
  21. Au contraire, mon frere. Newton didn't "invent" granvity any more than the maker of the first sundial "invented" time. He just "found out about it", as they say. but who invented reading comprehension? huh?
  22. Yeah, but you had to force the by double-posting. Poor form!
  23. Au contraire, mon frere. Newton didn't "invent" granvity any more than the maker of the first sundial "invented" time. He just "found out about it", as they say.
  24. What the hell do you do, attitude? Sit around watching the posts ratchet up, then jump in there and snag the ? I swear to god, if there was a contest for , you'd have to be the winner. Hey gapertimmy and jon, is there a way to see who's got the
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